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(TW for mention of drowning)

The boat was easy to keep up with and easy to watch. It wasn't easy to wait for a chance to catch someone. There was always too many people or an interruption. But the siren was determined, not willing to go back and admit defeat. So far three days had gone by with nothing exciting happening. Sure, there was whatever gossip on the boat, but that was boring. Every boat that had more than one human had gossip! Besides, English was hard to understand through the water, but the sheer height between him and the boat made it harder. Maybe it was the height that first lured him to the boat. His voice could reach the humans up there, but their fall would be a challenge. It might snap his spell.

He didn't have time to think too deeply about how to fix that, noticing the stormy clouds ahead. Depending on how bad of a storm it was, it could be a perfect opportunity to drag someone down to the sea floor. Figuring it'd be better to swim to the stormy area, as well as less dull, he flicked his fins and headed off. As expected, the water where the storm was sent a small shiver in his mind. Storms weren't exactly the top favorite type of weather on the siren's list. But still he waited, knowing the foolish nature of humans. They wouldn't see the storm until it's too late, or not have any other route planned out. Over and over again there was stories of humans travelling straight into storms without any care, which was utterly hilarious. Such lack of care was so...human.

Hours seemed to pass before the panicked yells reached the siren's ears. His head broke the surface, seeing the forms of the ship's content running and panicking. Only now was it noticed just how bad the storm was, loud cracks of thunder rumbling with sword like lightning striking. Determined still, the siren took a deep breath. Stormy winds filled his lungs sharply, eyes staying on the boat and not the worsening storm. Easily the words to the song he wrote years ago fell from his lips, rising above the storm. A few passengers and staff stopped, looking for the source for a moment. However the slowly solidifying hold the siren had on them passed when lightning struck the ship. Fire and screams erupted, more people rushing to the deck as the siren moved back in shock. Lifeboats began to drop, the people in it rowing away. The siren didn't even care for them, knowing that eventually the lifeboats would either run out or the ship would sink faster. Then he could grab someone bold enough to just jump into the sea.

It didn't take long for that to happen, two men falling into the sea like rocks from heaven. Ducking back under, the siren rushed towards one of them, the only one with his head still above water. The other one just seemed too easy, already struggling to be afloat; a waste of energy. Easily, matching the swell of the waves, two webbed hands grasped the human's ankles, pulling down harshly. The siren stayed out of sight, the bubbles from the human's struggle making it hard to see. Somehow it felt impossible to descend into the sea, staying in place with an annoyed huff. Letting go, the siren watched the human break the surface and breathe, yelling for help that couldn't come. The ocean was much stronger than a feeble boat, and to turn back was idiotic. A brief feeling of pity curled around the siren before he dismissed it.

Then, to his surprise, the human started to swim in the direction of his destination. Despite the stormy ocean, his legs and arms made an attempt to go forward on his journey. Such stupid boldness frankly amazed the siren. Did this particular human not fear drowning? It wasn't pleasant after all, judging by how much struggling humans would do. Curious, the siren followed, deciding to keep the human afloat instead. Songs of encouragement and strength kept the human going until the sandy beach was found and the exhausted man collapsed away from the waves and fell asleep. Still curious, and now able to see better, the siren moved onto the beach to peer at the human closer.

Curly black hair stuck to his tanned skin, facial air already getting sandy. Some sort of clothing clung to his body, the well built frame showing under the white fabric. Nothing really stood out to the siren about the human, not even the two rings he wore. That meant this man wasn't part siren and therefore caused doubt when another tried to drown him. Oddly, that wasn't an ideal answer. Why spare and help him? It wasn't some strange interest in this human or attraction. Was it just a case of being too curious? The siren didn't know, didn't care. He decided to stick around, figuring another boat or fisherman wouldn't be an issue. Pushing himself back into the sea, the siren left the confusing human to his rest.

(Idk why I'm writing this in Hosea's POV other than it seems interesting)

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