Twenty - Six

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16 people remained, Marinette being one of those 16. For this next design, Gabriel had decided to once again cut them into two groups: boys on one side and girls on the other.

"For the males," Gabriel began, "your next design is a vest. Your vest has to have very creative designs on it. For the females, your next design will be a skirt, which also has to have very creative designs on it. You're not allowed to work together this time. For this round, two people will be going home, one will be a boy and the other a girl.... Any questions so far?"

They all shook their heads, some of them muttering no. Gabriel nodded. "Alright, you may now begin!"

Marinette was about to head up to her room when someone tapped her on the shoulder. She expected it to be Adrien, but once she turned around, she saw two girls instead.

The two girls were twin sisters, and Marinette quickly knew who they were. "Hey, you're Emily and Ella. Hey I just want to say, your pant design was amazing!"

Emily, the girl with a blue headband turned to Ella, who had the red headband. Emily rolled her eyes, and chuckled. "Yes, we also know who you are. Marinette. We just wanted to tell you that you're going down!"

Marinette frowned. "I'm sorry?"

"We didn't come here to play nice," Ella folded her arms. "We're taking you down, no matter how good you think you are. Your designs you've created so far hasn't gotten anywhere as awesome as ours. Right, Emily?" Emily nodded her head, agreeing.

"We just wanted to tell you that you better look out. Today might just be your last day here," The girls laughed and walked past her, leaving Marinette confused as to what had just happened.

She groaned and started heading upstairs to her room, wanting to quickly start her skirt design. First, like she always did, she made a couple of designs that could go on her skirt. Later on she would pick which one that was the best for her skirt.

After a while she realized that none of her designs were good enough. Usually she would have been proud of her designs, but after what Emily and Ella told her, she just wanted to be the best. She wanted to prove them wrong.

She then heard footsteps entering her room, and she face palmed herself, knowing that she forgot to close her door.

"Hey," Adrien's voice came up, and Marinette turned to him, not saying anything. It was really awkward, knowing that Marinette had just said that she had no feelings for him out loud. Maybe... Maybe that had been a lie.

"Follow me," Adrien said again, leaving Marinette with a frown. "You seem to he having problems, so I found a way to help you," He said again.

"How did you know I was having problems?" Marinette looked back at her designs.

"I did overhear what Emily and Ella told you," Adrien admitted. "I... Want to help you..."


"I just do."

"Adrien, you should be focusing on your design!" Marinette groaned. She thought she was warming up to Adrien, but his stubbornness was something she wasn't going to get used to any sooner. "Remember, you have to make a vest. Why don't you start working on that now?"

Adrien walked up to her, taking her arm. "I will. Just come with me."

Marinette groaned again, but stood up and followed him out the door.

"I was roaming around this place for quite a while, and I found this amazing room that is going to help you," Adrien was walking her downstairs. Marinette felt stupid. She was supposed to he working in her design now, and instead she chose to follow Adrien. She and Adrien weren't close enough for her to trust him.

"Alright, let me see this amazing room that you found," She rolled her eyes but continued to follow Adrien anyway.

He then started leading her downstairs. There were a lot of stairs leading to downstairs, and Marinette guessed that they were probably going to the basement.

Finally they reached the last step, and Adrien started opening the door. "Are you sure we're allowed to be here?" Marinette asked, looking around. She felt like she was breaking a rule of some sort.

"Yeah, totally," Adrien nodded with a smirk. When he opened the door, he let Marinette in first, before he walked inside, closing the door behind him. The place was dark, because the lights weren't on yet. Adrien walked around, until he felt the light switch with his fingers. He turned the lights on and turned back to Marinette.

"WHOA!!!" Marinette looked around with wide eyes. The room was huge! Marinette noticed, that were a lot of paintings on the walls. A bunch of amazing designs that people had come up with.

"My Father made most of these, but these designs were made by some of my father's friends," Adrien explained. "You're not allowed to copy any of these designs, Marinette, but I figured that maybe it would give you an idea on what to do for your design."

Marinette couldn't believe what she was hearing. Without thinking, she was hugging Adrien the next minute. "Thank you, thank you!" She pulled away and looked around again. This room was amazing.

Adrien smiled. "You like it?" Marinette nodded as she looked through each and everyone of the designs. "Marinette, wait."

Marinette stopped and looked back at him. "Yeah...?"

Adrien hit his lips. "Uh... I... You have a spider on your back."

"What?!" Marinette could have screamed if Adrien hadn't covered her mouth. She hated spiders. What was one even doing on her back.

"Here, let me take it off," Adrien chuckled as he leaned in closer. He reached over for Marinette's back, and that was when Marinette noticed how close Adrien had come to her face.

"We're not supposed to..." Before she could finish her sentence, Adrien had already pressed his lips against hers. We're not supposed to be doing this! Isn't there a camera in here? Gabriel will catch us and disqualify us!

What she didn't know....was that she was kissing back... And she enjoyed it.

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