part : 73

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"This is for you", Anika said and gave him a pen drive

"As a gift?", Shivaay asked to which Anika nodded

"You have everything if I think to buy for you... So I have videos here and Omru also helped me here " Anika told him giving Omru their credit as well. Shivaay nodded and gave her one gift box

"And this for you", Shivaay said, Anika immediately opened it and found a dream catcher

"Thank you", Anika thanked him and hugged him. Shivaay kissed her forehead and told her thanks is not needed. They were lost in a hug when Shivaay's phone started to ring

"Who is calling you?", Anika asked him when he was taking his phone out. Anika noticed came Alisha and huffed angrily as from her behaviour she started to hate her. Working is justified but not calling at night.

"I will kill her in your office Shivaay. Who calls a married man at night? Why are not you warning her ?", Anika asked angrily

"Calm down my sweet wife. I know my limits right? And tomorrow I will warn her for sure because calling in the night is becoming her routine which is unprofessional", Shivaay said after declining the call. He asked Anika to sit and have something as they are hungry

"Do that honour otherwise I will kill her and will break her bones. I trust you but Shivaay I don't like this behaviour", Anika said angrily. Shivaay stroked his hand on her hair softly to calm her which worked so after a minute of silence he spoke

"Do that later. First, hear me I want to ask one thing Anika", he said

"Ask", Anika replied

"D... Do you want a baby? I... I mean..... Are you neglecting this topic because of me?", Shivaay asked thinking about her diary and her dreams regarding babies. He thought maybe she lied that time and now if he will ask her then she will tell truth.

"No. We already talked about it, isn't it? Why are you asking it suddenly?", Anika asked

"Just wanted to know your opinion. And if you want to ask me then my answer will depend upon you. I want to spend my whole life with you and want to expand our family but not after you leave me", Shivaay told. He was feeling so scared when he read that she talked about his life without her. He can think of his life without any baby but can't think of anything without her. There is a fear in his heart after reading the diary that only she can remove.

"And why do you think I am planning to leave you? I think because of fast you are dreaming. Go and sleep. I am going because Priyanka and Gauri are waiting ", Anika said and left to bring dinner for both of them. Today as for the festival it is good to have rice with many kinds of cereal and mixed vegetables so she came with it and served him dinner on a plate with water

"I was serious", Shivaay told her

"Then check your temperature because I am never going to leave you. Even after a fight, you will find me beside you ", Anika said and asked him to start eating. After hearing her answer he felt satisfied and started eating.

"Sorry jiju", Gauri came in front of him when he was checking his emails on his laptop and his phone was on the table

"Why?", Shivaay asked

"Sorry for this", Gauri apologized again and went away after taking his mobile phone confusing Shivaay

"What?.. Gauri ", Shivaay called but she didn't hear. Shivaay followed her and found three girls sitting near the table with the bottle in middle. He guessed maybe it was a dare.

"Take this ", Gauri said and threw Shivaay's phone on Anika's lap

"What is going on here?", Shivaay asked

"Vo di gave me a dare to snatch your phone ", Gauri explained

"What if I was busy incall?", Shivaay asked eying Anika

"Your wife is busy here then who will call you at midnight?", Anika asked and started to laugh with Gauri and Priyanka. Anika gave Shivaay his phone back.

"Join us jiju we are playing truth and dare", Gauri asked... Shivaay looked toward Anika who nodded so he replied to Gauri and sat in front of Anika.

