part : 80

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"Shivaay taste it as well", Anika said and forwarded one morsel with saag. Shivaay made faces as by looking at the dish he was feeling to vomit. He didn't like the way this dish looked.

"No please", Shivaay said

"Please Shivaay you are my sweet.."Anika said but Shivaay interrupted her in the middle.

"This is called buttering", Shivaay said. Anika took this as a chance and put a morsel in his mouth.

"Finish It", Anika said and placed her hand on his mouth so that he could not spit it.

"I will take revenge soon Anika", Shivaay thought and completed having food. Yes, he liked the taste but presentation mattered to him the most. He didn't like the shape and colour.

"Is this dish like this always? In dark green colour which looks so weird", Shivaay asked.  He wanted to call this dish waste but she is eating it happily so for him it is not.

"Yes I have saved it for the morning as well because I love it", Anika said

"Should I bring sweets?", Shivaay asked

"Wait here I will bring it", Anika said and went to take the sweet box from the table and forwarded the box to him. Shivaay took one piece and gestured for her to eat.

"Anika we will visit the temple in the evening and stay there at night ", Shivaay said as he asked someone from that temple and they approved their stay. He is so happy that they will get a chance to spend the whole night in a temple.

"What about morning?", Anika asked

"I want you to meet someone", Shivaay said

"And in the evening I want to play with them", Anika said

"Ok but at night we will go there", he said and kissed her forehead. Anika smiled and rested her head on his shoulder. Shivaay rubbed his hand over her waist and from another hand, he started to caress her hair.

"Shivaay did you planned our trip after looking at dates?", Anika asked as it comes near their first anniversary. She knows he can never forget dates as his memory is very strong. Shivaay hummed as he was thinking how within a year his thoughts changed. He thought no one can change him ever but Anika proved him wrong.

He was recalling every memory related to her from day 1 when dadi announced they have to marry and he was denying it. Then Anika rejected him when he told her about his views but then she agreed. Then his first date with her and after that everything changed for good. He doesn't know if it is a craze because they are new in this marriage or if it will be forever. He doesn't want any change in his life. He has heard from many people that after years people lose interest in marriage but he doesn't want that. Suddenly he felt cold and looked toward his shoulder and waist, he understood Anika broke the hug but why?

"W..what happened? ", Shivaay asked

"Keep thinking", Anika said

"What do you mean? Are you angry? ", Shivaay asked. Anika shooked her head, she decided before to show her anger to him but always his voice which contain fear made her lose. Anika again hugged him and told him she was trying to talk with him before but he ignored her that's why she broke the hug.

"I was not ignoring you. I was thinking about something", Shivaay replied to which Anika nodded

"Is everything fine?", Anika asked. Shivaay nodded with a smile.

"I love you so much. You gave me a trip as a gift but what should I give you?", Anika asked as she don't know what to gift him. She doesn't have any idea. He has everything that people want and he buys new things before anything ends so there is no use if gifting him something which is not unique.

"I have everything, my wife. Just keep supporting and loving me. If you want to gift something then give me your time And care all the time. Don't ever take this from me", he said and kissed her hands. Anika nodded and promised him that she will keep supporting him and loving him just like he want her. She leaned close toward his face, she noticed he closed his eyes. A smile appeared on her face, even though she feel shy to decrease the closeness between them but sometimes his actions give her the strength to do what he expects from her, his wife. She kissed him and then told him what she always tells him

"You have all rights for that and I will never take anything from you ", Anika said as she believe that he will never misuse her and his rights. Even if he does she doesn't have any problem because he is the only person who can touch her. 

"Why do you kiss suddenly?", Shivaay asked. Anika looked aside as she is feeling shy because of his mention.

"Why he is asking this? Can't he just enjoy rather than mention?", Anika thought and looked toward him from the corner of her eyes and understood he is waiting for her answer

"S...Simple fact. That I love you Shivaay. I want to tell you that even I love you the way you love me", Anika said

"Then can we?", Shivaay indirectly asked if she is ok to become one again or not. Anika nodded and they both enjoyed the night.

