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"No's kind of a sad funeral, isn't it?" Sunny asked as she laid flowers down on the grave. They were bright and pink.

"Can you really call what just happened a funeral?"

Sunny shook her head as she looked at Hyoyeon. "I guess not. Not if there wasn't any ceremony or real recognition of life."

Seohyun crouched down next to the grave. There wasn't even a proper engraving on the marker - just a name and a large RIP carved into the rocky surface. "I can't believe I was part of all this. I can't believe this is something that could actually happen."

"Jessica hasn't come out of their dorm yet, right?" Eunhyuk asked. "Hasn't it been almost a week?"

"I mean she goes to the hospital, but I can't really blame her for being so...well...broken. Everything is over now, isn't it?" Hyoyeon pointed out. "I'd be relieved if I was her, but with what happened to Taeyeon, I can't imagine she's taking it easy."

"Sooyoung and Yoona are doing their best to bring her back to normal, but its been taking a while." Seohyun added.

"Speaking of those girls, let's go to the hospital. It's about time we met them there."

The group left the dreary cemetery, walking never once looking back at where they once stood. They knew that silently, they would all return to the spot again - the spot where there was a single marker shared by two sisters.


Yoona and Sooyoung were outside a hospital room.

"We're back." Sunny announced as she turned the corner and saw the two girls. "Jessica is-"

"Kicked us out so she could be alone with her." Yoona sighed as she motioned for Sunny and the others to sit with her.

Seohyun knocked on the door, but after not getting a response she joined the others at their seats. "Taeyeon woke up before, right?"

"No, not yet."

The door opened, and a very depressed Jessica walked out. The new arrivals all went up to give her a hug. Jessica half-heartedly returned the feelings as she hung her head and rested against her friends' warmth. Though no one could see her face, they could feel the dampness of fresh tears on her cheeks.

Jessica appreciated the comfort - she really did - but it didn't make up for the fact that Taeyeon wasn't the one in her arms, or that Taeyeon wasn't the one holding her tightly.

If anything, it made the whole ordeal even worse for Jessica.

The group continued to sit outside as they watched nurses walk in and out of the room, muttering medical notes to themselves and flipping thru pages of confidential files.

Everything made Jessica more riled up. She wanted to grab one of the nurses and tell her to spill everything about Taeyeon's condition. She wanted someone to tell her that Taeyeon would be alright - none of that "probably will make it" or "have a few problems" stuff. She wanted to know the exact second that Taeyeon would wake up and stay awake for more than just a few minutes at a time.

Most of all, Jessica just wanted to know when she could hear Taeyeon's voice again.

With a heavy heart, Jessica got up. "I'm going home."

Everyone else nodded and got up to accompany their friend back to the dorm.

Suddenly, a nurse ran by and turned into Taeyeon's room. Then another. And then a doctor joined them inside.

Jessica looked at the door, then at her friends. The loud shouts and foot steps from inside played with her heart as she thought the worse had come to pass. "Tae...Tae!" Jessica hurried back towards the room only to be blocked by one of the nurses.

"Please wait outside." She said.

"But Tae! Is she okay? She didn't die, did she? Oh God, please, no don't tell me-"

"You're friend is fine."

"She is?"

The nurse nodded. "We're just running some checks on her, but she's awake now and seems to be fine. He body just needed time to rest it seems. Now, if you would please," The nurse motioned to the seats Jessica and her friends were sitting in earlier, "we'll tell you when you can go in and see your friend."

Jessica obediently followed the request made of her. She watched as the nursing staff went about their job and tried to listen to the medical jargon that was thrown about.

"-ca. Jessica! Come on!"

Jessica felt her arms being tugged at. Sooyoung and Yoona were pulling her into Taeyeon's room. She wasn't ready, though. Jessica needed a moment to prepare herself. She needed to think of what she would say and how she would say it and what she would do and where she would stand and did she even look good enough to be greeting Taeyeon for the first time in what felt like forever and why didn't she have flowers because Taeyeon deserved to have the biggest bouquet of flow-


And suddenly nothing mattered.


That was all Jessica could say. She just looked at the beaten and bandaged Taeyeon who laid in bed as her mind emptied of every single worry and thought. Because even though Taeyeon was hurt and in pain, she was awake.

Taeyeon was awake. And she looked at Jessica. And she cried. "Hurry up and come over here Jessica so I can hug you, you crying mess!"

"You're crying, too, you idiot!" But Jessica didn't care. She didn't care that she had found it in herself to cry happy tears or that they were getting their tears all over each other. She just cared that Taeyeon was as warm as she remembered she was.

Jessica and Taeyeon stayed like that for a while. No one wanted to bother them, so they patiently waited for Jessica to share Taeyeon. The next few days were the same - Jessica would monopolize Taeyeon until she had her fill for the day before letting anyone else so much as greet her. Between tests and check-ins, Jessica would sneak in quick hugs and the occasional squeeze of hands.

