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It's been 5 months.

I lived in a large, well-furnished, artsy mansion with a pool and a maid always on hand. From my perspective now, it seems like a dream.

My parents were wealthy and the owners of the worldwide corporation 'Arendelle Trading', they managed and transported trades across and between countries. Of course, they were the only ones who could manage the corporation anyway, they always told me I was the heiress, but I would always forget that.

4 months ago, my parents went on a business trip on a plane to Dubai, the engines suddenly failed and the plane crashed into the sea. Most people on that plane were saved, however, my parents never learned to swim or float.

After their death, I found it hard to continue life. The corporation soon couldn't function anymore, and no one knew how to take over even the ones with the most experience. "No one can do it like the Arendelle's", they said.

One day a man tried to run the coporation, but then 'Arendelle Trading' became bankrupt and closed down. We lost most of our money.

Aunt moved in and started taking care of us.

One day she called my sister, Anna and I to our Parents old office and Aunt looked at me.

"People that respected and worked with your parents, want to bring back the coporation and continue the legacy of the Arendelle's." Aunt told us, "Elsa, you were the heiress, they want to train you to run 'Arendelle Trading'."

I never wanted to live like that, I never wanted to run the Trading Coporation.

"I'm not going to do that. I never wanted to." I told Aunt.

"What-?! Don't you want to make your parents proud?!" Aunt raised her voice, like I offended my parents.

"I do. But I never wanted to make them proud like this." I responded.

Anna abruptly stands up and volunteered, "I'll do it."

"You see? You should be like your younger sister and honor your parents." Aunt says.

I couldn't continue my life ... so I had to make a new one.

I left the room and packed everything that I possibly can and left a note then I officially left. Thinking about that now, it wasn't my smartest move, but my pride won't allow me to go back.

5 months since their death, I have been living alone in a small apartment in a town called Burgess, attending my second year in Burgess Highschool. Wearing sweatpants and lying on a naked matress watching a old game show on my small box TV.
Currently juggling 3 part time jobs and trying to get the person who owns these apartments off my back.

... This is my new life. I really want to go back to my old.

"Damn, it's hot ..." I groan, I get off of my butt and I open the window, "Even hotter!" I close the window and fall back on my mattress.

If only ... if only I could afford a fan ...

Suddenly some wriggles across the floor, alarmed, I sit up and carefully look at the floorboards.

I look at the very end of the room, damn it! A cockroach! Those ones are hard to kill!

I grab a slipper and bash the cockroach endlessly but it ends up running around, I grab a plastic bag and bag the cockroach and toss it out the window.

"Hmph. Good riddance." I say and close the window and check the time, "Oh no! School!"

I quickly get ready for school. I stayed up all night, free time is sparse since I have work shifts. I put on my uniform which is plain navy and black dress. I tie up my hair and leave with my bag and lock my apartment.

As I walk to school I spot my friend, Hiccup walking just ahead of me, he was also a friend of mine in my old life. He has brown hair and green eyes and has a cute cat named, Toothless although he's more like Ruthless to me. Badum-tsss.

"Hiccuuuup!" I shout to him and he turns around waves and waits for me to catch up.

"You look tired today Elsa." Hiccup says and smiles.

"That's because in comparison with other girls they wear makeup, and I can't afford makeup." I say to him.

"But they sleep. You don't." He says, chuckling a bit.

"It's not my fault." I mutter.

Hiccup hands me an apple, I take it out of his hands and I devour it in a minute and he laughs I give him a rude stare in return.

"Elsa, you really should sleep. You will embarrass yourself again in class. Or you will tire yourself out to the max." Hiccup advises me.

"Why does that matter? My image is ruined anyway. They all know me as that 'Broke Junkie Girl'." I say to him.

Hiccup and I sit at the sit in front of school, since we always wait for the bell before we enter school. Hiccup hands me grapes and I instantly snatch it of his hand.

A student spots Hiccup while walking past me. She looks at both of us suspiciously and asks, "Are you guys dating?"

Lots of people ask us that, just because he's a boy and I am a girl. Plus Hiccup is kind of one of the main love interests in our school, pre-pubescent times he was often bullied. I knew him because we are family friends.

"No." I answer with my mouth opening revealing all the chewed grapes in my mouth.

"Ew." She gets put off a bit.

"Be a bit polite, Elsa." Hiccup tells me.

"I chose this path, okay. The Junkie Path." I say to him, "You can judge me all you want but I am living up to their expectations of me."

We spot the 'Famous Couple', Jack and Rapunzel, romancing it up across from us in front of the school gate.

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