"I will call Daksh as well then ", Priyanka said and left to call Daksh. Anika looked towards the retreating figure of Priyanka and remembered how Daksh blamed her. Everything is back to normal with her silence and ignorance, but for her nothing is normal. Daksh's normal behaviour is eating her, she is unable to forgive him this time. Her eyes started getting watery, she looked down to hide tears when a message pooped on her screen
. She looked at Shivaay, he gestured for her to wipe her tears and read his message. She smiled after wiping her tears and checked the message

"Before losing you started to cry

Haha, bad assumption. But in this game, there is no competition between winning and losing game

I know but still, I know I win 😉

Overconfidence is not good Mr Oberoi I can put your difficult situation as well

Even I can do the same

Both Daksh and Priyanka also joined them, Daksh was going to sit between Anika and Priyanka but Shivaay called him towards himself. Gauri rolled Bottle and it stopped at Anika, Anika closed her eyes tightly in irritation as she was thinking about what to question Shivaay and here she is trapped now

"Truth", Anika told confidently

"So tell me di..", Gauri was about to ask when Shivaay interrupted her

"Wait let me ask", Shivaay said with a smirk

"No... Gauri ask", Anika said she can guess that he has some plans in his mind

"Jiju you can ", Gauri said. Anika frowned and waited for Shivaay's question.

"So tell me have you ever stared at me Before falling in love? And have you ever dreamt of me being your husband before our alliance ", Shivaay asked

"Cheating. These are 2 questions", Anika complained

"Ok answer 1st one", Shivaay said

"But This is personal ", Anika complained again in a childish voice. Shivaay looked aside as now he want to pull her cheeks seeing her cuteness but in front of the family, he can't.

"This is not personal. I have one more question", Shivaay said and texted her

What did you feel when we kissed?

"Ok, I am answering", Anika said and set her hair properly to answer. Her cheeks started to heat with just a thought. She looked down to hide her blush and then replied

"Yes, I don't remember count but every time your nature was impressing me but I never dreamt like that. For me, you were rude that time", Anika told him

"And?", Shivaay asked

"Haha, bad luck but you can get only this ", Anika giggled and rolled Bottle again which stopped on Gauri. She asked her if she ever liked someone to which Gauri denied it. After that, it stopped on Priyanka and she took the truth

"So bhabhi did you ever bunked classes? Or went to party escaping from Shivaay jiju and family?", Asked Gauri. Priyanka looked down and nodded in a yes

"Before marriage, I went but I will not give details", Priyanka said and rolled Bottle. Shivaay looked toward Priyanka shocked as for him Priyanka was a very decent and nice girl. But now it doesn't matter as she is safe and married so he shrugged his thoughts away. Now bottle stopped at Shivaay

"Di ask something which does not relate to you, please. You couples are asking personal questions and I have none to ask the same. You guys have your whole life to ask these types of questions ", Gauri said with irritation. She can not ask these types of questions from someone that's why she is feeling these questions are too weird.

I am safe wifey

"I will not play then because you all are cheating ", Anika said and stand up to go when she heard Shivaay's angry voice

"Sit here I will not say twice", Shivaay warned angrily. Only she is the reason he sat there to play otherwise he was going to sleep so he can not let her go. If she did then even he will stop playing.

"Ok so have you ever pranked phone calls? Or left after ringing the doorbell, or did something crazy for fun?", Anika asked

"Yes", Shivaay replied

"Sachi? When and what?", Anika asked excitedly

"These are 2 questions ", Shivaay  said

"No instead this is one ", Anika told him and gestured for him to speak

"I have pranked phone calls with my school friends and once I acted as bade papa because Rudra's teacher called on his number for a complaint but I tricked him and answered the phone call ", Shivaay told

"Wow bhaiya, I never knew", Priyanka said with amusement getting new information from him

"Do you have his childhood pictures or memories? I want to see them", Anika asked

"Gauri even I want to see her childhood pictures", Shivaay asked Gauri

"Sorry jiju. We have very few numbers of her pictures", Gauri replied honestly Anika's time it was difficult to buy the camera and their condition was not right as well. They have photos of after Anika grew up but not much from childhood.

