part : 21

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They both came downstairs where Janvi and Tej were waiting for them. Anika took their blessings along with Shivaay and sat on the ground because they have arranged puja for them.

"Anika first attend this puja and then make something sweet for breakfast", said Janvi. Anika nodded and looked towards Shivaay who was staring at fire (agni).  She was going to ask him the reason why he is lost when Tej caught their attention

"But Janvi they have to visit their home as well because Shivaay will go to pick up Priyanka so if we will send her then rasam will be completed", said Tej because his daughter is there. He wants to meet Priyanka now. He doesn't think much about rituals but it was just for Priyanka and Shivaay. He doesn't like nor hate Anika as she is new in this world. His main motive was to send Shivaay out for a deal. Janvi was not leaving him so he thought to send Shivaay

"Ok bade Papa", he said and they both performed rituals together. This ritual was for their bright future. The priest asked them to take blessings. They again took their blessings and Anika moved toward the kitchen

She prepared halwa for everyone and came out. Everyone was waiting for her at the dining table. She placed halwa on the table and started serving. When she served everyone she came near Shivaay as beside him one seat was empty

"Bhabhi did bhaiya punish you?", Asked Rudra

"No why?", Asked Anika and looked towards Shivaay who himself was clueless

"Because you are not having breakfast. Did bhaiya ask you to behave like an ideal wife that you will eat after him that too in his plate?", Asked Rudra. When Om and Tej and Janvi heard his reply they giggled whereas Anika sat on her seat being embarrassed

"Shut up Rudra. I am not among the guys who will ask women to wait till I eat. Sometimes I skip meals too so that doesn't mean she has to skip meals. It's her wish idiot I don't know why she was standing like that. I guess because of nervousness", he said and looked toward Anika

"Yes I was just nervous and you guys are not telling me how is halwa? Don't know why I am that nervous?", said Anika genuinely because she is nervous. It's not her first time making halwa but the first time with her in-laws which matters a lot. Sometimes the first impression is the last

"It's ok Anika. Halwa is very delicious. God bless you", said Janvi after tasting halwa. Hearing her reply others too started eating halwa and praised her. Even Tej praised her which shocked her as till now he had never shown any happiness in this marriage which was hurting her but his one praise made her day today

"It's really very delicious", said Tej and finished eating halwa in seconds

"Thank you so much", she replied and turned her plate to have her breakfast.

After breakfast, everyone gave her money which is a part of the ritual and blessings as well.

In the afternoon Shivaay and Anika were leaving to take Priyanka for pag phera rasam. When they were about to go Tej called Shivaay

"Shivaay", called Tej. Shivaay and Anika stopped in middle and turned toward him

"Yes bade Papa?", asked Shivaay. Tej came near them and took a deep breath before replying

"Shivaay there is a meeting in the office with Rajput so can you attend it? I am very tired and Janvi will not let me go so, can you? If not then I will postpone it", said Tej without making any eye contact. He knows Shivaay will never say a now so automatically deal is in their hands.

"No problem bade Papa. I will attend it", said Shivaay with a smile. Anika looked towards Shivaay who himself was tired but still, he will manage the meeting but how? That too with her

"But how? Sorry to interrupt but bade Papa we are going to take Priyanka so she will be hurt after knowing that Shivaay is in office", said Anika trying to ask Tej to postpone the meeting which was not his intention. He just lied that he will postpone the meeting whereas, in reality, he was not going to do so

"He will visit the office before he visits Priyanka", said Tej sternly. Anika nodded as she felt insulted by his harsh tone on the first day. Her eyes started getting watery as this environment was looking good before but now after marriage, she is feeling like she is in a hostel

"Ok bade Papa", said Shivaay.  Tej nodded and went from there. Anika too left from there leaving Shivaay alone. She sat inside the car and wiped tears which fall from her eyes. She wiped her tears and masked a happy face. She realised that she was wrong to interrupt thier family matter. She jerked when she heard the opening sound of the door. She looked towards Shivaay who sat inside the car and tied his seatbelt

