part : 85

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"Impressive. You think like this then keep thinking because I think your brain is empty", Shivaay said and left from there leaving Anika alone. Anika ran toward the door but when she noticed him leaving the office angrily she stopped there and closed the door of his cabin slowly as she felt her body weak. She knows she can't follow him as he has his car. She sat on the chair with tears. She realised her mistake but she never wanted to hurt him. Even thier couple picture teased her now because she knows pacifying Shivaay will not be easy.

"Please tell your father that I am regretting my behaviour. You forgave me na? Your father left me and I know he will leave me if by chance something happened to you. He loves you more than me ", Anika said to her baby with tears falling from her eyes. She is hurt, not because of his anger but because of his words. She knew he would get angry but she fears now. What if he left her?

"If anything happened to my baby in these 9 months then that would be the last day of us together ", Anika recalled his words and shivered thinking about it. She can't stay away from him even for a day then how she will manage without him? His arms and his face became her habit which she can't leave.

"If by chance he tried leaving me then I will make that day the last one of my life as well ", Anika said to herself. She is feeling very low and heavy right now because of thier fight, she can't handle this. She closed her eyes to stop thinking about his words but that didn't help. Instead, her eyes became watery again, she wiped her tears and touched the bangles which Shivaay gave her.

He never left her alone like he did today, because of his behaviour and the way he left, she wonders what if he left her like he did today? She is scared to reach home as well today because she doesn't dare to face him. How she will justify her action? He is right because she was wrong to think about abortion, what if she aborted it and he got to know about it later? Then definitely she would have lost him completely.

She placed her head on the table and started crying, she won't know what he will do today. She is very scared thinking about his reaction. She hurt him enough today, she knew he will never raise his hand at her but still, she said and hurt him more. Now she wants to admit yes her brain is empty and wants him to calm her like always. "Why do I make mistakes every time?" She thought

"Anika you have to handle this. He... He will take time but he will understand ", Anika thought and then touched her abdomen

"I am sorry, now I will never let anything happen to you. I will save you even if I have to die because he loves you more than me", Anika said and smiled, she wished that her child was here to light her mood a little. She was crying and slept on the table.

Shivaay spent his time alone sitting near the pool. He was recalling every memory with her here, those were very special. He kept checking the time and door to see her but she didn't come. His anger started raising again and his fear as well because he left her alone for the first time. If by chance something happened to any of them because of him then how he will forgive himself? He is feeling guilty for leaving her alone, he doesn't even want to call her because of the fight. How he will talk? He is regretting his words as well. Leave her? He can't even think of a day without her.

He wants her beside him every time, he can even disturb her at midnight if he craved to listen to her voice. On trips he wants her to keep talking with him till he is free as he finds solace.

"Why she is not here? It's been 2 hours", he thought and called reception to ask about Anika where the receptionist told him that Anika already left which scared him now. He was staring water for a long time and didn't realise how he passed 2 hours sitting there. He was thinking about their fight nothing else than how 2 hours passed so easily.

"Hope she is fine", he thought with tears and came out of the mansion to check if she is there or not. Already he is hurt because of their argument and her decision and now her safety. He started to pace here and there in wait for Anika, if she was in the office then he would have gone there but when she is not there he is in no mood to drive. He is very angry with her today and now his anger is raising more thinking about where she is. What if she left him because he warned her that he will leave her? She is pregnant and he can't let anyone harm her. He knows now she needs care so he wants to be with her.

After some time he noticed her coming out of the autorickshaw, he glared at her angrily as she is late today, and took the autorickshaw that too when she is pregnant. Anika ignored his glare and hugged him, she started to cry in his arms and there she felt the peace which she was missing.

"Why are you late? Where were you?", Shivaay asked angrily

"Don't worry I will not abort the baby. If by chance I have to give my life for my child then I am ready for it", Anika said, now her words hurt him. He didn't ask in that way, he was asking this question normally but his tone changed the meaning of his question. He wanted to say something but then remembered that she was about to abort the baby and kept quiet and kissed her hair. More than her he is feeling peace in her arms.

"I know you don't love me. You love the baby more than me", Anika complained with tears. Shivaay rubbed his hand on her back softly to calm her, even in anger he can't see her with tears.