"Ask dadi bhabhi. I have a few in my gallery so I will send you", Priyanka said

"Don't do this Pinku please I'm your brother", Shivaay pleased Priyanka masking an innocent face

"And I'm your bhabhi. Whom you will listen to?", Anika asked Priyanka, she noticed Shivaay's innocent face and thought Priyanka will melt but she didn't. If she was in her place then definitely she would have melted and hugged him tightly telling him how cute he looked

"Sorry bhaiya but she has right and she is my best friend before my bhabhi so sorry", Priyanka apologized and told her she will send her after sometime

"Now nobody will take the truth now", Gauri announced

"Why?", asked Anika and others supported her

"Because you guys will not choose dare then", Gauri told, she is the only one to choose dare otherwise all of them are taking truth from the time they started playing. Anika got one idea but remembered Gauri's words. Still just teased him and texted him

Should I ask you to propose to me?

A big no Anika. Already it is difficult to say in front of you

Then say the same as the text that your wife is one in a million

I love you Anika and you are one in million.  Is it enough?

Yes patidev

After texting him and looked at him and passed a smile.

"Call Omru and tell them that you are very sad And want to drink and dance. After saying this end call immediately and switch off your mobile phone", Anika said shocking Shivaay as Anika asked him this dare just for revenge. How can she ask him? When she knows it is not right.

"No... This is ridiculous I am not going to do this", Shivaay said and stepped back in fear. He can't tense his brothers. He knows if by chance he said this then they will not notice his tone, they will panic...

"Dare is a dare. You have to do this", Gauri added and Daksh, as well as Priyanka, supported it. He sighed in defeat as now he needs to but he is not feeling good while calling them. Even Anika felt wrong here when she forced him to call them

Hello, Om, I am very sad and now I am going to drink alcohol because I can't control it. I am just telling you byee.

Shivaay said hurriedly and declined the call within seconds as per instructions he switched off his mobile phone. Just then Anika's phone started ringing with Om's number. She excused herself and went from there to attend the call

"Hii Om", Anika answered

"Bhabhi is Shivaay fine? What happened to him? I am scared bhabhi please tell me", Om asked, his voice filled with care and restlessness which made Anika regret. She thought they will guess with Shivaay's tone but they didn't

"Please take care of him even if you fought bhabhi please don't let him drink already he is a heart patient and it is dangerous for him ", Rudra chocked in tears. Anika sensed his tears even if he is not in front of her

"Omru listen that was a dare. I'm so sorry for giving him this dare please forgive me", Anika apologized

"Ok, no problem bhabhi", Om said and understood her. He sighed in relief that at least there is not any tension

"Yes enjoy without me", Rudra said

"Aww, I will play with you too and will buy chocolates for you. Bye", Anika told Rudra sweety

"Ok bye take care bhabhi ", Rudra said and declined call. Anika went back towards them.

"What they said ?", Shivaay asked

"They were very tense. I am sorry for you as well for this...", Anika told but Shivaay shouted in the middle

"I knew it. You guys were behaving like that is exciting. Don't you know the meaning of dare? A dare should not hurt someone. Just because of you my brothers were tense for nothing. Can I switch on my mobile?", Shivaay shouted angrily. By hearing his voice everyone went silent. Anika nodded and sat back in her place, she looked down to hide her tears as already she was regretting and seeing him angry she is sadder.

"I will not give this dare after today. I'm sorry", Anika apologized. Shivaay called Omru after switching then call, and after talking with them he sat back. He cleared his throat to gain attention and apologized.

"I am sorry for lashing out at you. I lost my temper when I heard they were tensed. I seriously don't like these types of dares, don't try these on me ever", Shivaay said and held her hand. He doesn't care about his family right now because his shouting in front of the family was not right. Fighting and shouting in a room are normal but not with family.

"It's ok. Sure I will never ", Anika replied and caressed his hands. She felt lucky as at least he realises his mistake every time. She didn't mind his anger as that was normal.

"Shivaay you can't be ill tomorrow otherwise she will eat you raw", Shivaay thought as he felt pain in his forehead and weakness in his body suddenly. He looked towards them and started to think about how to end this game now.

It was supposed to be Shivaay illness chapter but then changed my mind😅. Hope you liked it🥰🥰

This part was a bit long as usual. The reason I want to make this story fast from the next chapter ( not much but a little bit ) this is the longest part I think 😂

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