Then the day finally came. The day that Taeyeon could finally leave the white-washed walls behind. The day Taeyeon could leave everything behind.

When Taeyeon was finally able to step back into her house, she let every wave of emotion hit her. The pain, the revenge, tears...everything. Including the happy moments of just knowing there was someone by her side; someone who would believe her.

And then the day finally came where Taeyeon visited the grave of Tiffany and Krystal. Jessica was the only one to accompany Taeyeon when she decided to make the visit. Taeyeon thought she would be mad. That she would kick dirt all over the grave marker and deface everything because it's very existence was proof that someone put Taeyeon through so much torture and mental agony. But standing there in front of the grave marker made it difficult to actually hate Tiffany. Taeyeon could never bring herself to hate Krystal. That much she knew. Krystal was innocent and just the blissfully unaware child caught up in the adult world and se didn't deserve any hate.

But Tiffany was the very reason everything happened. Taeyeon didn't even know how long it had been since everything started, and now it all came to an end. What was she supposed to do with herself now? Tiffany put Taeyeon though every movie plot twist possible, and yet Taeyeon found it difficult to hate Tiffany as much as she wanted to.

"You suck..." was all Taeyeon could say after staring at the stone slab. "You made my life ridiculously stressful and put me through things I never want to remember. But at the same time..." Taeyeon looked at Jessica. "I probably would never have met Jessica if you didn't tell me to go kill her." Taeyeon sighed. "I still hate you, but you're dead now. It's not like I can do anything to you, for you, or because of you."

With that, Taeyeon left, grabbing Jessica by the arm and pulling her along.


Taeyeon spent the night at the ZoNE dorm. Jessica insisted she stay and wouldn't take no for an answer no matter how much Taeyeon wanted to deny the offer. They compromised by having Taeyeon sleep on the couch instead of in Jessica's room.

The next morning, Jessica woke up extra early to check on Taeyeon. Somehow, she felt like she should have seen it coming. The covers were folded nicely and the pillows were propped back up as if they had never been touched. Taeyeon was long gone.

All that was left was a note.

Thanks. Bye. Enjoy the rest of your life. Maybe we'll see each other again.


Your biggest fan.

Jessica sat down on the couch were Taeyeon was just hours ago. The warmth was gone, and it didn't feel like Taeyeon was ever there. It was almost like she had never existed, even though Jessica knew that in reality, everything had actually happened. Sooyoung and Yoona came down and prepared breakfast. They were surprised Taeyeon was gone, but didn't say much since Jessica seemed to be avoiding the topic of Taeyeon herself.

After breakfast, Jessica followed Sooyoung and Yoona out the door for a late-morning schedule. Then another event in the afternoon. And some dinner that didn't start until late at night. And after a short night of sleep, Jessica found herself in a dance room learning choreography for some new song.

Taeyeon wasn't anywhere to be found. Between singing takes and dance practices, Jessica had tried to contact Taeyeon and see how she was doing. At first, there was just no answer. Then flat out rejection of calls. And after a couple weeks, Taeyeon had changed her number and Jessica had no way of contacting her. The one time Jessica tried visiting Taeyeon at her house, she wasn't there. Or, as Jessica had started to believe, was pretending she wasn't around. Jessica would have stayed there all night to wait for Taeyeon's return, but Sooyoung reminded her that she had work-related things to deal with.

Jessica couldn't even reach Taeyeon thru her friends. They didn't answer her calls, either.

"Just give up. She probably left for a reason." Sooyoung said after seeing Jessica hang up the phone dejectedly for the umpteenth time that week. "She's clearly moving on in her life, and you should, too."

"But I can't. I want to talk to her more. I want to know why she suddenly left and why she can't even return my calls or why-"

"Get over it!"


"Yoona, come on." Sooyoung turned her attention to Yoona. "You can't really tell me that you think she should keep chasing after Taeyeon, can you? Would you pursue someone if they just disappeared from you like that?"

Yoona knew Sooyoung was right. But she knew that Jessica was stubborn and in need of closure, too.

Every event was now boring to Jessica. Even though there were fans screaming her name and cameras trying to do justice to her beauty, Jessica couldn't care less. She had already tried scanning every audience for that face that somehow made her heart flutter ages ago. She tried watching the news hoping to catch a glimpse of Taeyeon, or hear something that might even remotely related to her. But everything led a dead-end. The same dead-end, nonetheless.

A year had passed when Jessica finally listened to Sooyoung's advice and started to move on. It was for the better, Sooyoung would always say. Now, Jessica could focus on her carrier as an idol and even be in a better mental state. And it was true. Jessica's performances were more energetic and she interacted with fans more readily than she ever did before Taeyeon was in her life.

Jessica sat down in between Sooyoung and Yoona. They were at a long table with fans and cameras in front of them. It was the fan sign for the first full-length album after the craziness that ensued, and Jessica was actually pumped up for the wintery event.

