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There is something strange about Jack. He doesn't know when to stop, he goes too far at times he is just weird. Why does he have to be so extra?

I slouch in my seat, sipping on an apple juicebox. Soon people gradually start filling the room and that includes that Tooth who is also a valuable figure in the business.

Tooth approaches me, and places her hand tensely onto my desk. I look up at her but remain in my comfortable position, lying whatever is above my chest onto the table.

"... You have been hanging out with Jack lately." Tooth tells me, it was quite a dark tone, "You should back off and not get too comfortable."

... Tooth seems genuinely concerned. Maybe because the 'fundraising' money will go to shit if I get with Jack. Hah. Maybe I should tease her.

"... I am already comfortable. He is also really comfortable with me." I say and follow my words with intricate hand gestures, "Like so comfortable, we might as well be big fluffy pillows."

Her eyes widen and she gasps, "Stay. Out."

I maliciously smirk and I shrug, I tend to my nearly empty juice box and sip loudly creating that loud irritating sound.

More time and that couple will be done. Once Jack's precious secret will be out.

Mr North has been referring me to a lot of realistic romance novels but they all seem unrealistic, like an angel  becoming a slave for a demon? I need humans! Although I am enjoying that other novel thoroughly ...

Anyway I meeting Mr North after school for a progress report, he will be impressed to hear my news!

After all those boring ass classes end I am free for a beautiful 30 minutes of lunch. I sit at the bench with Hiccup, as always.

"Elsa, you seem to look more healthier before." He notices.

I force a laugh, "Y-yeah."

Damn it! Unprepared!

It's true though. They provided me with luxury rose scented soaps and nice smelling exotic shampoos and conditioners. Products for healthier skin on the face. I feel like I've entered into the world of femininity.

"You know, is there something going on?" He asks me concerned.

... If I ever told Hiccup about the job he would absolutely not approve. Ever. For him morals rule over money any day.

I gulp and say, "What? Because I am suddenly more radiant you think something is wrong?"

"... No it's good that you are looking after yourself." He tells me smiling, "It shows you are moving on in a positive way."

"You make things seem deeper than they actually are, you know." I point out.

Hiccup suddenly pauses and peeks over behind me, I turn around following where his eyes are pin pointing. We see Tooth and her group of shameless fangirls.

"I thought they ended their fundraising activities." Hiccup says.

They were there with banners and money boxes.

... They already paid us. So why are they fundraising some more? I feel uneasy ...

"Anyway," He changes the subject, "Jack is not joining us. He was really pathetic."

"You should've seen that earlier," I say, "But honestly it's okay you're making this out like this is such a sensitive topic, that would make me even more uncomfortable."

"Did you go all soft for Jack?" Hiccup asks, shocked.

"No!" I immediately oppose, "I just don't want it to seem like a personal issue. Everything is fine."

"Okay," He surrenders, "I won't confine Jack and tell him he can feel free to hang."

... Good. Work would be easier.

Another school day passes and I also pass out in a classroom. I don't remember being so sleep deprived, and the cause of it which was hard labour has left.

I suddenly wake up, and find myself on my dear desk. I should install some type of pillow on top of it.

I glance at the clock it's around 4:30pm, could've been a lot worse. But by this time most of the school has been cleared out. I sigh and grab my bag.

I whistle to myself one of the theme songs to the soap operas I have been watching recently. Wait ... Mr North. I have to meet him in 30 minutes.

I scream while running through the empty hall. Very unprofessional! Late meeting! Waaahhh!

Suddenly I feel a tight grip around my wrist, it was so strong I couldn't pull away I turn around to see a shocked Jack.

I try to yank out my wrist out of his hand.

"I thought something serious was going on." He tells me.

"It is!" I shout, "It's urgent that's why I must go!"

I check my phone and I see a text from the boss himself it writes, See me tomorrow.

"Ah!" I frustratingly express, "I am so unprofessional! This is the only thing I care about!"

"... You have a job?" That annoying guy, Jack says.

I turn to him and bluntly say, "You're still here?"

I see a smirk form on his face, "Don't tell me you deal drugs?"

I roll my eyes, "You are wrong."

"I mean come on," He wryly laughs, "You arrived to school with a birds nest on top of your head, lifeless skin and blood shot eyes. And apparently your apparently bombsite apartment is basically a suite."

I cross my arms, ugh I am so fed up with him, "... You are the only thing I can't tolerate. And I have tolerated Tooth."

He leans in closely to my face, he bends his back, trying to match my height. The distance from my face and his was around an inch. His large hands grip my hair and he gently curls a strand around his finger.

His minty breath comes into contact to my face as he whispers with his raspy deep voice, "Bear with me a bit more ... then I will see you at breaking point."

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