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"oh my gosh! taehyung's really so fun to be with! he makes a lot of jokes that made me laugh a lot. i'm seriously falling more and more for him." hyun mi narrated dreamily we were on our way out from the principal's office. by then, lunch already ended so we had no choice but to just straight away head to our next lesson. hyun mi and i's next lesson was chemistry. while taehyung went away first, because his next lesson was art and his classroom was further away from ours.

"oh god, you're falling hard for him. what if you ever ditch me for him?" i complained. i would probably slice her off if she ever does that.

"i won't ever ditch you for him! sisters before misters," she tried to wink at me but failed miserably. i chuckled as we reached the lockers. our lockers were just beside each other so it was pretty convenient for us. we were inseparable like a starfish sticking on a stone.

i clutched my chemistry book tight in my hand as i closed the locker door. hyun mi was a bit slower since she was organizing her things in the locker. i sighed, she can't stand seeing messing things. she just had to clean it up whenever we sees a mess. so whenever she comes my house, i would have to clean up before hand because my room was a like junkyard.

"should i make some chocolate for him?" hyun mi questioned as she was finally done organizing her things. she slammed her locker door and we walked towards the chemistry class.

"but it ain't valentine's day," i replied.

"you can give chocolates on any day, not just on valentine's day!" she argued, pouting her lips.

"but don't you think that's a bit old-fashioned?" i tried to think up of another idea.

"how about you write a love letter to him?" i said. she hissed.

"love letter? oh dear that's even more old-fashioned," she mocked. i sighed and shook my head. "so what are you going to do?"

"on a second thought, writing a love letter sounds sincere enough."

i slapped her arm. "told you!"

we reached the classroom and went to our individual seats. hers was closer to the teacher's table, while mine was closer to the front door. luckily the teacher hasn't come.


"come with us!" i shouted, gesturing her towards taehyung and i. he was going to treat me to chocolate milk again. taehyung nudged my arm. i glanced at him, mouthing a 'what'. he gave me a unsatisfied expression.

what does he want?

"okay, if you say so," hyun mi shot an endearing smile towards taehyung and i.

i immediately pulled hyun mi towards me and sandwhiched her between taehyung and i as we walked.

"so kim taehyung, you are going to treat hyun mi chocolate milk too." i started the conversation. taehyung stopped in his tracks. he opened his mouth and closed again, as if hesitating to say something.

"okay." he finally said. he walked towards the vendor and bought exactly six cartons of milk. hyun mi and i sat on the bench, waiting for him.

"hye joo, i think i'm going to confess to him now." hyun mi whispered to me. my eyes widened.

"really? oh my god, go on and confess! i shall go hide in the bush and secretly listen to the two of you." i giggled.

"quick! taehyung's coming!" i whispered-yelled as i quickly hide in the bush that was just right behind the bench. when taehyung reached the bench, he asked, "where's hye joo?"

"o-oh, she went to the bathroom." hyun mi stuttered as she played with her fingers. taehyung nodded and sat down beside her, but with a little distance in between them. i cursed inwardly as taehyung did not take the initiative to sit close to her. it's obvious he likes her, what the hell.

the two of them were silent that i could hear cricket sounds. finally, i could see hyun mi tucking a strand of her hair that was blocking her view behind her ear, and she was taking deep breaths.

"taehyung," she said boldly, looking at him. taehyung who was staring at blank space flickered his eyes onto her.

"yeah?" he answered, and i could see that he was patiently waiting for an answer.

"i like you." hyun mi huffed, her eyes penetrating into taehyung's.

i hope this will go smoothly, i prayed silently.

taehyung seemed to be taken aback, seeing how he had not reply to hyun mi's confession. i could see hyun mi fidgeting uncomfortably. seriously kim taehyung, is giving an answer so freaking long?

taehyung took a deep breath. he's finally answering her confession.

"thank you," he said.

"but, i like someone else." he continued. i gasped. he did not just break hyun mi's heart. he did not. damn, i'm so going to kick his ass.

"o-oh, is that so?" hyun mi mumbled as she faked a smile. she was trying to stay strong in front of taehyung. in reality she was too fragile and is on the verge of breaking like a piece of glass.

"i'm really really so sorry." taehyung said once again. hyun mi bite her lip, she was trying to hold back her tears. i could not stand the sight anymore so i jumped out of the bush and went to her.

"let's go home, hyun mi."


j-hope's twitter update "tonight" like wTF I'M NOT READY FOR DAT OMF I'M GONNA BE SO ATTACKED

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