Fans went up and through the line and sheepishly interacted with their biases. Their squeals of joy set the happy mood. Jessica greeted every fan with a smile and accepted their gifts of fan letters, snacks, and accessories. Every now and then, Jessica thought she recognized a voice that belong to Taeyeon, but she paid them no mind, knowing that Taeyeon was long gone.

Lucky for ZoNE, their manager managed to get them out of any schedules after the fan meet - in other words, the girls dashed home and opened all their early Christmas gifts. It was their turn to smile like children as they carefully handled the gifts they had received.

Jessica was barely through half of her pile when she froze. In her hand was a bowl. It was a plain one that was probably bought from a random store. On the bottom of the bowl an picture old and tattered picture was taped down. The back side was scribbled out, clearly trying to hide whatever used to exist there. In its place was a short note in hand writing Jessica recognized all too easily.

I never got you a new bowl to replace the on I broke, did I? Hope this one works.

Tell Sooyoung I want some porridge when I come over next.

Jessica couldn't help but laugh. There some something painfully amazing about the note. Taeyeon wasn't out of her life. Not entirely, at least. Jessica was mad that Taeyeon decided only now to make her presence known, but at the same time, Jessica was overjoyed that Taeyeon was back on her radar.

By now, Sooyoung and Yoona had read the note and were smiling. Sure, they were pissed that Taeyeon decided to suddenly leave and turn Jessica into a depressed and lonely mess, but she was coming back and they knew that if Taeyeon was for real, Jessica would be the happiest person in the world.

The only thing Jessica could do was wait - there was no date or time, or even location, specified so Jessica just assumed that Taeyeon would one day turn up at her front door with a smile as if nothing ever happened.

Jessica lingered on her rekindled hope, but instead of desperately clawing for something that seemed so out of reach, she remained calm with the knowledge that her patience would be paid off.

"You know, for a celebrity, you don't have the best security system here."

ZoNE had just come back from grocery shopping. They returned home to find their door wide open and an extra pair of shoes kicked off by the shoe rack. And Jessica ran straight to the kitchen where she could hear the sound of running water.

"Yeah, well for someone who disappeared for a year, you sure know how to make an entrance."

Sooyoung and Yoona quietly retreated to their rooms to leave Jessica alone with the intruder.

"I do believe that we had a bet started a long time ago."

"Oh? And remind me what that bet was." Jessica said with a sly smirk as she crossed the floor to the girl in front of her.

"That if you were ever to fall in love with me, you would win."

"Ah, the bet where you get to become my personal maid for a week, yes? I do believe I won." Jessica leaned in and pinned the girl between herself and the sink. "So, shall we go dress shopping for your maid outfit, Taeyeon?"

"Hm...actually, I never recall hearing you say that you love me. So I do believe," Taeyeon pointed something metallic in Jessica's face, "that makes me the winner."


A blast of cold water showered Jessica. She shrieked as she grabbed the closest thing to her as a shield. "You little brat!"

"I'm not a brat!"

"Well you are little!" Jessica grabbed the sink hose and tried to wrench it out of Taeyeon's hand. As she pulled back, Taeyeon crashed into Jessica, sending the two of them falling onto the hard floor. A second crash caught their attention.

The bowl that Jessica received at the fan sign event had cracked.

"Man, now I have to go buy you a new bowl, don't I?" Taeyeon tried to get up, but Jessica reached around her and pulled Taeyeon in so that not even the air was separating their soaked bodies. Taeyeon could feel Jessica's breath against her own.

"Don't you dare leave my side. Not again."

"And why shouldn't I?"

"Because I love you and your stupid little bratty face and I'm going to go as ballistic as Tiffany if you ever leave me again, got it?"

Taeyeon smiled and nuzzled her forehead on Jessica's. "Yes, ma'am."

"Oh my friggin...what is with you two and the kitchen hose!"

Taeyeon and Jessica looked at the door to see a fuming Sooyoung standing there. "Uh, Taeyeon started it?"

"Just clean it up already." Sooyoung could be heard mumbling down the hall before closing her bedroom door.

Taeyeon looked back down at Jessica who was still trapped underneath her. "What is it with us and this kitchen floor, though? I do recall being in this same position a little more than a year ago."

"Actually, I think you have it backwards." Jessica quickly pulled at Taeyeon's side and flipped their positions. "I was on top before we were told to clean up."


"Yes. Now let me continue from where we left of a year ago."

Jessica leaned down and gently kissed Taeyeon on the lips. It was a sweet kiss that was rudely interrupted by a towel landing on Jessica's head.

"I told you two to clean up. Now clean!" Sooyoung rolled her eyes before disappearing back to her room.

"Well you heard her, maid, go clean." Jessica got up and pulled Taeyeon to her feet. "Here's a towel, there are more in the closet over there. I'll be drying off at watching TV."

" Your pretty little butt is helping me." Taeyeon threw the towel back at Jessica. "I am not your maid."

"Fine. But you are mine." Jessica went to grab a few more towels while Taeyeon started wiping down the counter.

"Yeah. I am."

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