"I am sorry for interrupting your family matters. It's... just I ..thought you were ...tired so...I wanted him to postpone meeting", stammered Anika and looked down after completing her sentence as his blue-green eyes are always hypnotizing which always makes her weak. She doesn't want to fall for him but a little bit she knows that she is falling for him more and more daily

"It's ok don't give explanations. You can wait for me in my cabin", he said to which Anika nodded. Shivaay started driving smoothly. After some time he felt a weight on his shoulder and noticed that Anika was sleeping on his shoulder but the thing which caught his attention was her seatbelt which she forgot to wear. On the highway, he can't tie her seatbelt so he started calling her. After calling her 2-3 times she woke up and realised her position

"Sorry I didn't realise when I slept", she said

"It's ok just wear your Seatbelt", he said as he know even though she is tired. The whole day they were busy and from morning to they are busy. She woke up early too so she must be tired he thought

Anika nodded and fastened her seatbelt.

After some time they reached his office. Anika already asked him in the morning to hide their relationship from the media and their marriage so Anika walked towards the garden of his office. Some people know about their marriage but not many

"Don't wait there come inside you are already tired. It may take some time", he said. Anika nodded as she don't want to argue with him. They were moving inside when Anika heard someone's familiar voice which scared her.

"Go and wait for me in my cabin ", Shivaay said and moved toward some people. Anika's heartbeat increased hearing that voice. She hoped for God to prove it to be her misunderstanding when she stepped back after watching the face of that man

"Ohh my God he is here...  Now I think I should leave before he could see me because he may try to manipulate Shivaay", thought Anika and waited for them to leave. When they left Anika ran out of the office.

"I will never fall weak", she motivated herself and started breathing heavily

She sat in his car and turned on the radio. After an hour Shivaay came toward her and found her sleeping

"Don't know when she came here. Anyways I think I should not disturb her now. Already I'm late", he thought and started driving after checking whether she is wearing a seatbelt or not.

After half an hour they reached Priyanka's in-law's house and took her toward the Oberoi mansion. While coming back Anika was with Gauri and Shivaay with Priyanka as siblings may fight but from inside they love each other most

(I don't know anything regarding ritual 😅so skipping it)

"So give your gifts", said Janvi and turned towards Shivaay and Daksh.

Daksh pulled out a Payal and gave her one collage with their college pics. Priyanka jumped in happiness and hugged him

"Thank you so much Daksh", said Priyanka. Daksh smiled and pulled her cheeks. Anika giggled watching them and looked towards Shivaay

Shivaay gave her one gift box. Anika started opening it. She remembered that in the morning he was talking about it so it must be special for him she thought

"Bracelet", whispered Anika and took out a bracelet which was made of gold. In between, there were two triangles and the whole bracket was having moons which impressed her

"It's so beautiful that you", said Anika. Priyanka came near Anika and touched that bracelet

"Mom's Chand bracelet. Wow bhaiya what a gift but why not me?", asked Priyanka and looked aside angrily which is her fake anger

"You know the reason. You don't wear these kinds of bracelets. Not even bangles so thought to give it to her", he said and came near Priyanka. Priyanka thought that he took it seriously and hugged him

"I know bhaiya I was just joking", said Priyanka. Anika smiled and said

"I will wear it and keep it safe", said Anika assuring him that she will keep it safe like him. Shivaay nodded.

They all started dancing but Anika excused herself and called Gauri with her

"Yes di?", asked Gauri

"I met him today Gauri... Now what I will do?", asked Anika with tears. She was trying hard to control them since the morning but now she can't. It is not like she is weak but she is married now.

"When and how?", asked Gauri and wiped Anika's tears. Anika was about to answer when she noticed Priyanka who was coming toward them

"Bhabhi now we will play an exciting game where bhaiya will make you wear Payal with a blindfold", said Priyanka excitedly and pulled Anika with her. Anika smiled and excused Gauri

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