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Lydia slowly made her way towards Nathaniel, who was sitting, being
on his phone.

"Hey." She tapped his on the shoulder and he looked up. "Do you perhaps have Marinette's phone number? We're making this thing and I forgot some materials, so I want to ask her to bring some."

Nathaniel looked unsure, but nodded and handed her his phone. "Be quick."

"Oh, don't worry. I will." Lydia smirked to herself and looked at Marinette's phone number, trying to memorise it. Once she was done, she handed the phone back at Nathaniel.

"Marinette isn't picking up. Sorry for wasting your time."

"No problem," Nathaniel shrugged and took his phone back, not bothered a slightest bit. Lydia thanked him and started walking away.

She kept repeating Marinette's phone number over and over in her head until she reached Chloe's room, where Chloe was waiting for her.

"Well, you got it?" Chloe looked up at her, her phone in her hands. Lydia nodded and said the number out loud, while Chloe typed it out on her phone.

Great. Hope this works!


Why was Adrien so mad while I was talking to Nathaniel? Marinette sighed as she returned to her room. She had been trying to get the thought out her mind, but she couldn't. Is it possible that... Adrien may have feelings for me?

She shook her head crazily. No, of course that wouldn't be it. He was probably mad that I didn't put enough trust on him on that contest. But he makes me hot want to trust him.

Marinette sighed again. She took a seat on her bed and went over the thoughts again. Adrien looked at her as if he didn't like it that she was being with Nathaniel. It was as if he was being... Jealous. Marinette wasn't even sure if she wanted Adrien to like her. One thing for sure, she didn't like him; she thought he was annoying, and he most likely took this whole thing as a joke.

Her phone beeped and she picked it up seeing that it was a call from an Unknown. She picked it up and listened to what this person had to say.

"I don't like Marinette, for goodness sake. You don't know what's going on!"

Marinette quickly realized it was Adrien's voice; she could guess it quite quickly by how much time she had already heard it when she didn't want to. At first she was relieved that Adrien didn't actually like her, but then she started to wonder who could have sent her this?

That's when she started having some guesses. She had seen Chloe walk away with Adrien whole she was talking with Nathaniel. Chloe had even followed Adrien up to his room, so perhaps it was her. And maybe someone was helping her along.

Marinette rolled her eyes, liking the way the record had backfired. She didn't really like Adrien; Chloe must have thought she did, and wanted to make her feel down when she heard this, but it absolutely failed.

Marinette turned her phone off. Maybe for the rest of this competition, Adrien could actually stay out of her way, so she could focus more. And Chloe really had to stop trying so hard. The next time there's a team needed for a design, Marinette was definitely going to try to work with Alya.

She placed her phone on her table, and that's when she heard music blasting from the room next to hers. Knowing who it was, Marinette clenched her fists and headed out her room to Adrien's room. His door wasn't even closed, and it's not like the walls were soundproof either.

"Adrien!" Adrien was surprised to hear Marinette call out for his name. When he got out of bed and turned to face her, she had already entered his room. She also looked annoyed as well. Seeing her reminded Adrien of what had just happened, hearing her say all those words Nathaniel as if it was no big deal and it wasn't going to hurt anyone. What Marinette said about him had brought him to the conclusion that he wouldn't like a girl like her, and maybe that's why he had said no to Chloe.

Already knowing what Marinette was here for, Adrien slowly turned down the music. Marinette thanked him and started heading out, until Adrien called out for her to stop.

"Marinette," he shouldn't have been letting those words distract him from other things, but he wanted to know anyway. "You know what you were saying to Nathaniel? Did you mean any of them?"

Marinette froze for a moment, remembering her conversation with Nathaniel from earlier. Adrien had looked jealous, he had just felt upset. "Um... No."

Adrien widened his eyes. "Really? Then why did you tell him all that?"

"Uh... I was just... I wasn't really thinking. But I definitely didn't want Nathaniel to misunderstand us, that's all." Marinette nodded, and turned to leave again.

"Do... Do you like him?"

The question made her to stop and actually think about it. "I don't know," she finally shrugged. "But you know what? He would have probably made a better partner than you!" And she hurried out of the room.

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