Thirty - Six

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Who knew going on a date with Adrien Agreste could be so fun?

Before all Marinette thought about was how horrible it would be to go out with Adrien. But after her hangout with him, she changed her mind. Now she was glad she changed her mind.

Adrien had been absolutely nothing but a gentleman. It made Marinette wonder to herself if this was even the same Adrien she knew. He knew when to stop, he knew when he was being too flirty and knew when she felt uncomfortable about it. It was a whole new Adrien.

"We only went to a restaurant on our first date, because we can't go far from Gabriel," Adrien spoke as the limo door was opened. "Next time, I want to take you to a much funner place."

"But I did have fun," Marinette climbed inside the limo, Adrien behind her. "Honestly, I thought you would act horribly and flirty like you usually did, but were surprisedly on your best behavior."

"I wouldn't want to scare you off," Adrien chuckled.

They reached Gabriel, and stepped out of the limo. Going inside, they realized the lights were still on. It wasn't really that late at night; it was about 8:30pm, but all of them were expected to sleep at 9:30. Gabriel said the more earlier they slept, the more wide awake they would be in the next morning.

"Hey, you guys are back..."

Marinette and Adrien turned to who had spoke, seeing Emily and Ella coming towards them. Marinette was quick to ball her hands into fists, but released them as she didn't want to lose her good mood so quickly.

"Yeah, we are," Instead she nodded. "And you care, because...?"

"Oh, so you like Adrien now?" Ella looked a little surprised, before she changed her face into a more happier one. "Huh, seems like you succeeded then, Adrien."

Marinette frowned. "What... What is that supposed to mean?"

If there was one thing she learned from her stay here, it was to not trust her enemies, which were mostly Ella and Emily. She thought Lydia and Chloe were bad but those girls were too easy to get around. Ella and Emily were hella bad, and it triggered Marinette so much that they were trying to find a way to eliminate others.

She just wanted to play fair. She wanted to win fairly. She didn't want any cheating at all! Chloe and Lydia had already tried to frame her; it was a good thing Nathaniel came to her rescue. She didn't want Ella and Emily coming and doing the same thing. They were already too much to handle.

"Oh, don't you know?" Emily smirked, looking from Adrien to Marinette. "Before we all came here, Adrien was dared to make a girl fall for him, and that girl was you."

Marinette and Adrien; both of their mouths hanged opened, as if totally shocked at what Emily had just said. Marinette waited for Adrien to tell her that it wasn't true, but it never came, so she decided to ask herself.

"Adrien, is this true?"

"Don't lie to her, Adrien, or else she's going to hate you more," Ella giggled, as if loving it, which she was. "Marinette, we just wanted to warn you. It was all just a dare. Come on, Em, let's leave so they can figure it out together."

The girls trotted away, while Marinette turned over to Adrien again and asked the same question. Adrien kept quiet, not knowing what to say. It was as if his lips were sealed shut and he couldn't speak no matter what he did.

"I can't believe you!" Marinette stepped away from him. If it wasn't true, Adrien would have said something to defend himself.

"But I swear, while we were on that date, I didn't think of it as a dare!" Adrien then exclaimed. His face was still surprised, wondering how Emily and Ella knew that one information. They didn't even go to the same school! "Marinette, I absolutely meant it when I asked you out."

"Oh, did you now? Or is that what you're just saying to make me fall for you even more?!" Marinette knew she should never had gotten into this mess. She should have made sure it was okay to date Adrien, before she went and did it.

She turned around and started running up the stairs to her room. When she entered her room, she banged her door closed and fell on her bed.

~ Edited ~

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