Thirty - One

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Marinette laughed for the fifth time as Adrien pulled another joke. She couldn't believe this was happening, but she was actually having fun with Adrien.

Adrien stopped and smiled. "So, I take if that you're having a good time then?"

"I.. I guess," Marinette stopped laughing and turned the other way.

"Don't be so stubborn. I know you're having fun," Adrien rolled his eyes. "If you want, we can do this again soon. Next time, it could even be a da-"

"Adrien, stop," Marinette sighed and stood up. "Should have known you were just trying to get me on a date."

"Well, what did you think? That I was just hanging out with you as friends?!" Adrien folded his arms. "I don't understand how you can be so serious all the time. I mean sure, the competition means a lot to you, but if you're serious all the time, you would even forget what the word 'fun' means!

Marinette looked down, not wanting to admit that he was right. "Fine, I won't be so serious anymore."

"How can I trust that you're not lying to me?! Ooh, I know how you can get me to trust you." Adrien stood up and walked to her side, coming close to her. "Go out with me!"

Marinette stared up at him a for a few moment, before she groaned. "Fine! I'll do it!"

"Marinette, I'm not forcing you. You can totally make your own choice," Adrien added. "You're just going to regret it later on if you do reject me!"

"I said yes!" Marinette exclaimed, grabbing him by the shoulders and furiously shaking him. "Now can we go back?"

"Yeah, yeah, sure, whatever!"


*3 days later*

Marinette looked around the big room. As usual, a girl that was not her got eliminated in the next round. She counted the amount of girls and boys that were still here; 7 girls and 5 boys.

In the boys group there was of course Adrien, then Nino, Nathaniel, Marc, and one other boy that Marinette did not know of. She did remember his name being Daniel. The remaining girls were Emily, Ella, Lydia, Chloe, Rose, Alya and herself.

Marinette was in her room, thinking about her date with Adrien that she was supposed to have tomorrow. Would she even have time to finish her next outfit?

A knock came on her door and she opened it to find a woman there. The woman handed her a piece of paper, telling her it had the information for the next design they were making. Marinette nodded, took it from her and thanked her.

She walked up to her desk and unfolded the paper, reading what it said.

Next Outfit - Jumpsuit
Your jumpsuit can be in one color, if you can't find a design for it, but it cannot be in either white or black. You have a higher chance of making it to the next round if you do put a design on your outfit.

This time you have 4 days to finish your outfit. The other rules are kept the same.

Marinette placed the paper aside after reading it, feeling a lot better knowing that they had 4 days now. She flipped through pages on her sketch book; she never ran out of ideas when it came to making designs, especially after going to that room with Adrien.

She stared at her pages, until hers landed on a specific one. Yup, I'm using this one! She smiled, knowing she made the right choice. Now I'll just take a 2 hour break before getting started.

Deciding on that idea, Marinette existed her room, going downstairs to Alya's room. What she found weird when she got there though, was that the door was opened but Alya wasn't inside.

Marinette closed the opened door, before turning around to go look for her friend. Soon she found herself going downstairs and opening every doors she could. Finally she came to one room, where she heard Alya's voice.

Wondering why Alya would be downstairs instead of in her room, Marinette entered the room. She silently closed the door behind her, and walked father inside the room.

She then widened her eyes when she saw a scene that she wasn't supposed to see.


~ Edited ~

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