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The sounds of birds chirping echoed throughout the land, the soft morning dew tickling among the grass. Each blade danced and stretched as it awoke, the sun rising slowly like a soft blanket to welcome it's warmth. Each creature began to slowly awaken, communicating with another as the forest began to become alive.

A nearby cat was taking his pawsteps through the territory, ears pricked up and nose lifted as he walked through. This was not his own land, but it was belonging to more than a select few. He figured it would be ok, as long as he was only passing through. His soft blue-grey pelt was illuminated by the sun, as his blue eyes flashed against it. He was cautious. By any means, he knew to be cautious. He hoped Starclan would be watching him, as he stepped softly into the nearby forest. The sun dappled through the leaves as prey was lively. But even though the tim was starving, it was not his place to eat. He didn't belong there, not anymore.


The tom whirled around at the sound of his own name.

Two cats appeared out from the bushes behind, their eyes cold. One was a she-cat with a dark brown color, pelt dappled in white. Her brown eyes were filled with sadness at the sight of the tom. The other was a tom, with black and white fur, and deep blue eyes.

"Cloverwind. Raindust. " Stonepelt turned to look at them. "It has been a long time."

"Indeed it has." The tom Cloverwind rasped, narrowing his eyes. "What are you doing back here on Windclan territory? You left many moons ago. "

"I..." Truth be told, when Stonepelt tried to think, he realised he didn't have any excuse. None. His paws guided him there, even to his dismay. "I felt something had changed. Seeing as this used to be my old home, I thought I would visit for a day and then be on my own way. "

"There's no one left here to welcome you, friend." Cloverwind's eyes glazed in grief. Raindust looked away to avoid eye contact.

"What do you mean...?" Stonepelt instantly grew worried. " Can't I just talk to Hazel-"

"Hazelstar is dead."

Stonepelt froze. He was unsure if he had heard his friend correctly. "M-my dead?"

"I'm afraid so. He died about 9 moons ago..." Cloverwind dipped his head in sympathy. "I'm sorry for your loss."

"W-Well, what about Briarpaw?" Surely his sister was still around, right...? "Foxheart? Skyfeather?"

"Skystar is now leader. Though I do not think he would be happy to see you." Cloverwind said. "Foxheart was banished. Briarpaw fled after Hazelstar's death. She left our clan. "

Stonepelt felt his heart sink. He knew his family wasn't perfect - he had always accepted this. When Stormkit died, their family constantly fought one another, and it was enough to make Stonepelt snap. He angrily had lashed out, before leaving the clan. Had his sister tried to follow him? Was it his fault? "Do you know where Briarpaw went?"

Cloverwind shook his head. But Raindust looked up. "Briarpaw said she couldn't live here she left to join a different clan. She never said the name, she just told me she had a place in mind."

"Do you happen to know which direction she went in?" Stonepelt asked almost desperately. He could find her - he could apologize.

"I saw her head towards the twoleg place - I guess she wants to pass through it to get to the other clan."

"Starclan..." He breathed. "She's going to get hurt!" He turned and began to charge away.

"Stonepelt! Be safe!" Cloverwind's voice called after the tom. Raindust ran after Stonepelt quickly. But being smaller than him, she was unable to keep up.

"Tell Briarpaw to look to the stars!!" Raindust yowled, loud enough for it to echo through the forest. Stonepelt kept running. Raindust's voice bounced through his ears.

"Look to the stars, Briarpaw..."

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