Chapter 5: Returnal

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"Oh, man, Dipper's gonna kill me! What was I thinking..." Mabel worried, wondering how long it would take Pacifica's Parents to actually get there.

Dipper and Pacifica were blissfully unaware of Mabel's actions, and were finishing watching the movie. As the Credits roll, Pacifica looks over at Dipper who was checking the time on the nearby clock.

"Hey... Dipper?" Pacifica said, turning off the TV, leaving them only illuminated by the window.

"Yeah, Pacifica?" Dipper said, turning to look at Pacifica.

"The last few days have honestly been some of the best days I've ever had..." Pacifica stated.

"Really? I mean, I had fun, too, but I don't think," Dipper cut her off, but was quickly intervened by Pacifica continuing anyway.

"You don't know how hard it is to wake up every day, and have everything handed to you." Pacifica took a deep sigh, and stared at the carpet, "Nobody challenging you, nothing standing in your way... It was fun at first, but when it became all I was..."

Dipper put a comforting hand on Pacifica's shoulder, she smiled and turned her head back toward Dipper.

"But something changed when you came to Gravity Falls. Everyone else in this town is so dull and boring, but things really started to pick up whenever you two were involved."

"This is the Final Straw." Preston Northwest stated, as he sat in his limo with his Wife.

"Preston, I know she's been a bit... disobedient as of late, but she can change." Priscilla Northwest pleaded.

"No, no, dear. If our Daughter doesn't even want to live in the same house as us, I believe we'll need to call upon our... 'Friend', and repay our debt."

"Preston, please..." Priscilla begged.

"My foot is down, Priscilla! I will NOT have this behaviour of hers, inside and out of my household! We have a reputation to uphold, and I will not have it be tainted like this!"

"...They couldn't even let me play Mini-golf casually, I had to play each game as if my life depended on it!" Pacifica vented, she had been going on like this for a while now.

Dipper had been patiently listening, but inside he was wondering how long this anger has been building up.

"But honestly, the reason I think my life has been so much different is because, unlike everyone else in this town, you two challenge me." Pacifica stated, "Especially you. You were never too scared to stand up for Mabel when I was putting her down, or to even make fun of me personally. You slammed the door in my face, the people in this town would be scared to even blink at me!"

"Well, I wouldn't do that to you now. I know who you are now, and you're not the same Pacifica I met at the Mystery Shack Dance Party. The... one without Zombies, I mean." Dipper retold, laughing awkwardly.

"Hah, yeah... But seriously, I love when you're that confident. You should act like that more often, it suits you." Pacifica remarked.

"Yeah, I try to." Dipper said.



"I've think, I l--"

Pacifica was cut off by a knock on the door.

"I'll get it!" Mabel's voice called out, a bit nervously. Her footsteps ran down the hall and to the front door, where she opened to reveal Pacifica's Parents.

"Hello, young Girl. We heard from a... Norman, that he saw our Daughter, Pacifica Northwest, somewhere around here. Would you know anything about this?" Preston asked Mabel, staring deep into her eyes.

"Uuhh..." Mabel worried nervously, she looked behind her to see Dipper shaking his head, motioning for Mabel to be silent.

"I, uh... don't know...?" Mabel lied, trying to keep everything under control.

"This is 'Yes' or 'No', girl. Do you know anything, or was the one who gave us information on our daughter's location false?" Preston pressed Mabel.

Mabel was in a panicked state, "Uhm..."

"She doesn't know anything about this, Mr. Northwest!" Dipper intervened, seeing Mabel was obviously having trouble keeping it together.

"Are you sure?" Preston stared down Dipper.

"One hundred percent, Mr. Northwest!" Dipper confirmed.

"One hundred and TEN Percent! Yep!" Mabel added.

Preston, while still a bit skeptical, decided to take the twin's word on this one.

"Oh, man, that was close! How'd he find out?" Dipper wondered.

"I dunno... Guess this'll just have to be one mystery we never delve deeper into!" Mabel said.

Dipper shrugged, "I guess so. Besides, Pacifica doesn't have much time to stay with us anyway, and I still have a few more things I want to do with her..."

"Well, you do that. I need some sleep..." Mabel yawned, and started heading upstairs.

"Yeah, it is getting pretty late... guess we should be heading to bed as well, huh Pacifica?" Dipper said, heading back into the Living Room.

But when he did, he saw Pacifica had fallen asleep on the chair. Dipper smiled, sat beside her and fell asleep next to her. He was still curious as to what Pacifica was trying to say before they were interrupted by the door, but he'd have to find that out tomorrow.

"Well, I suppose this Norman was just another prankster. Why would she even want to go to that dingy shack out in the middle of the woods anyway?" Preston growled on the limo ride back to his mansion.

"I suppose we'll just have to hope she'll turn up eventually." Priscilla stated, "At least we don't have to deal with our little friend..."

"Oh, we will, Priscilla. I know we will." Preston said ominously.

Priscilla was shocked, "B-b-but... we don't even have her, how could we..."

"He knows where to find her, and when he does, he will do what need be done." Preston explained.

When Preston and Priscilla returned home, Preston ordered everyone to allow him privacy in his room, even his wife.

He went over to his window, and took out a Triangular Pendant with a glowing orb in the middle. He pressed down on the orb, and it flashed many colors before revealing an image of Preston's "Friend".

"It has been a while, hasn't it? I think this call means you know what has happened. Now I believe it's time for us to repay our bargain..."

From the Northwest's Mansion, a blue flaming Orb blasted out in search of it's Target. It surveyed the entire town, using a grid-like scanner to investigate buildings, caves and even underwater in search of it's target.

It flew above the town to find the Mystery Shack, where it found a match for it's target, Pacifica Northwest. The Orb flew in through an open window, and loomed over Pacifica as it watched her sleep.

The following morning, Dipper awoke bright and early to find Pacifica gone!

"Huh? Pacifica, where are you?" He called out, but nobody responded.

"Pacifica!" He called out again, and again nobody responded.

Until Mabel came downstairs, and noticed Pacifica's absence, "Hey, Bro, where'd Pacifica go?"

"I don't know, she just... vanished!" Dipper worried.

"Hey, Kids?" Grunkle Stan called out from his room, "Have any of you seen my large, black suit? You know, the one I normally wear during business hours?"

"Don't you have, like, a thousand of those?" Dipper asked.

"Yeah, but this one was... special." Grunkle Stan responded, "Have you seen it or not?"

"Man, it seems like everythings disappearing." Dipper stated, "What, did the Journals get stolen as well?"

Dipper and Mabel laughed, thinking of the possibility ridiculous. But then they both stopped laughing, and went upstairs to their room to check if the Journals were still there.

After searching for a while, they couldn't find the Journals.

"Dipper... you don't think Pacifica had anything to do with this, do you?" Mabel asked.

"Oh, don't be silly. That couldn't have possibly been the case, Pacifica might've been cruel and boastful, but she wasn't a thief." Dipper mentioned.

But that's when a note is found on Dipper's bed, written in Pacifica's Handwriting,

                                                                                      "Dear Dipper...

                        I can't believe how easy it was! You and Sh... I mean, Mabel, are really deep sleepers!                       Stealing those Journals was a cinch! I was gonna do SOMETHING with them, but I think I                            know two people who'd like them MUCH better than you ever could in a million years!

                                                                                   Later, Suckers!

                                                                                        ~ Pacifica"

"No... No, she couldn't have... no! She changed, this isn't who she is, I know it isn't!" Dipper roared, pounding at the paper.

"Face it, Dipper. Some people just never change..." Mabel comforted.

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