"I said that in anger. Can't you use your common sense that I love you more than anything else?", Shivaay said, he felt her fear. Even he was scared a while ago. He was thinking what if Anika left him because of his words? Then he can understand how she would be feeling right now.

"You are not angry right?", Anika asked

"If you think I am not angry anymore then you are wrong Anika. I know the baby is alive but still, you were deciding without asking me. What if your mind didn't change? ", Shivaay said and went towards their room. He packed a bag with 2 outfits and placed the bag on the sofa. Anika came inside the room and noticed him packing a bag which confused her.

"Where are you going?", Anika asked. Shivaay left from there without answering her. He stood on the terrace, today her voice is not looking soothing to him, he is unable to look at her with love, and his anger is raising as passed seconds. He tried calming himself down but is unable to. Anika ran behind him and sighed looking at him. She knows he is sad and angry, she will make him happy as well with her love now.

"Baby tell your father that anger is not good for his health", Anika said and walked in front of him

"Don't involve my child here?" Shivaay said angrily and pulled her toward him by her arms angrily.

"Our child Shivaay. How can you say my child?", Anika asked in a low voice. She didn't look at him because her eyes were getting teary and she don't want to cry again

"Just like you were going to kill my...", Shivaay said angrily then noticed her tears and left her arm and looked toward the sky realising that his anger can damage their relationship. That is the last thing he wants in his life, he took a long breath to control himself from shouting at her.

"Leave me alone for some time I will be normal. I told you already I have a meeting so I need to travel", Shivaay said giving her the reason why he packed bags, he thought to keep quiet but after looking into her teary eyes he could not hold himself from telling her the truth.

"No, I will not leave you alone", Anika said and was about to sit on the grill of the roof when he glared at her and she immediately stood straight getting his unsaid words.

"Don't be stubborn Anika. I am saying I will...", Shivaay said but Anika interrupted him

"No. You have to understand that I can't leave you alone otherwise you will leave me alone forever just like you said", Anika said

"That was a slip of tongue Anika. I am not that weak to commit suicide. I know if I have a family to look after now. I know about my responsibilities", Shivaay said and took a long breath to talk with her calmly

"I am saying this politely as well I can't stay without you. Will you leave me alone now?", Shivaay asked

"No, I can bear your anger", Anika said, she knows he is hurt right now and will cry. He was alone for the past few hours, now she will not let him cry. She wants to light his mood up now.

"But I don't want to show it. Please I want some time alone", Shivaay asked

"You were alone when I was in office so I will not. I love you and tell you everything, you can take the decision in anything from my side and I will not utter a single word but I will not agree if you decided to leave me. Don't think that I don't share everything with you. That time I was mad Shivaay, I thought I should not repeat your past", Anika reasoned her action and came in front of him. She caressed his cheeks softly, Shivaay removed her hand angrily and turned his face aside.

"Anika please ", Shivaay asked softly now, his anger is yet to cool but he tried to maintain his soft attitude as he realised that she is scared because of his word that he will leave her. His words scared him as well then he can't imagine for her. He caressed her arms softly and checked if there is any marks because of him

"I will stay on another corner ", Anika said and left to one corner. He looked toward the stars, there are many stars but only one moon which looks beautiful just because of the stars, even a moon is nothing without stars. He looked at Anika and noticed her staring at him, he looked aside but again his concentration went to her automatically. He started to think about her now, she is pregnant so she should not work a lot. He decided that even he will take one decision on her behalf now. He will hire her into his company either by replacing her or removing her from the job and asking her to stay with him in the office without any work.

Anika kept staring at him, she knew his heart will melt seeing her quiet and then she will show him what he mean to her. When she noticed him coming toward her, she felt happy but her smile fades when Shivaay bends in front of her.

"Hope you were not crying baby", Shivaay said and touched her abdomen, he is very happy because he is going to be a father. Now he doesn't want to leave her alone. He closed his eyes tightly feeling his child, both Anika and his baby are his love. He knows one thing he can live without a child but not without her.
Don't worry I will not ruin their beautiful phase ♥️

I know you guys don't like fights, but I will try to post a sequel 😅😅

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