Sixty - Eight

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"I now declare Marinette winner of the competition!!"

Hearing those words fall out of Gabriel's mouth was something Marinette hadn't expected. Overwhelmingly, Marinette headed to the stage, right beside Gabriel just as Nathalie had instructed. She didn't know what to do as more and more people cheered for her, calling out her name, waving their signs like crazy, and clapping with huge grins on their faces. Marinette turned her head over to where her friends were sitting. They gave her thumbs up, and Marinette could tell they were cheering louder than the others.

Even throughout everything I'd gone through, I still made it. I hadn't done it alone, I hadn't been alone. If I had, I would have broken long ago and I wouldn't be here right now. Thank you, everyone, for supporting me like the amazing people you are. Thank you for not giving up on me even when I was ready to give up on myself. Thank you for still loving me, even when I wasn't in my finest moment. Thank you.



"Congrats, Mari, you totally deserve it!"

All around as she walked towards her friends and family, people spoke these words to her, gave her a thumbs up, and some had even pulled her into a surprising hug. She pushed past more people until she was finally in front of the people she wanted to be with.

Alya ran over to her first, pulling her into a tight hug as the others circled around her. "I knew you could do it! Excellent job, Marinette." As she said those words, Marinette looked behind her to see someone walk in through the opened door. Nicole immediately looked over at her and waved with a small smile.

Marinette sighed. "Hold on, you guys. I'll be back." She headed towards Nicole, who was quietly waiting for her by the door. "Hey. You're here? How have you been doing?" She wasn't even sure why she was being nice. Nicole was the reason why Adrien hadn't won this with her.

"Uh, I just. . . I just wanted to congratulate you," Nicole immediately looked to the floor.

"Thanks." Marinette nodded. Why had she even come over? She had better friends to talk to. "Um, I hope you're doing great. I gotta go." Marinette turned around and started heading back to her friends who were waiting.

"Hey, we decided!" Alya spoke up first as usual. "Why don't we go out to celebrate?"

"Sounds good." Marinette shrugged with a smile.

"You wanna invite her?" Alya pointed over at Nicole, who was leaving through the opened door. "She seems kinda sad."

"Yeah, I guess," Marinette shrugged. "But I'm not doing it." She laughed a little. It was a little awkward between her and Nicole now. This little invite wasn't her way of forgiving Nicole for what she did, though she guessed it was necessary, because Adrien and her had broken the rule in the first place.

Marinette watched as Alya walked over to Nicole and started informing her about the celebration they were going to have. When she turned around, Adrien was right in front of her, looking down at her face with this huge smile. "What?"

Then Adrien leaned over, and embraced her in a hug, surprising Marinette a little bit. "I knew you could do it," He murmured against her shoulder, making sure she heard. "Finally, this competition is all over, and we're free to do whatever we want-"

"Whoa okay, slow your horses," Marinette laughed a little, earning a grin from Adrien. When she turned back around, Alya and Nicole were coming over.

"We're ready to go," Alya exclaimed as she looked at everyone. Then she started leading the way towards the door.

While walking, Marinette looked down at Adrien's hand, before placing hers in his. "I hope you don't mind," She muttered, holding his hand now like couples sometimes do. Adrien just chuckled and shook his head, and they walked out the door with the happiest looks on their faces.

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