part : 68

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"Promise me that you will never ignore me", Anika asked, Shivaay nodded and then realised she need assurance in words when Anika looked outside

"I promise", Shivaay said and sat back in his seat again.

"I love you Shivaay. I felt that I don't exist for you when you were ignoring me", Anika confessed and complained about his behaviour. Shivaay tried replying to her confession but was unable to speak even a word. He felt sort of words whenever he sees her love for him and her care. Her beautiful eyes are his weakness, he wants to reply to her but every time whenever he looks into her eyes, he feels nervous.

"I... I am sorry for that. Now keep smiling", he replied

"Sure with you, I always smile", Anika said and placed her hand on his which was resting on the gear

"You are flirting with me", Shivaay chuckled

"So what? I can flirt with my sweet husband ", Anika replied and gestured for him to come near her, she felt lazy to open her seatbelt again and called him. Shivaay asked what in worried about when Anika kissed his cheeks

"And This is a gift for my husband who hates sweets", Anika said, Shivaay couldn't control his blush, he thought her hand was paining again or maybe she is having some other problem but getting this type of sweet dish from her he is happy.

"No... instead, I love sweets made by these hands ", Shivaay replied to her and intertwined their fingers together

"T...then you will get it today. Now start driving", Anika told him taking her hand back. Shivaay nodded and started driving.

"Tell me what will you like? Kheer, ladoo, halwa or something else?", Anika asked knowing well what he will answer but just to tease him she asked

"Whatever you like ", Shivaay replied and smirked mentally as he know she will be shocked hearing his reply

"Then is karela juice fine ?", Anika asked sarcastically because he defeated her

"Your wish", Shivaay replied and continued driving. He dropped her in her office and hugged her when Anika was about to go.

"Will you come early today?", Anika asked and rubbed her hand softly on his chest, Shivaay replied in a no and held her hand as her hand was giving him goosebumps. He loves when she touches him with her right but when he sees the crowd he doesn't like her for choosing such places for showing right.
Shivaay came back from the office early as his work was finished and thought to surprise Anika, that was the reason he lied to her. The past few days were hard for him, ignoring her was difficult. He opened the wardrobe take out clothes to change and noticed a diary between clothes. He picked up a diary and sat on the bed. He flipped pages and started reading further from the point where he left reading.

I will ask mummy Ji to give this to his wife so if you are his wife I don't know what is your name because you will get this diary very late. I don't know if Shivaay is a person whom I wanted him to be or just like his father...
If he is like him then please give him this diary once. He will change for sure

If he is a nice man then I want you to read and continue this diary further. His father used to talk rudely with him. Every time he used to shout at him and....beat him as he didn't want a child that time. In short, Shivaay was the main root of his anger

My child suffered a lot of bachas. I killed him and myself just to end Shivaay's suffering. I knew if I didn't kill myself then taunts will kill him that his mother is a murderer. I know I can't handle him right now because I am mentally broken. I know society will not accept me and soon I will be in jail and in either way I have to stay away from my son but my dead body will help him. Oberoi family will accept him for sure, if not for love then for pity for sure because they knew what I was going through. I don't know if his family will ever forgive me for killing Shakti or not so this is the last option for me and my Shivaay

You must be wondering why I never took a stand because I knew society will never accept me. They are reputed people and they will insult me and in this way, he will suffer. Police cases are the worst

Shivaay if you are reading this then don't ever fight in front of your children with your wife. Always respect the one who gives you respect

If you are Shivaay's wife reading this then beta tries making his life beautiful because in small age he stopped showing emotions just to tell me that he is not sad about Shakti's behaviour.

