part :61

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" you will go now?", Shivaay asked even after knowing her answer. He hoped that she will change her decision or she will stay for some more time. Anika blinked her eyes 3-4 times before replying

"I am here till they call me", Anika told him and made him eat breakfast as Shivaay stopped eating in middle. After finishing Anika held his hand softly, she is trying hard to control her emotions in front of him. Shivaay looked towards her, he thought he should be the one handling her but here it is the opposite. He want to speak about many things but he stopped himself as he know his conversation will reach an end in middle.

They both remained quiet as silence spoke many emotions that they were trying hard to hide. Anika too kept quiet as she knew if they started talking she will cry in middle. When Malika called her Anika realised now she need to leave. She stood up but couldn't move an inch as her hand was held by Shivaay. She noticed him and didn't try to take her hand back, even though she want to feel his presence till he is near her

"Anika let's go", Malika told her. Anika gestured for her to go and then turned toward Shivaay

"Will come soon patidev", Anika assured him and noticed his red eyes. She knows even he is trying hard to control himself. They spent little time with each other but now they feel like they love each other for ages, they felt that thier hearts are connected. She always wants to do the best things for him without any expectations.

Anika hugged him last time before going. She rubbed his back softly in return. Her eyes welled up with tears as she lost her strong self in his arms. She can control her emotions anytime but she couldn't when she felt his hands around her back. She wiped her tears without breaking the hug to show herself strong. She wants to feel his warmth to keep herself strong there, she can't even talk with Gauri much because of Daksh.

"I love you", Anika whispered near his ears and broke the hug. Shivaay looked down as Anika is different from him, he can't even soothe her with his words. He likes her but can't express it in words, he doesn't know how to tell her she has a separate place inside his heart that no one can take. He always feels his heartbeat raise when she tells him she loves him, which he already knew.

He looked aside and wiped his tears, he don't want to show them in public and especially here when even Anika is having 2nd thoughts about going. Anika told him she is going for the last time and took her hand back from his hold..she felt her peace going away but can't change anything now. Shivaay moved forward and peeked at her lips

"Take care", he said and stepped back to let Anika go

Anika waved her hand towards him and gestured for him to smile through her hand, Shivaay smiled and didn't move from his position till Anika was out of his sight. He then came back to his office and continued his work to distract himself.

Whereas Anika sat inside the plane and looked outside. She heard an announcement about the plane going to take off, she wore a seatbelt as Shivaay already told her to wear it once she sit inside the plane. She noticed someone from Malika's relative sitting near her she turned her face aside and closed her eyes. Teardrops started falling from her eyes because of her own decision. Now she doesn't need to control her tears anymore, she looked out of the window and noticed only planes and people walking here and there. She wished Shivaay was near her.

She held her seat tightly when the flight was about to take off, she prayed to God because of fear. She never travelled in the air and has a fear of the flight crashing in the middle or what if she is lost there. She also wondered what she will do if she felt bored as she don't know many people from Malika's family. Anika started thinking about her life and slept
After a week

Shivaay took out one suit for himself from the cupboard. Today is the award function and he is getting ready for it. Anika brought this suit for him, he smiled looking at the colour of this suit. He remembered how last week he got to know Anika purchased this for him

Flashback start

After coming back at night Shivaay opened his cupboard to change and found one box wrapped in gift paper. Shivaay took out this box as he noticed his name in big letters with a heart. A smile crept over his face realising who placed it here. He noticed one card below it

Ths For you Shivaay. You look good in every attire but I want to see you in this suit.. can't wait to see you ❤️

Shivaay called Anika after reaching her note. He felt happy when he found Anika's gift for him, now he doesn't have to ask Khanna to arrange a suit for him. He also felt special an hour ago when Anika told she reached and called him first. He felt that yes he matter to her.