Next day

Shivaay woke up in the morning and noticed her hand over his chest. He kissed her hand and sat up after removing her hand and covering her with a duvet. He freshened up and sat beside her again. Anika opened her when Shivaay touched her face.

"Hope we will not lose our love for each other after years", Shivaay said

"Never even if you will try to do it in future I will not let your love fade away", Anika said and wished him good morning. Shivaay smiled and wished her morning back. Anika noticed he is ready so she asked him to wait for her down.

"Why? There is nothing I have not seen", Shivaay asked and giggled noticing her blush.

"Still. You are ready so please", Anika requested. Shivaay nodded and went from there after giving her clothes to wear. He knows she is not that comfortable behaving boldly with him, it will take time. He started to think about how to introduce Anika to his grandparents, yes they are not real but he loves them and respects them.

After some time Anika came thereafter wearing a saree which he gave her. Today he didn't want her to wear a Western dress as in the temple he want her to wear an Indian dress, and the saree will give a good impression to grandparents as well. He doesn't want anyone to look at Anika that is why a married woman is not covering her forehead, he also follows that tradition. Her hair was tied in a bun which also suited her personality.

"You were waiting so I tied hairs in a bun as it takes time to comb hairs to ley and them open ", Anika replied when Shivaay touched her bun, she knows he likes her open hair but right now her priority was him.

They went to meet that family, grandparents liked Anika and told him that his wife is nice. He felt proud as Anika impressed them, he was scared that they pointed out Anika's mistakes but to his relief, they didn't. Otherwise, he would have fought and would have destroyed his relationship with them. After talking with them for 2 hours they came back home. They already had their breakfast with that family. He and Anika prepared breakfast for all of them.

There they meet their granddaughter as well who is doing PhD in zoology. She didn't talk with them, just greeted them and asked Anika to sit but Anika told that she can prepare breakfast. He thanked God that he didn't marry this rude girl who didn't even come out of her room.

"Thanks for breakfast. It is delicious", told grandfather. Anika took their plates and washed them in the kitchen after having breakfast.

"So you like alone? Who works for you if that girl is not here?", Shivaay asked

"She is our daughter. We call her angel", said the grandmother. Shivaay nodded

"My husband or I work then", said the grandmother. Shivaay looked at Anika as he felt pity that they have to manage everything alone. He knew that girl's parents died in an accident and indirectly gave her responsibility to them. He sometimes wants to question God why he snatches parents from people. There were only 5 members in that family and now 3.

"Can we do something?", Shivaay asked as he want to do something for them

"Yes. Tell them that you will send maids there and send only those who will respect them", Anika said. Shivaay nodded and told them the same which Anika said, at first they denied but later they agreed.

"And for her, we will find the best alliance", Anika said. Shivaay said yes and they both came back to their room.

"Did you see their granddaughter? Mannerless", Shivaay said, Anika laughed at his mention as even she behaves like this with strangers. Shivaay asked what to which she denied it and asked him to start packing the bag again. Shivaay nodded and started to pack their bags.

They sat in a cab and Shivaay held her hands in his, his excitement to visit this temple is on another level otherwise he rarely visits a temple.

In the evening they played with the children for some time and then bid bye to them after telling them they are going. They entered the temple and placed bags in the room first, after that, they washed their hand's mouths. They purchased Prasad and entered the temple.

It was 7 so the temple looked so beautiful. It was shining and it looked like they stepped into heaven. Water shined making the temple look. Gold artwork looked incredible.

Shivaay covered his head with a yellow handkerchief which was given to him before he entered the temple and Anika with her saree.

"Wow this is soo beautiful", Anika said and went toward the water to touch it. She noticed many big fishes were there which excited her more, she asked Shivaay to see fishes.

"Can I give them something?", Anika asked

"I think no. Let's go further ", Shivaay said holding her hand and they both stood in a line, many visitors were already there along with them. Anika stared water which was shining and the moonlight was highlighting this beautiful place and then looked toward Shivaay who is the best gift from God to her. She looked toward the front and noticed many people were praying. She also joined hands and prayed for the family's good health and wealth.

"You became my life Anika", Shivaay said as he felt to tell her this in this holy place
My first story to complete 80 parts🥳🥳

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