I don't know if he will do it now or not but our actions hurt my child a lot. So my whole diary should not remain empty right? So will you continue this diary as proof that not every son is like a father

After reading this page he felt guilty, he was always blaming his mother too for killing herself, and now he realised her state. Whenever he feels sad even he finds suicide as the best option. He started to think about his mother again. He gave just a few memories but all of them are enough for him to cherish her forever in his life. This diary is one of them. He flipped the page to read further

Next page

Shivaay smiled widely as with one look he understood it is written by Anika, his heart started beating fast. What is written here? What are her feelings? Will his mother ever know? He closed the door as door sound will tell him when Anika entered

Let's start with an introduction I'm Anika Shivaay Singh Oberoi. OMG This name itself sounds beautiful to me. I don't know if this akdu will ever be ready to have children or not but if he agreed and you are my baby reading this then you should know a few things about him that I have discovered. First that this person hates someone who disrespects relations and fights, especially people shouting in front of children so please don't be scared of him. Show him that you love him like I do and will do till my last breath. Yes, he is akdu (stubborn) but more than that he is a sweet and kind-hearted person.

If I'm not alive and you are reading it then please take care of him and treat him with love because he deserves that. Pinky's mom wrote about his childhood only but I know somewhere he suffered more which is still hidden. He likes white sauce pasta and Ratatouille. He has a habit to use a laptop whenever idle so don't let him stay awake for long.

Shivaay read this para and looked at the ceiling, he can't imagine himself without Anika now. She is the reason behind his every happiness. He then looked towards his laptop and smiled with the realisation that he has this habit, she knows him very well.

He will not tell you he is sick so if he is having a headache don't forget to check his temperature. He will shout unnecessarily in anger so don't even bother because he is the best. It is like I got someone I dreamt of, always see his positive side as everyone has their imperfections and those imperfections make him perfect.

I don't know for whom I'm writing this either for my children or for my son's wife or daughter but I just want to tell you that not every son is like his father. Instead, he is not even 1 per cent. From the time he entered my life till now he never made me feel uncomfortable. He is the person whom I love so much.

Shivaay flipped another page, he is feeling so happy and excited to know more about himself from her side. He checked his very fast heartbeats. He smiled and looked towards the diary again

His smile is very precious. See this photograph it's nice na.

Shivaay smiled seeing his picture with her stitched on this page. This is from a party where they both went for an hour and Anika asked for a photograph. This picture is recent, which gave him clue that she started writing this just some time ago. He started reading further

It's me and him. But let me tell you one difference here see his face is glowing. I don't know if I am behaving like a crazy fan or a mad girl but I am happy to be mad for him. He is just like his mother wanted, he never looked at any other woman than me. So if I am not there don't ever let anyone stare at Shivaay, I know he will look handsome in old age too. His one look can make anyone fall for him so tell everyone that he loves him. He does all do and I know from his actions which is enough

He never behaved stupid and I always behave like that. We all know that time flew away when there were kings and queens but I can guarantee that you will feel you are queen if you get a person like your him as life partner ( not him ). We don't need perfect men as a life partner, for me, he is perfect because he respects me and he is loyal. I think we all need someone to take care of us, not someone who can spend money. Here he does both, we will laugh together if got a chance.

Shivaay laughed reading her lines. He rubbed his hand on his hair as reading this for him he felt like he is on top of the world.

I love him when he is furious, I always wish to pull his cheeks but I never tried this as this may lead to something worse. To be honest I trust him, even if people call it blind trust I don't care because he gained that trust so take it as a warning or request doesn't ever break his trust. Otherwise, I will never forgive you even if he does.

I don't have the habit to write a diary so I can't write daily routines but my only wish from him or dream from him is his feelings. What if he told me that he love me? But I don't think I will get it as I told him I will never expect a confession from him. What to do this stupid heart always wished to get a reply but never broke as his eyes tell everything but a part of me want to hear "I love you too" from his side someday.

Shivaay was about to flip the next page when he heard the door opening sound. He hides his diary below the blanket and looked toward Anika.

The half diary was left so thought to complete it before writing the honeymoon and festival parts♥️

If you want me to write the diary from Anika's side more then I will write in the next part otherwise diary ends here.🤗

🤣😀Again In late at night because this is the only time where I can use my mobile phone without any disturbance.

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