Forty - Three

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"P.s: if you're not Marinette, and you have this paper, then go and give it to her. Do Not Read if you're NOT Marinette!

It started off with a dare. Back then, I hardly knew you, but I wanted to know you, so I agreed to the dare. Well, I also agreed to the dare because I thought it would be fun, but I swear, that was back then.

When I heard you had made it to the competition, I was more than happy, and I thought the reason why I was happy was because I could finally start trying to make you fall for me. But really, the only reason why I was happy was because I realized I got to spend time with you if I pulled my cards right.

I was still focused on the dare, but then I just started to annoy you for fun. I would speak to you and would love it when you spoke back. I would text you and would be surprised when you texted back. I kept battling with myself that I was doing this for a dare and not because I liked you.

Later on, I had completely forgotten about the dare. I forgot the dare had even existed in the first place, and the only reason why I approached you was because I wanted to hang out with you. (Plus I wanted to get away from Chloe).

When I asked you to go as my date to the first party we had, it wasn't just because I wanted Chloe to leave me alone, but because I wanted to spend time with you. I knew you were going to say no if I just asked you, so that's why I made up the excuse that I just wanted to get away from Chloe.

(Remember we made a deal; if you went with me, you could ask for anything and I'll do it for you. You still haven't asked me for anything yet).

I'm not going to name out what happened between us in that room, because someone else may be reading this, but when it happened, it just felt so right. And I wanted to do it again, not even caring if we were going to get caught. Remember when I said there was a spider on your back? Yeah that was just an excuse to get closer to you, and then do it. (Marinette, there are no spiders in this place. Do you know how freaked out my father would be?)

And then when we went out to our *ahem* you know what, I loved it. It wasn't perfect but I wanted to do again. I wanted the whole competition to end so we could do all these things without getting caught, or without having to look into the rules.

I then remembered about the dare when Emily and Ella mentioned it. I don't know how they figured it out, because they weren't even there. They weren't lying. Yes I did agree to the dare, but I forgot about it a while back. All those things I was doing; getting closer to you, it wasn't just to make you fall for me. It was because I actually liked you.

I know a paper of apology isn't going to cut it, so I'm willing to make it up to you in anyway you want.

- Adrien"

Marinette looked through the paper again, and sighed, putting it down.

I even forgot all about the deal we made back then. She smiled at the memory. Could have been better, but it hadn't been that bad.

And then there was the first kiss they had. Oh gosh, what have you done to me, Adrien?! She sighed again. I can tell he's really trying. Maybe I should give him a second chance. Forget all these Emily and Ella memories even happened. Forgot the twins even said that to me. Forget about even knowing the dare.

Alright I'll send him a reply.

She was about to get out a piece of paper, when her phone dinged again. Would it be Adrien, wondering if I've read this letter? Hopefully it's Alya. She hasn't texted me back ever since she got disqualified. I'm starting to get worried of her.

She picked up her phone, but then glared at it. What?! It's Chloe again! What does she want?! This time Marinette clicked on the new message.

C - Marinette, I noticed how you haven't checked out the recording I sent you. You should check it out, it's very important. Then maybe you will really learn the truth about how much Adrien cares about you!

Marinette gritted her teeth, but tapped on the recording out of curiosity anyway.

"It's just that I think Marinette is unto me. She keeps giving me these weird looks as if we're still friends when we aren't. I've been hurting myself thinking I'm the reason why you two broke up. . ." Chloe's voice.

"You hurt yourself?" Adrien's voice.

As soon as Marinette heard his voice, she knew she wasn't going to like this recording at all!

"I'm fine, I promise. So, about that date? Do you wanna go out with me?"


Marinette dropped her phone on the table, not as gently as the last time. Thoughts clouded over in her mind, the words repeating all over and over again.

He agreed to go out with her?

She then looked back at the paper she still had in her hands, before she clutched it, glared, and started leaving the room.

I'm not an idiot!

~ Edited ~

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