part : 75

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"Don't act like a child", Anika said and looked aside as his innocent face made her heart skip a beat and now his reply

"This is what you asked", Shivaay said. Anika smiled and looked into his eyes again. His eyes are always attractive and hypnotising and can control her anytime. She layed him properly and covered him with a duvet.

"I know this will happen because you are living here in chawl. You must be finding it difficult to manage here. let's go back ", Anika said and sat beside him feeling guilty because of his illness.

"I'm fine here Anika. You have your whole life to spend there. Spend some time with your family. Only this is the reason I came with you here ", Shivaay told

"Then you will do whatever I say ok?", Anika asked to which Shivaay replied with ok and placed his head on her shoulder.

"It is an afternoon not night ", Anika stated fact when she felt his hand encircling her waist. She can't even stand as his head is resting over her shoulder

"Just want to feel you near me", Shivaay said with a smirk. He loves irritating her the most, and he knows she is getting irritated too much by his actions now.

"I think fever and fast resulted In the loss of the brain. If a person is sick he should rest", Anika said  and tried removing his head but Shivaay didn't move even an inch

"I'm in my full sense. You can test me ", Shivaay said loudly to show he is fine but started to cough.

"Got result? You have a fever and you are behaving like you are fine. Shivaay take rest", Anika said and stepped away taking his cough as a chance

"I will but first let me do whatever I want. 2 days went by of sleeping without you. I want to cover them up", Shivaay said and looked into her eyes asking her to stay with him. He placed his head on her lap.

"Han but you will never cover up your sleepless nights because of work", Anika said sarcastically. Shivaay was about to say something but Anika interrupted him in middle

"Keep quiet ", Anika warned him and checked his forehead and cheeks as well. Shivaay held her hands which irritated Anika and she stood up.

"Hugh even in illness you are on the same track Shivaay ", Anika complained angrily. It is not like she has any problem with him but his antics are making it difficult to check him. She can't take his health lightly at any cost. She needs to check if he needs doctor treatment or not but he is not giving her any chance to check him.

"Fine. What else should I do? I don't like lying idle", Shivaay said with a sigh. He realised he should stop teasing her otherwise he will suffer the most.

"Ok first Tell me what are you feeling. Where are you feeling pain?", Anika asked

"Just a little headache and legs are paining. Give me painkillers and come here", Shivaay said

"This is just because you kept fast and were running here and there. You think of yourself as a superhero who can stay fit every time but let me tell you that your immunity and heart both are weak Mr Memory also included ", Anika complained after laying beside him

"So what? This was my choice right? ", Shivaay asked

"Not choice but stubbornness ", Anika said to continue their fight. She wants to win this fight because, for her, he is wrong.

"Even you kept it", Shivaay said

"But I'm not ill. You always take the workload ", Anika said indirectly telling him his bad habit.

"Anika please stop taunting and scolding me. If you want to do something then just stay here otherwise go", Shivaay said and looked aside showing fake anger

"Sorry ", Anika apologized and turned his face towards her forcefully using her hand

"I'm already here with you", Anika replied and moved towards the corner to press his feet.


"Don't behave like I can't. When you are in pain I will press your legs and when I will be in...", Anika said stating a fact but Shivaay shooked his head as this will not give him relief instead, it will make him feel bad.

"A big no Please. I can bear this pain ", Shivaay said

"Shivaay.. ", Anika tried telling him she does not believe in this type of mythology when he ordered her to keep quiet

" Now you keep quiet", Shivaay said angrily

"I am not sleepy so can we watch a movie? Otherwise, I'm sure my fever will increase.", he asked taking a break

"Ok fine but on television not on a laptop ", Anika told

"I hate ads", Shivaay said and looked at her sadly showing his problem

"Ohh really? Because I never meet someone who hates it. Everyone loves ads", Anika said sarcastically which irritated him now as from the time they entered here, she is taunting him and giving sarcastic replies.

"Then how we will watch?", he asked angrily

"Gauri's Pen drive ", Anika replied

"It will consume time", Shivaay said

"Shivaay you are acting like a kid today. Hey, Mr  Tell me where is Shivaay? I think you are someone else in disguise ", Anika asked and laughed as she is loving this side of him. He never behaves like a child so she is happy to see him on this side. This carefree and happy nature is what she wants to see. His childish attitude is proof that nobody needs to show that they are strong when they aren't. His attitude told her that child in him is still alive.

