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a good five minutes had passed ever since yoongi arrived in front of a bubble tea shop, tapping his shoe on the pavement impatiently as he looked around while searching for a certain person in the form of a sunshine full of heart smiles. the thought of hoseok made his heart flutter, and he leaned against the brick wall, looking down on his shoes with his mouth buried in his scarf to hide the smile forming in his lips.

it was still unreal—everything was still so unreal. several weeks ago, he was coughing up petals, suffering the consequence of his unrequited love. two weeks ago, he was finally charged in the hospital. one week ago, hoseok had been extremely more caring and payed more attention when yoongi was discharged from the hospital. and two days ago, hoseok had asked him out on a date, all shy and flustered as he embarrassingly scratched the back of his neck.

with the tips of his ears burning, yoongi had said yes—of course he would say yes. so, here he was, dressed in some of the clothes taehyung had picked out from his closet for him and fingers slightly trembling as it gripped tightly around on his phone. his heart was in his throat and beating wildly in his chest as seconds passed by, anxious and excited as he waited for hoseok.

and finally, hoseok appeared among the crowd, and yoongi's breath got caught in his throat when the boy threw him a bright smile as soon as he saw him.

"hyung!" hoseok called, walking quickly towards him, a little out of breath but the smile on his face never left as he unexpectedly wrapped yoongi in a hug.

yoongi froze, not knowing what to do, but he wrapped his arms around hoseok anyway, awkwardly patting his back. hoseok smelled good—had always been, and yoongi's eyes fluttered close when he felt a brush of lips graze against his cheek when hoseok pulled away to beam brightly at him again.

"should we go?"

yoongi nodded, lips quirking up into a small smile. "yeah, we should," he agreed, tucking his cold hands inside his jacket pockets. "my legs were freezing from waiting for you."

hoseok laughed softly, and yoongi somehow found it relaxing. he walked closely next to yoongi, eyes ahead of them and a certain rhythm in his pace. "sorry," he said, glancing at yoongi to give an apologetic smile. "ran on a cat down the studio. luckily, jungkook was walking by from his small trip to the grocery store. so i handed the cat to him and sprinted away."

yoongi snorted. "it's okay, i guess. good thing you didn't bring the cat with you, though. cats hate my guts."

hoseok laughed once again, then nodded in agreement. the two continued to walk down the busy streets of seoul, a comfortable silence falling between them. it still felt so unreal—to finally had the boy he loves walking beside him and breathing the same air as him. something in him wanted for time to slow down—too afraid for this moment to pass and remain a memory in the back of his head that he would recall when wrinkles appear in his forehead.

yoongi stole a glance at hoseok, admiring the gentle slope of hoseok's nose, his sharp jawline, golden skin, high cheekbones, and black hair shuffling through the wind. the butterflies in his stomach were already gone, replaced by a buzzing feeling coursing through his veins and heart fluttering at the softest actions hoseok makes.

he was blessed with this sunshine walking beside him, and he was truly glad that he was in love with him.

"hey, hyung," hoseok suddenly said, snapping yoongi from his train of thoughts and pulling him back to reality.

yoongi hummed. "yeah?"

there a small silence that lingered before hoseok opened his mouth. "can we—uh, can we hold hands?"

hoseok was shyly glancing at him, even clearing his throat out of embarrassment, and yoongi's stomach did endless of flips.

yoongi chuckled, nodding and pulling his hand from his jacket pockets. "sure, yeah. okay."

hoseok eased a little bit, still red as his pinky finger shyly intertwining with yoongi's until their hands were tightly clasped together. it made yoongi somehow shy, too, as he tucked his chin down on his scarf, and hoseok had this happy smile on his face as he lightly swang their joined hands.

yoongi smiled as he pressed himself close to hoseok when a cold gust of wind gently blew in their direction, humming once hoseok finally rambled about his day in the studio while their joined hands still swinging between them as they walked down the streets of seoul, hearts in sync with their footsteps.

he exhaled, relieved to finally be able to breathe again without petals clogging up his throat, and hoseok sent him a sweet smile, squeezing his hand as they trudged down the street together while being lost in each others' warmth and stomachs rumbling in hunger.

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