"Thanks for this... But why didn't you give me yourself?", Shivaay asked directly without greeting her when she picked up the call

" Have some manners Mr Shivaay Singh Oberoi, at least greet me. And Tell me will you wear this?", Anika asked

"First answer my question", Shivaay said

"Shivaay please..", Anika requested

"Ok your silence gave me your answer ", Anika said and declined the call. He tried calling her but his call was unanswered. After that, they talked every day but not on this topic

Flashback end

"Hope to see you today ", he thought and wore a suit gifted by Anika. After getting ready he drove towards the place. He is happy and excited to meet her as without her whole week their room felt empty. He always felt her disappearance in the room so he was not staying at home for a long time. He sat in the front row as it was especially for nominees and thier family members

"Good evening everyone. Thank you so much for joining this award function. So I will not take your time and will start with the award function. First of all, I want to appreciate all those businessmen who were nominated. There are 4 awards one is the "best teamwork award and 2nd is the employee choice award, 3rd Ernst & Young Entrepreneur of the Year and last is the best businessman award", the host announced. Everyone clapped upon hearing her voice. Shivaay looked towards the door to check if there is any sign of Anika or not but to his disappointment, Anika wasn't there

"Now starting with the first award which Is the best Teamwork award which goes to XYZ company. I would request Mr Raj Singhania to take his trophy", the host announced

2nd was the employee choice award which went to some other company. Shivaay's heartbeat was raising with every award, he doesn't know why he started expecting awards when he thought he don't want any. He looked towards the door to find disappointment again. 3rd award which is the young entrepreneur of the year award went to Shivaay. His name was announced loudly and he was engulfed in a hug by Omru. Shivaay smiled and walked towards the stage. His brothers are his strength but after Anika came into his life he started to find peace and strength with her

He remembered when he was ill, at night Anika took a promise from him to start becoming selfish for himself..that time he was confused why Anika said that suddenly but now he realised why she said that. He took Mic from the host and turned towards the audience with confidence.

"Good evening everyone. Thank you so much for taking out your precious time to see this function. I never thought I will win this award here. This is precious and special for me as it is my first award I want to thank my employees first as without them I am nothing and they made it possible. I lost hope that I will not be able to make it possible but someone's support and especially my employees made it possible. I want to dedicate this award to my employees and A.. their hard work. Thank you so much", Shivaay said and left from there after taking the award. He did as he was told. Anika told him that he should dedicate his award to his employees and himself, not to her or his family. That's why he changed the last line thinking if Anika was present there and he was unable to find her.

He was going to sit in his place but felt suffocated. He was hurt, he somewhere guessed she will not come but he was hoping. He excused himself from Omru and came out of the hall. He heard the best businessman award went to someone else whom he also adore.. he came out and took a long breath to calm himself

"Congratulations", he heard Anika's voice and turned to find her in a purple-coloured suit matching his 3 piece suit. He kept quiet as he thought she missed his speech. He wants to know when she came and why she didn't come in front.

"I was late and found all seats already occupied so I stood with a few employees from different companies. I am so happy. I told you that my husband is best. And your speech was best ", Anika told him and smiled finding him in the same suit which she gifted him. She felt so special that he kept her words

"That was short and I dedicated it to employees, not family... I'm regretting it now", Shivaay told

"Shivaay we don't work day and night for you. If you will not appreciate them then they will leave your office. I am happy that you dedicated your award to them. They deserve it otherwise just think if they didn't help you then this award was going to be someone's property not yours", Anika told and hugged him

"When you came back?", Shivaay asked

"When someone else got employee choice award. Now you have to make sure next year you will win this award as well. I am not forcing you just telling you that you can. Even if you don't them I know you are best. I am not forcing you to do what I want ", Anika told him. Shivaay smiled and rubbed her back. He is happy to see her back and is again supporting him, his respect for her grew more as till now everyone told him he can win this award but nobody told him that even if don't win then no one is forcing him.

"You must be tired hana?", He asked, he knew how tired she looked every day whenever she used to video call him in the afternoon And night. He used to wait for a long time to get her call.

"No... I am hungry Shivaay..let's eat refreshment", Anika told him. Shivaay nodded and said ok. Shivaay looked aside to see if anyone is there or not. After finding themselves alone he kissed her forehead and her cheeks. Anika closed her eyes feeling him, she can't tell him in words how much she missed him there and wanted him to enjoy with her

"I missed you", Shivaay told. Anika smiled and replied she missed him too. Both of them came towards food stalls and had their refreshments. After eating Anika meet Omru and noticed the prize, she felt so happy to see this. She knew he deserve this and want him to get more success.

Shivaay made some of his business associates meet Anika as they were asking if his wife designed the hall or not. He felt so proud when people started knowing her name, he can't be happier.

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