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"Oh, Mr. Frost," I address him, "What a wonderful addition, to my already shitty day. Glad you can join me."

Jack slides his book to the opposite side of the table, he pulls up the chair aggressively and takes a seat right opposite of me. 

He seems uber pissed, and does not possess the effort to annoy or piss me off like he usually does, he just leans on the back of the chair, kicks his feet up on the table while balancing a two-legged seat.

"Are you like 5?" I ask, I mean more like comment.

Jack glares at me, which made me shudder quite a bit because it was so unexpected. I feel like all the emotion he has right now, he is blaming me.

I am probably responsible, because he glared at me like that.

"If there's something on your mind, I'm here for you." I say softly.

"You know I heard-"

"Hah!" I interrupt him, "Got you! I don't care."

He continues glaring at me then opens his mouth, "I heard rumors, that we did something romantic inside the patisserie."

I burst out laughing, "Cursing at each other in a patisserie is considered romantic?! I don't get this generation!"

I continue laughing, and I look at Jack, he's not having it and my laughter awkwardly died down.

"Well, I asked this person uttering this rumor where he learnt this from, and he said he got it from Tooth and also apparently you yelled it out to your whole class." Jack explains.

Oh ... that's right.

"Like I care, I just wanted to piss Tooth off." I respond crossing my arms.

I initially planned to hurt Tooth with my made-up love tale with Jack, but I ended up being a pain for Jack ... Just perfect!

Hah ... so I was the reason for his passive but nor really passive aggressive state? Wow, I am really amazing.

"... Rapunzel must be worried." Jack says and rubs his forehead while sighing.

"About what?" I ask while attempting to balance on two of the chair legs.

"About you!" Jack yells and slams the table, causing me to lose my balance and fall off my chair and I look at him in surprise. 

"How dense are you?!" Jack exclaims, "Are you capable of thinking about anybody except yourself?"

I lift my back from the carpet and sit up, pausing for a few long seconds. "Why should I care about other people's problems? I have my own."

Jack calms down and sits down on his chair again and I follow that action. 

There was this dead silence in this room and I felt uncomfortable so I started whistling which develops into some highly skilled Mozart type whistling. 

Jack Frost gave me this irritated face, like he wanted to choke me. He continued to give me a death glare but it just encouraged me to level up on my whistling skills.

"Shut. Up." He tells me.

I pause for a moment but then I continue whistling.

"Stop it." He says, "I am through with you. You are annoying. You annoy Rapunzel, Hiccup and I and our lives would be so peaceful without someone like you."

I laugh, "Don't worry Frost. I only have good intentions and once my act is fulfilled I will happily waltz out of your life." 

Jack narrows his eyes and one brow raises, "What the hell is that suppose to mean?"

I just respond with a teasing smirk. Let me have my moment.

I mean he'll just ign-

"Wait, so you're telling me you got involved in my life because there is a reason?" He asks, his face tilted and his eyes narrowing which increased the production of my sweat.

I slam the table. Think. I slam the table again. I think.

"Objection!" I fittingly exclaim and then sit back down on my chair calmly.

"Is this what poverty does to people?" He scoffs, and looks away from me like I'm trash and adds, "Usually poor people are humble, you're the first brat that's poor I've come across."

"You're forgetting something Jack Frost. I won the lotto." I say and fling my legs onto the table crossing them and relax back in my chair, "I'm a walking success story."

"Maybe. But once you walked into our lives our life quality has decreased." Jack turns on his superficial forced smile, "So you need to tell me why ... why your annoying us."

"Well ..." I mumble and tap my chin, "Probably because of Hiccup ... you know you hang out with him. That's why it's a common occurrence to come upon one another." 

"Hiccup is too good for you." Jack comments.

"Rapunzel is too good for you." I respond.

"She is."

"Great you're self-aware."

"A quality in which you lack."

"Huh. Maybe act on your self-awareness and break up with Rapunzel." 


At this point, I think Jack understands how I interact with him, he's used to a piece of shit work like me. I feel like I can make him into a good man like a Hiccup 2.0. I can be Victor Frankenstein but not neglect my creation.

The school bell rings and Jack stays back to talk to his teacher whereas my teacher doesn't bother speaking to me, that woman just wants me out of her classroom ... which seems fair. 

I catapult myself out of that toxic room to go meet with the only person I value in this world, Hiccup. I see his beautiful head but then I see the flaming red mess right next to him.

Dra til helvete  

 I approach them, "Hi Hiccup!" I greet him with a luminous smile exuding confidence, god I love Crest.

I look over to scorn at the rude Scottish girl right next to him, "What are you doing here? Scotland is about a 10 hour flight from here."

"Who's this tidy lass?" The girl says calmly and with a smile.

Is she looking down on me? Is she teasing me?

"What did you call me?!" I get furious as I walk up to her in complete and pure anger.

Hiccup halts me by putting his hands up, "Woah! Woah! She didn't mean it that way!"

I turn to Hiccup.

"It's Scottish slang for a pretty girl, I think." Hiccup tells me.

I glare at the girl and walk to the other side of table and take a seat on the bench directly in front of Hiccup. I trust Hiccup, plus his parents are Scottish.

I can't believe this girl just pretends like she doesn't know me. Feigning ignorance all the time, this Scot is mad. 

"I met Merida in History she's a really nice person, Elsa." Hiccup attempts to assure me.

"Yeah I know her," I tell him, "She was rude to me outside the patisserie. I don't understand why you're making friends with horrible people, you see the good in people too much."

Hiccup uncomfortably smiles.

Jack joins us and takes a seat next to me, but on the very edge of the bench. Am I that repulsive to him? I shuffle right next to him where he is in a state of disgust.

Jack simply walks to the other side of the bench and sits, ignoring me.

"Where's Rapunzel?" Jack asks.

"She's probably still working on her analysis knowing how dedicated she is."  I answer.

Jack points to the Merida chick or 'lass' and asks about her in which Hiccup introduced her and Merida acts all timid. This J'vel.

Jack pokes me and laughs, "Watch out Elsa. Merida might just steal your man. Pretty tough competition must I say."

"Hiccup is my man. But without any romantic connotations attached." I explain nonchalantly.

"You hurt poor Hiccup's feelings." Jack boos me and I look over to Hiccup panicking.

"I-I don't like her in that way! Stop please!" Hiccup says like he's in the hot seat and has 1 second left to answer the question.

"Don't yer think that ya reactin' like that because yer fancy her?" Merida adds more heat.

"No ... No!" Hiccup respond and looks away, but I can see the prominent red cheeks, and the red ears. 

Wait ... no ... it can't be right?


All I'm gonna say is ... sorry for the millionth time.

I'll be taking a hiatus soon again from not just this book but from the TFA. This update is just to show this book is not dead.

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