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taehyung whistled along to the music. i gulped nervously as i felt his dark brown eyes penetrating into mine. he was walking slowly towards me, gaze on me all along.

"trouble maker." he whispered into my ear once he was near me. i shivered at his deep voice. oh god, someone please help me.

"one, two, three." he counted, his eyes still focused on mine. i was froze right on the spot. i didn't know why, but i can't move. he then went behind me.

and then the verse started. i kept on swallowing my saliva. who the hell's mp3 is this? i'm so going to kill that person for putting this song on their playlist.

and then, i felt taehyung's hand on waist. and i felt another hand on my shoulder. my breath caught in my throat. he was swaying with me along to the song.

i wanted to move away from him but something was stopping from me to do so. it felt like i had super glue on my shoe which sticks onto the ground.

he then took my hand and stretched in out. and he walked towards the other end of my palm. his head move the direction from my palm to my shoulder in a fast motion, and his face was barely few inches in front of me now. his gaze was strong on mine.

i think i forgot how to breathe because i am practically not breathing.

then he once again whispered in my ear, "you have a nice ass." and walked away instantly.

while i was left dumbfounded there.


our so called 'dance session' ended and we were now sprawled on the floor, lethargic. i decided to forget that incident just now since i really didn't want to think about it all.

it was now 10pm.

oh god, i didn't bring my tooth brush here so i can't brush my teeth. who the hell would even bring their toothbrush to school anyways? my breath probably stinks like crap right now.

i placed my bag on the floor and slept on it. my bag was temporarily my pillow. damn, i miss my bed.

"the reason why we're here, is all your fault." taehyung suddenly said. i just closed my eyes and decided not to argue.

"you little shit," i could hear taehyung whisper.


it was 6 in the morning. i woke up and shook taehyung to wake up too. but he just groaned and said, "mum, five more minutes."

"you shithead, wake the hell up right now." i replied in a commanding tone. he rolled over to his left side and continued to sleep.

i used my bag slapped his ass.

"ouch!" i heard him whimpered. serves him right uh.

"okay, i'm awake." he said as he woke up.

"great. let's go out now." i grabbed my bag and stood up, and exited the door.

"remember, you have to treat me to lunch today!" i giggled as i walked towards my locker. the hallway was still empty, with only a few students here and there. none of them acknowledge my presence which i was quite thankful. i looked at my timetable which was sticked inside of the locker.

the first lesson was history. history again? what the hell? and then i remembered, we have history three days a week. and today was the second day.

someone please kill me now.

"i offer to do that," someone said behind me. i immediately recognized that voice. it was kim taehyung. and oh, i think i just said my thoughts out loud. great.

he offered to walk together to history class and i accepted the offer since we were going to sit together anyways.

by the time we reached there, it was already 6.30am. classes start at 7am. but the class was already flooded with students when we walked in.

we walked to our seats and i lay my head down onto the table. taehyung kept on poking my neck so it was hard to close my eyes and concentrate on taking a nap.

"can you stop?" i groaned. the poking stopped but after a while, he started playing with my hair.

i decided to not care since it didn't disturbed my little nap.


"miss hye joo, and mr taehyung. i didn't know that going to toilet would take you so long that you went almost the duration of the whole lesson." the history teacher said as he crossed his arms and tapped on his feet repeatedly. both of us were standing up right now and i could feel other students looking at us.

"uh, i was sick and i went home."

taehyung made up and excuse.

"what about you, hye joo?"

"same reason." i answered lamely.


damn it.


boring chapter lmao

i rewatched troublemaker mv to write that scene omg i suck at describing tho??

but anyways thank you so much for reading this <3 :')

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