Introduction / Prologue

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Love Interest:

Elias Pettersson


Y/N had a bad past with men. Scratch that, she had a bad past with hockey players. She had sworn off ever getting involved with any male that played hockey so she would never have to go through what she had in the past. She was done with the lies, done with the cheating and done with hockey players. When she randomly meets Elias Pettersson, she can't help but think she finally found a good one...and then she learned what he does for a living. She tries her best to avoid him and he tries his best to pursue her. Someone's bound to give up.


"You really need to start dating again" Ashley said looking over at me.

"You know, I really don't" I laughed reaching for my water.

"Every week we go out for breakfast and every week it's the same story, nothing new in your love life" she eyed me.

"That's the way I like it" I shrugged.

"What?" She giggled focusing on her eggs.

"Nothing happening means nothing bad is happening"

"Not every guy is going to hurt you" she looked at me seriously.

"But so far they have. I knew I should have never dated another guy that plays hockey" I looked sadly at my plate.

"Don't let that sway you from romance" she spoke comfortingly.

"Maybe I should stay away from guys"

"Or maybe you should stay away from hockey players" she laughed taking a bite of food.

"That's not a bad idea actually" I smiled up at her.

"Do what you gotta do to keep your heart safe babe" she returned the smile.

"To never getting involved with another hockey player...ever again" I held up my water.

"To you never getting involved with another hockey player" she tapped my glass with hers.

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