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Uni life.

While other students were enjoying a new page of their lives, the two boys chose to stick to the practice room.

They didn't have relationships, they just had each other.


There was a day when there were no practice room left for them. They had to go somewhere else to practice : The rooftop. Brett was ok with this. Eddy, as usual, would follow Brett to the end of the world.

Simp [noun] :
      "Someone who does way too much for a person they like."

Eddy has told Brett so many times, that his face is gorgeous. Brett didn't take that seriously, he thought it was a joke. It's not a joke, it's the way I see you. Eddy stared obsessively while Brett was practicing with his violin. Eddy blushed as he looked down, couldn't stop thinking about the older's lips.

Eddy. Calm the fucking down. You are NOT allowed do that.

But before Eddy could realize, the distance between their lips was too close to go back.

Have Eddy ever told? That Brett can read him like reading a book. And right that moment, Brett felt like he knew what Eddy wanted.

The weather that day was lovely.

Brett gave Eddy what he had always wanted.


Two violins lying next to each other on the ground.

Eddy pointlessly looking at the clouds. The kiss had ended for a few minutes, but his heart was still beating so fast.

- ... Brett, - Eddy took a deep breath.

- Hm?...

- What are we?


- ... I... uh... I guess we are... erm... - Brett didn't khow anymore - two very... close friends...?

- Huh what?... hm... ok...

Eddy just signed.

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