part : 48

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"Now go", Anika said without looking into his eyes because he is already staring at her and Anika is feeling shy. Shivaay nodded and left from there. He smiled as it was the first time he is visiting this place, he never thought about wasting his time in these types of places but he couldn't complain about Anika seeing love in her eyes

Once Shivaay left, Anika left to meet Malika to finalize the place for her wedding. She feels happy that her design And work are getting the appreciation that too from those people who have more experience than her. She messaged Shivaay sending him the location telling him that she is there and will reach home herself

Her work was done within an hour, she checked her mobile and understood that he is still busy so she came back to Oberoi Mansion. There she noticed Janvi and dadi talking with each other

"Anika why do you come back?", asked Janvi when she noticed Anika coming back

"Vo I was having work... I will visit my home next time as work is also important", Anika lied without looking into her eyes. Janvi nodded and asked her to sit with them.

"Puttar then why you come alone?", asked dadi

"Shivaay came to pick me up but...", Anika was going to reply to dadi when her phone started ringing showing Shivaay's number. Dadi asked her to pick phone call and left from there. Anika also excused herself from them and entered their room. In a phone call, Shivaay was asking her if she want him to pick her up or not to which she told him that she came back herself.

After declining the call Anika Started making designs for her new project to keep herself busy. At night she helped to prepare dinner with Janvi and once Shivaay arrived they all had dinner

Anika came back to thier room and noticed him working on his laptop. When Shivaay heard her footsteps he closed his laptop and asked her to sit. Anika looked closed door and looked down thinking why he left work suddenly. She thought he will continue working which will at least give her time to gain strength but he stopped working.

"Are you fine?", Shivaay asked placing his hand on her shoulder when Anika sat on the bed. Anika nodded and hugged him without giving his answer. She stayed like this for some time thinking about Daksh's words she thinks she was right but what if he called her wrong? She doesn't want to complain like this but she knows her heart will not get peace till she opens it in front of him

Whereas with passing time Shivaay was getting restless and angry thinking about her problem. He guessed already she was having a problem because of her behaviour but he didn't know what. He was never furious because of someone's silence and behaviour change but in her case, everything seems different.

"Will you speak up? Why it is only me who will tell everything?", he asked with a plain face when he felt wetness on his shirt. He understood something is definitely wrong otherwise Anika doesn't cry in every situation. Anika looked towards him as she never thought he will think like this. She wanted to tell him everything but stopped herself as he was in the pool of problems.

"It is not like that", Anika replied raising her voice a little as his question was opposite to her thinking

"Ok continue ", Shivaay said realising his mistake. He was getting restless with her reaction due to which he said without thinking twice.

"Daksh meet my mother. She was asking about us. And after meeting her Daksh misunderstood me. He said I don't care about people. He asked am I not ashamed... He didn't give me any chance to speak", Anika told him taking a long breath. She closed her eyes to control herself from telling him his exact behaviour. Tears were already falling from her eyes which she was trying her best to control.

"How can he say that? ", Shivaay asked angrily but when he looked into her eyes he controlled himself from shouting. He clenched his fingers in a fist and looked at her, once he noticed her eyes, his eyes softened and he wiped her tears opening his fist as there was no use in his anger right now

"Don't worry he will understand", Shivaay said and rubbed her back to calm her. Anika shooked her head knowing Daksh will not understand anything.

"He will not Understand. How I will gain respect back now? I... Always think about them and he..", Anika said and stopped in the middle as she don't want to talk about her mother. Especially when she doesn't know where, how and why she meets him.

"Shh don't worry. He will understand and even if he doesn't we know who is right and who is wrong. Let him say whatever he wants to you should not care", Shivaay said

"That is my main problem. I care. I feel bad. Shivaay even if I don't show it in front of them ... Things do hurt me. Many things hurt me but I keep quiet thinking about their happiness. Why can't he even do something like this?", Anika asked. Shivaay clenched his fist again as he guessed that she is hurt badly by Daksh's behaviour. He knows something is wrong otherwise she will not point something out like today

"Don't cry tomorrow I will tell him everything. And he will believe you", Shivaay said trying to end this topic for now as he can't do anything for her right now. He can only hear when he wants Daksh to know about the truth too.

"No, you will not do anything such. Let him think about whatever he wants to. He should not need explanations Shivaay. If you call this ego then your wish but if someone doesn't trust me then I will not beg for it", Anika said and sat straight on the bed. His words indeed gave her the strength to control herself and her emotions

"Ok noted now will you smile", Shivaay lied as he know she might feel him wrong here but he can't take any chance by letting Daksh stay in misunderstanding. He wants to tell him what he did

Anika faked a smile which was easy for him to guess that it is fake

"It is fake", Shivaay said

"I am not happy so how can I ever smile?", Anika asked

"You can", Shivaay replied

"How?", Anika questioned again

"Like this", Shivaay said and stand up after kissing her forehead confusing Anika as he didn't even let her realise what happened suddenly.

"Let's go out for a walk then I am sure you will be happy", Shivaay said. Anika nodded even though she won't have any problem walking with him at night. After all, they are married and can go anywhere alone

They came out of Oberoi Mansion and looked towards the empty road. There was no sound of vehicles even, there was pin drop silence, only their footsteps were making the sound.

"Where do you want us to go at night? Aren't you scared?", Anika asked when they started walking. Anika looked towards the sky where the moonlight was falling upon their faces.

"Half moon but beautiful", Anika thought and looked towards Shivaay when he replied

"No as many times I have to reach home late so it is not new for me. But this walk is as I rarely go out for a walk", Shivaay replied. Many times he used to think to go out for a walk to keep himself fit but most of the time he used to skip thinking that he will disturb others. Sometimes he walks alone but those were days when he thought he was alone.

"Are you scared ?", he asked

"No even I am not. Many times even I was late but I knew everyone there so even I was never scared here I am Just little scared what if we meet street dogs in our way?", Anika replied. She can walk alone at night as moonlight is enough for her

"Haha I don't think so here you will find any dog", Shivaay said while walking further. Slowly when they were walking cold wind hit thier faces. Anika closed her eyes feeling the fresh air

"I am not scared of pets instead I love them but street dogs can bite stranger's so for that I am", Anika replied. Shivaay stopped walking and turned to look at her to check from her face if she speaking the truth or a lie.

"Mean you can play with dogs without any fear?", Shivaay asked

"Yes, dogs are very friendly. Help them twice or thrice then see how they will love you. Even if you will feed them once they will start behaving friendly with you. I used to play with one dog 2 years ago but he died in an accident", Anika replied and gestured for him to walk. Shivaay nodded and started walking, after a minute Anika came forward to hold his hand and then stepped back

"Ohh I never played with any animal", he replied after taking a pause

"And Birds?", Questions Anika. She thought they have money to buy anything so they must be having pets

"No. Do you think we can keep them?", asked Shivaay

"What are you asking? Oberoi Mansion is big enough to keep many birds there. Even dogs", Anika said

"Not dogs", Shivaay said And continued further

"Ok tomorrow we will ask this from Omru that what they want", Shivaay said

"What are you fond of? Instead of business?", Anika asked


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