Fifty - One

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When Gabriel called for everyone to the big room, saying that he had an important announcement, Marinette knew Nicole hadn't been kidding when she said something was going to happen. A lot of ideas of what Gabriel wanted to say came to her head, but neither of them seemed right.

Nicole dragged her feet behind Marinette as the four of them walked inside the room. Marinette hadn't even had the chance to spend time with Adrien, or talk to him. All she said was good morning, him saying it back and that was it.

"Sorry," Nicole muttered again behind Marinette, and when she heard it, Marinette knew this was going to be worse than she had imagined.

"I'm sorry to interrupt your day," Gabriel didn't look too happy himself when he walked inside the room after them. "I swear, I could have been having some tea instead of having to deal with this all over again."

When Gabriel said that out loud, Marinette could feel her heart pounding. Again?! She quickly turned to Nicole, who gave her another guilty look before looking away. No, Nicole, you didn't. . .!

"It seems like we won't be doing what I had planned to do. You know, the girl vs girl, and boy vs boy. Because now two of you will be getting disqualified for breaking one of my rules."

Marinette could then feel her heart tighten. Nicole had told on us. Nicole had somehow been there when she had kissed Adrien. This is the end. No wonder she kept apologizing!

"Marinette. . . Adrien. . ."

"I. . . What?" Adrien even looked surprised himself when he heard his name being called. In fact he looked surprised when Marinette's name was being called first.

"Nicole over here said that she caught you two in my secret room that you weren't allowed to go in, and you kissed! She even gave me proof!" Gabriel explained. "Wow, that's actually two rules broken at once."

That happened like a while ago, and Nicole chooses to call us out now? Marinette was on the verge of tears, but she quickly wiped her eyes before any of them fell off. She forced herself not to cry or look over at Adrien. She didn't expect to be getting eliminated like this. And with Adrien.

"No, you. . ." Adrien bit his lip hard. "You actually got it wrong. It wasn't Marinette's fault. It was mine."

Marinette widened her eyes, still refusing to look at Adrien. He wouldn't! After he worked his butt off to be one of the two boys that made it, he was just going to leave like that?

Gabriel looked a little confused as he looked from Marinette to Adrien. "Will you please explain a bit more to me, Adrien?"

"I. . . I tricked her into going to that room, and," Adrien looked down, not wanting to make eye contact with his father, or without anyone for that matter, "I forced her into the kiss."

Marinette clenched her fists and shut her eyes, not believing that Adrien was actually doing this. Suddenly it felt like everything was her fault. Maybe if she had really kept her distance away from Adrien, he would have given up and none of this would have happened. Maybe then he wouldn't have to lie just to get her to stay. But still, she didn't open her mouth to call Adrien out. And it didn't look like Adrien wanted her to either.

"Are you serious, Adrien?" Gabriel looked surprised, shocked even, to be hearing that come out of his own son's mouth.

"Yeah," Adrien nodded slowly. "Sorry."

"Well then if that's the case," Gabriel looked disappointed, "then I'm afraid to say this, but Adrien, you've been disqualified from the competition."

"Does that at least mean Marinette get to stay?"

Marinette and everyone else looked even more surprised to hear that come out of Adrien's mouth. He was so good at lying, it actually sounded like the truth. Marinette would have believed it if she hadn't known what actually happened, and if she hadn't known Adrien at all.

"Yes," Gabriel nodded. "If she was forced and tricked, then it doesn't count for her. She gets to stay."

"Okay." Adrien stood up, getting ready to leave the room. Marinette made a move to stand up and go to him, at least show him a sign of appreciation for doing what he did, but Nicole stopped her before she could.

"Remember. Keep your promise."

Out of sudden anger, Marinette slapped Nicole's hand away. "What is it? Were you afraid to go against me or something? Is that why you did this?"

"Marinette, I said I was sorry."

"Shut up!"

Marinette stood up when she heard the door closing. She hurried out of the room, hoping she wasn't too late. "Adrien, wait!"

Adrien stopped and turned around. "Yes?"

Marinette opened her mouth to say something, say thank you for saving her, or ask him if he was okay, but nothing came out.

"Marinette, it's okay," he gave her a small smile to show that he meant it. "Remember, you care about the competition way more than I do. It would be a waste for you to go out for something I did."

"But it wasn't fully your fau-"

"Sh," Adrien quickly placed a finger on her lips. "You don't want anyone to hear you, or else you'll go out too. Just finish and win this, okay? I'll be waiting."

"Okay," Marinette nodded.

"'K," Adrien started walking away from her again. "Bye."

Marinette shoved her hands in her pockets, watching as Adrien walked away. "Bye."

- Edited -

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