"Should I prove?", Shivaay asked in a husky voice. Anika's eyes widened hearing his reply, she expected a funny reply, not this. Anika shooked her head and replied

"No...  I joked. I am going to ask Gauri if she has any movie in Pendrive ", she said and kissed his forehead assuring him she is there.

"I have 2 on my laptop ", Shivaay said thinking that maybe Anika will agree with the laptop but she didn't.

"Ok then wait for some time till I send one movie in Pendrive ", Anika said and walked towards the table taking his mobile phone as well.

After some time Shivaay's phone started to ring with Tej's number. Anika got nervous thinking about her last encounter with him, which was worst. Her mind recalled that argument and thought maybe he called him to complain about her now. Or maybe he called her to manipulate him, just like he was manipulating her. Anika gave him his phone as she can't take the blame for restricting Shivaay.  Anika gave his phone to him and asked him to give it back after talking. She can't let him use his mobile phone even now.


When Anika gave her blood to dadi, doctors asked her to take a rest. Janvi asked Tej to give Anika medicine as she is working. Tej entered shivika's room and found Anika struggling to remove the blanket from the injection

"Your husband should be here but see he is enjoying somewhere else", Tej said gaining Anika's attention

"It's ok I can do this", Anika said with a smile and removed the thread of the blanket after some time. She showed him her hands and took medicines from him.

"Thank you", Anika thanked him with a smile. She is missing Shivaay more now when she needs him but she can't tell it as for Shivaay she is fit and fine.

"You are the same as Pinky. Even she believed Shakti and let him go on trips thinking he love her and Shakti was cheating", Tej said. Anika sensed from his tone that he is there to manipulate her, she can differentiate between love and jealousy very well so she decided to end this conversation as soon as possible

"Yes it was wrong", Anika said

"See Anika. You should go with him. He is your husband and it is your right to go with him everywhere. What if he is enjoying himself without you? ", Asked Tej. Anika felt like he is a neighbour who can't see his success but still for Shivaay she replied

"No problem bade papa. He can enjoy it, I don't have any problem with it", Anika said

"You are innocent. He must be enjoying himself with other girls. He doesn't even care for his family which are you and mom. He didn't even call you. He is the same as his father, even he was angry and innocent by look", Tej said which broke her strings of patience

"It is enough bade papa. I don't want to hear a word against him. I know who he is and why didn't call me. It's my mistake because I decided to hide about me and dadi from him. And don't ever compare him with his father and anyone else. Shivaay is far better than anyone ", Anika shouted angrily

"Who leaves his wife for days?", asked Tej

"So what? Why are you tensed for me? I don't have any problem, why are you having it then? Are you his wife?  He left me right, then why it is itching....", Anika stopped realising that it is too much for a newly wedded daughter in law so she took a long breath to calm herself and her anger hearing his words

"I'm sorry Please leave me alone. I trust my husband so please go ", Anika pleased joining her hands together

"I thought you are a nice girl but now I got to know that you are mannerless and argue with her elders", Tej said angrily and left from there.

Flashback end

"W...what he was saying?", Asked Anika as her thoughts broke with the sound of Shivaay placing her mobile phone on the table

"He was asking about work and meetings what else we will talk about?", Shivaay asked

"N...Nothing", Anika said and showed him that the movie is downloaded. She attached a pen drive to the television. Just then they heard a knock and found Priyanka with a bowl of soup

"How are you bhaiya ?", Priyanka asked

"I'm fine", Shivaay replied. Priyanka sat near him and helped him to sit properly.

"Instead ask me if I'm fine or not", Anika thought

"Bhaiya you know Omru aren't talking with me. They are showing attitude ", Priyanka complained. Anika fake coughed as a while ago he was behaving the same

"All brothers are the same ", Anika said. Shivaay glared her


In the Next part they will start thier journey by train to Amritsar as a honeymoon (≧▽≦) : location selected by @devilangel here 🥰❤️ and this is the best place.

A child in Shivaay is still alive❤️. He just tries to hide it thinking that he is grown up

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