Forty - One

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"You may now enter!"

Each and everyone of them entered the giant room. Again Gabriel stood at the front and did his usual introduction. "Today, you'll be showing off the new designs you were supposed to make. Jackets."

Marinette looked around the room, seeing that only a small amount of people were here now. There were supposed to be 14 people left ever since Juleka, Alya and Nino were disqualified, but Lydia, Ella and Emily had gotten disqualified just 4 days ago, making it 10 more contestants; 6 boys and 4 girls.

"First off will be Daniel."

Marinette accidentally looked to her side as Daniel walked up to the front. Adrien, who sat two seats away from her, waved, but she only looked back to the front to watch.

Daniel's jacket:

Marinette didn't make any effort to lift up her hands and clap like the rest of the others. Quickly the next boy went, and it was only a few seconds later that she realized it was Adrien who was next.

Adrien's jacket:

Gabriel tapped his pen on his notebook as the next boy went, keeping notes like he usually did.

Nathaniel's jacket:

Marc's jacket:

The boys are going first.

Marinette looked back to see the girls that were left. Her, Chloe, Rose and another girl she didn't even know.

The other two boys went without Marinette paying attention. When she heard Chloe's name being called, she widened her eyes and turned to the front, seeing that it was the girls' turn now.

I'm not paying attention! I'm just so distracted. . . Especially with the fact that Adrien has switched seats with the guy sitting right next to me. Ugh! He knows I hate him now. Why does he keep trying?!

Chloe's jacket:

Marinette made eye contact with Chloe, and when she wanted to smile at her, Chloe just glared. Marinette frowned. Chloe's new changed look seemed to tell her, it was just a one-time thing! We aren't friends!

Marinette shuddered and pulled herself into a tight hug. Is there no one I can really turn to now? It's as if I'm alone in this. . . Well, of course I'm alone. Trust nobody in this competition!

After Chloe talked about her jacket, she headed back to her seat, while Rose was being called to the front. While she watched, Marinette noticed Chloe send a small wink to Adrien. It made her clench her fists, but softened a little when she knew she didn't want anything to do with Adrien. At least for now.

Of course Chloe still likes him. Her crush isn't just going to disappear like that. It doesn't work that way. And you know that because yours haven't gone away either, no matter how hard you're trying.

Having to admit it wasn't that hard, she just wished she couldn't. Usually she was always making up excuses whenever around Adrien, and whenever Alya mentioned that she liked him, but now. . . She couldn't find a single excuse.


Marinette rolled her eyes when Adrien spoke. She stood up and scooted over to the seat the opposite of her. "I don't want to talk to you," She muttered, hoping Adrien heard and got the hint.

So what if she still liked him?! There was no way she was forgiving him for what he did! There was no way she was going to run into his arms like that as if nothing had happened.

Except if he's actually telling the truth... You know your number 1 rule has always been to never fall into Chloe's traps, but when you met the twins, you changed it. You changed the rule to 'never believe what the twins say.'

Rose's jacket:

"Marinette, I said I was sorry," Adrien was still talking. "I swear those two girls were lying!"

"I don't care if they were lying!" Marinette snapped, louder than she had wanted to. "Just leave me alone!"

Even though she couldn't see behind her, she could just imagine how his hurt face was shaped. She focused to the front again as Rose started walking back to her seat.

"Marinette Dupain-Cheng. . ."

That's me. Now that she really thought about it, she hadn't really put so much effort in her jacket, but she stood up anyway. She glanced over at Adrien, but he had his head bent down.

Sorry if I was a little too harsh. . .

She wanted to have said that out loud, but she didn't. She didn't open her mouth to apologize, so instead she walked up to the front.

Marinette's jacket:

Of course Chloe still likes him. . .

Marinette didn't talk much, which wasn't good. She still had a lot on her mind. Was it her or did this room suddenly get so depressing?

Of course Chloe still likes him. . .

Why was she repeating the same words in her head? She glanced over at Chloe, but the blonde only glared back at her.

Okay, I get it. We're enemies. Geez!

Right after Marinette was the girl that Marinette didn't know about. When Gabriel called her name, Marinette learned that her name was Nicole. It even said so on the jacket she had made.

Nicole's jacket:

Damn, she must have worked hard on that jacket? Harder than any of us. Marinette shook her head, but this time finally got the strength to stand up and clap with the others.

"And now the time that you all have been waiting for," Gabriel took the mic again as he started speaking. "You all did amazing, but I think that there were two jackets that weren't exactly as amazing as the rest."

I'm tired. . . Marinette felt her eyes getting heavier and heavier. Of course, she hadn't gotten enough sleep last night due to so many things on her mind.

Should I give him another chance?

No! Marinette you need to focus on this competition. Deal with your boy problems after!

"Daniel and Rose!"

Marinette instantly shot a look of pity towards Rose. Rose didn't seem to mind though; it was as if she had planned all this. It was as if she wanted to get eliminated.

"Ha!" Chloe mouthed over at Rose. "You. . . Lose!"

And then there were 8.

~ Edited ~


New account:

I would update again, but my phone is at low battery. Until next time!

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