Forty - Five

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5 boys and 3 girls were left.

For the next design, the females had to make an outfit they would usually wear to a party, while the males had to design shirts. Yes, just shirts. Gabriel said he was doing this, because then later on, only the males would run, and two of them would be eliminated.

So that meant 3 boys and 1 girl were going to be getting disqualified, leaving just 2 boys and 2 girls left. Gabriel also said he was doing it like this because it would go the way he wanted in the end.

The females' designs included an outfit, the type of shoes you would wear and if you carried any item, such as bags. But the only thing you had to make was the outfit. So you didn't have to spend extra time making heels and bags, plus if you did, you weren't going to receive extra points, so that would just be a waste of time.

For this, everyone were working extra hard, trying to be the last four people to survive the round. After the round was over, the two females were going to go against each other, the two males would go against each other, and the winners of each would go against each other, and the winner of that would determine the final winner.

Marinette wasn't even sure if she was ready for all of that. One thing for sure, she was just focused on making it past this round.

For the last final round, all the disqualified ones and a lot of people that were invited were going to come to watch it, which just put the pressure on high. Gabriel released this information while he was telling then which designs to make.

Now, here they were. The 5 males and 3 females, all gathered together to perform what they had created. Marinette had finally gotten to know the other two boys' names. Adam and Louis. Brothers. And she had also gotten more info on about Nicole. Nicole hadn't come to play dirty, she wanted to win fair and square. Before she exclaimed that she hadn't been trying her best, but now she was going to give it all to win the final.

"Welcome, one and all," Gabriel started when he got to the front. He gave each of them a look. "I would just like to tell you all how proud I am that you 8 made it this far. Even if you go out this round, it is still absolutely amazing how your skills on designing are this high, so I decided that I would give out little gifts to those who don't make it, as a little appreciation for coming and for how proud I am."

There was a pause from Gabriel as the 8 of them applauded. Then Gabriel continued. "Basically what I'm trying to say is don't feel bad when you don't make it. Anyway, we must still try our best to make it this round. Without further notice, let's begin. Chloe Bourgeois."

Chloe looked prepared for all this though. She stood up from where she was sitting and trotted her way up to the front, making sure not to forget her big smile.

"Before, I wasn't really sure on what to make, but then I remembered the dress I got for my sixteenth birthday and decided to make that." Chloe held up the dress. "The dress is very important to me, because it was given to me by my mother, and she barely comes home, so I was so grateful to receive such a gift from her. Which is why I thought it would be nice to make another one and show you guys what it looked like.

"The white jacket is just random. It doesn't have any colourful designs on it because I rarely wear jackets like that. I only wear jackets that has one color or shade. I wear mostly white, black or red. The heels are also random. Just like the jacket, I like wearing one colored shade of heels, especially black."

She talked more about the purse than she did on the shoes and jacket, saying how orange bags were her absolute favourite. Overall the whole talk took about 5 minutes.

"Amazing job, Chloe. I can see you really gave it your best," Gabriel complimented as the other applauded for her. Chloe took a bow before heading back to her seat. "Next, can we have Nicole Caron?"

Nicole stood up to walk up to the front. While she was walking past Chloe, Chloe bumped into her shoulder, causing Nicole to drop her bag, and Marinette could immediately tell it had been on purpose.

"Oops," Chloe put two fingers up her lips and showed fake pity.

"It's fine," Nicole muttered, bending down to pick up the bag. Her face was flushed, knowing she took too long to get up to the front.

Chloe sat down, and Marinette with her hands clenched moved her seat and sat down next to Chloe.

"You shouldn't have done that! What good will it bring you?!" Marinette said, while Nicole presented her outfit.

"And why do you care?!" Chloe hissed.

"Ugh!" Marinette rolled her eyes and headed back to her seat, before turning to the front. Talking to Chloe was so not worth it. She looked over again at Nicole's outfit while Nicole was in the middle of talking about her dress.

"Whatever," Marinette overheard Chloe say. "It looks nowhere as good as mine. Plus I had a pretty good story on it too."

Marinette couldn't stand her, so she moved two seats away from Chloe just to get away from her annoying presence.

"And these heels were the same exact heels I wore to go to my first party. Figured I should bring them over, because I had a feeling there was going to be a round including heels," Nicole continued. She finished off with talking about the earrings.

"What a spot-on outfit, Nicole. That is absolutely one of the best I've had."

Marinette smirked at the compliment from Gabriel given to Nicole. Why did her compliment sound way better than the one Gabriel had given Chloe? Marinette could even see Chloe frowning as well, so she knew the blonde agreed.

"Now for the last female, we have Marinette Dupain-Cheng."

Marinette stood up. She was careful not to get tripped over by Chloe, or have her bump into her. Clutching unto her outfit, she scurried over to the front, having the full awareness that the attention was all on her now.

Before she started, she saw Adrien give her a thumbs up, making her smile a little bit. It made her feel better, especially when Alya wasn't here.

Unlike the other two girls, Marinette started explaining the heels first; the first time she got them, how many times she's worn them, and why they was special to her. Then she moved on to the bag. She wanted to explain the 'unimportant' things first, before moving on to the 'important' item, which would be the dress.

"-At first I didn't like the bag when it was given to me, but then I learnt to understand that the bag was actually passed down from my grandma, to my mother, and now to me. It still works well. And now for the jacket and dress-

"I was actually trying to make a pink dress and a grey jacket, but then something went wrong with the pink dress I was making, so I made a jacket out of it instead, and restarted another dress. Decided to make it grey the second time, because it just reminded me of the first party I went to. Got drink all over my red dress, so Alya offered me a grey one.

"Basically, I don't care what kind of dress I have to wear to a party, as long as it's red/black, grey or pink and at least up to my knees. Same goes for the jacket, except for the knee part."

At first Marinette couldn't think of a good story to go behind her outfits, that is until Alya came into her mind. Remembering Alya reminded her of the twins, which reminded her that she had to be more confident and make better designs if she wanted to win.

"Splendid outfit you've made, Marinette. Absolutely amazing. I cannot take my eyes off of it," Gabriel applauded with the others, which was a little surprising, but also very pleasing to Marinette.

"Amazing job," Nicole whispered over to Marinette when she had returned back to her seat. Marinette sent her a smile back, replying at how Nicole's outfit had been amazing as well. "But yours was way better."

"Ugh, you two losers!" Chloe folded her arms. "You're not supposed to congratulate and compliment each other. None of you have won anything yet, and besides, in this competition, you're enemies, not friends!"

Marinette and Nicole just ignored her.

"Now," Gabriel fixed his eyes over to the boys. "It's time for the males to show off their outfits."

- Edited -

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