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"w-what? what are you talking about? i don't understand," i stuttered. my heart was beating rapidly against my chest right now. i don't know what's going on.

"nevermind." he replied, then looked back at the whiteboard.

i was a bit disappointed that he did not explain what he meant just now. why the hell did he left me hanging there? and what does he meant by shaking up his heart?

and for the rest of the history lesson, we sat in silence.


"taehyung's not treating you to lunch today?" hyun mi questioned as we were walking towards the canteen. i shook my head. "he did not tell me anything about it, and plus we are going to avoid him at any costs."

she frowned. "sorry if you have to suffer because of me."

"you silly, i'm not suffering. why would i? it's not like i'm going to get free lunch and chocolate milk every day," i answered as i ruffled her hair. hyun mi's the older one, but sometimes i act older than her. i don't know, i have this maturity inside of me.

we bought our food and went to sat at our own table. from today onwards, we are not sitting with taehyung's group anymore.

"hye joo!" someone shouted. i turned and saw hoseok waving at me. he then pointed at his table but i just shook my head and offered him a smile. hoseok and i got quite close when i was still sitting with them, he is a very easy going and cheerful guy. maybe that's the trait that made me become closer with him.

hoseok mouthed a 'why', but i still shook my head in reply, and start to dig in my food.

"hoseok's asking you to join them?" hyun mi questioned, her mouth full of food. i'm surprised she could still pronounce each syllabus clearly even though she's eating.

"yeah," i nodded. i kind of wanted to join them, since they were pretty fun to hang out with. but i couldn't bring myself to.

"hye joo, look!" hyun mi gasped as she pointed at something. i got confused and looked at her direction, wondering what's happening.

taehyung's group was approaching us.

"mind if we sit here, ladies?" hoseok questioned in a gentleman manner. i was holding in my laughter at his tone.

it would be rude to reject them, so hyun mi and i just nodded. they sat on the each side of the benches and taehyung just happened to sit across me. okay, totally not okay.

"we miss you, do you know that?!" jimin said in his ageyo tone. holy, he's so cute that i'm gonna die. but wait, i could see him referring the 'you' not to me, but to hyun mi. i inwardly smirked, something's good gonna happen in the future maybe.

"what? we just did not hang out with all of you guys like seven minutes ago?"

"we've grown attached to the both of you," hoseok grinned. i laughed. strangely, taehyung was quiet. he was usually the most noisy one along with hoseok.

"hyung, did you took my horse biscuit?" jungkook questioned hoseok. hoseok stared at him, his expression displaying 'what on earth are you talking about'.

"my horse shaped biscuit! it's missing!" jungkook cried out.

"oops. i ate it." hoseok laughed sheepishly.

"what, you're eating your own family? how cruel," jimin shook his head as he sympathize with jungkook.

oh god, they are so random and this is why i love hanging out with them. they always make me laugh.


my phone buzzed. luckily it was not that loud, or the art teacher would noticed it since she has sharp senses.

i tried to take a look at what was it and found a text notification, it was sent from an unknown number.

'come to the storage room now. alone. just tell the teacher that you are going to the toilet.'

i frowned as i stared at my phone. i hesitated whether to go or not. another buzz from my phone snapped me out of my thoughts. it was from the same number.

'if you don't come, you'll regret it.'

curiosity was killing me. i decided to go in the end.

"teacher! may i go to the toilet?" i asked as i raised up my hand. the art teacher stared at me for awhile before nodding her head. i was lucky that she did not ask any more questions.

i quickly rushed my way to the storage room. in a few minutes, i reached the storage room.

i inhaled and exhaled before twisting the door knob, stepping inside. it was dark, no lights were on. i was starting to feel chilly even though there was no fans on.

"hello?" i said, and my voice echoed throughout the whole room. i decided to walk further in and see that if anyone was there.

"MIN HYE JOO!" someone shouted. i turned around and saw taehyung running over to me.

i was confused. taehyung?

"are you okay?" he asked in between his breath as he held my arms. i furrowed my eyebrows, "of course i'm okay?" it came out more like a question.

"thank goodness." he exhaled, relief in his tone. he then pulled me into a hug. i could feel him putting his chin on top of my head.

"thank god you're fine," he said as he breathed in and out against my hair.

my heart was beating so fast that i'm going to die right now. but i was confused. beyond confused.

i pulled away from him. "what do you mean?"

"i received a text from hyun mi saying that you were being beaten by someone inside the storage room!" he exclaimed.

"no such thing happened, taehyung." i answered. he frowned, "huh? but i received that text from hyun mi."

"i received a text from an unknown number saying that i should come inside the storage room or i'll regret it, so i came." i said.

"what?" he scratched his head as his face displayed a blank expression. i mirrored his expression.

suddenly, we heard the sounds of keys jiggling and clicking of the doors. then, we heard someone laughing.

"have fun in there! we'll release you when we think the two of you made things right,"

i recognized that voice.

"hoseok," taehyung and i voiced out at the same time.


christmas eve be like tmr and ppl are excited while i'm just gonna sleep the whOLE DAY BYE

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