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"that fucking bitch. i'm so sorry for dragging you into this mess," taehyung sighed as he sat down on the grass beside me.

"nah. it's alright. i fucking hate that bitch though. now i understand why you hate her to death because that's how i'm feeling now." i replied.

"we need to prove that you are innocent." taehyung said, determination laced in his tone.

"it's really fine, taehyung."

"no! it's not fine! you are innocent while i'm not. i sprayed paint on her car while you did not. it's just.. it's not fine okay? i can't bear to see you suffering the same consequences as me even though you did nothing."

my heart clenched at his words.

i smiled. "remember when we said we should write a letter to the ministry of education? let's do that now."

i took out a blank piece of paper and a pen from my bag.

"let's start working on it now."


we were now on our way to the ministry of education. it was quite far, and we were reaching soon by public bus.

"i really hope this works." taehyung started. i nodded, agreeing to his words. soon, the bus came to a halt. i looked out of the window and the ministry of education block stood out.

"we've reached, taehyung." i said as i walked down the stairs, and walked off the bus. taehyung soon came beside me. we crossed to the other side of the road. now we're greeted by the automatic door of this enormous building.

i looked at taehyung, and he looked at me. we gave each other a firm nod, and walked inside the building, towards the reception counter.

"how can i help you?" the receptionist questioned as soon as she saw us.

"uh, can we meet the minister?" taehyung replied. she gave us a weird look.

"do you have appointment with the minister?"

taehyung shook his head.

"sorry, you have to make an appointment then you can meet him." the receptionist stated. i sighed in disappointment.

taehyung's hand made their ways to my back and he rubbed small circles around my back, which soothes me a lot.

"we really have an urgent matter that we badly need to see him, please." taehyung pleaded. the receptionist shook her head repeatedly.

"what is a young man and a young woman doing here?" a voice echoed from far. we turned our head and saw an old man. i furrowed my eyebrows. is he talking about us?

he came nearer and nearer, now he was standing in front of us.

"what urgent matters do you need to find me about?" the old man said. realization dawned me.

the old man in front of us was the minister of education.

i quickly bowed as a form of respect. but i saw that taehyung wasn't bowing. i pulled his hand down which resulting him to bend a little and it looks like he's bowing.

both of us got up at the same time.

"erm, s-sir," taehyung stuttered in between his words. the minister gestured us to continue.

"i hope you can read this." taehyung said as he stretched out his hands, with the letter in his hand. the minister accepted it without any hesitation.

to my surprise, he opened the letter right in front of us.

his eyes scanned the letter so i assumed he was reading the whole thing.

"oh dear." the minister gasped as he was reading half way.

"young man, what's your name?"

"taehyung. kim taehyung." he answered. his voice was still shaky. i placed my hands over his, squeezing it to reassure him not need to be nervous. his hands relaxed at my touch.

"taehyung, i am really glad that you wrote this to me. she's a really harsh principal. i will visit your school tomorrow, so don't worry. i will sort it all out." he said. taehyung's eyes glistened at his words.

"thank you so much! thank you so much!" taehyung thanked excitedly and bowed countless times. the minister chuckled at his actions. he came nearer and patted taehyung's back, whispering something inside his ear that i saw a blush appearing on his face.

what did the minister said that made the joker blush so much?


"oh gosh, i'm so tired," i huffed as i plopped down onto the couch.

"where did you went just now?" hyun mi questioned as she slapped my leg. i glared at her.

"i went to the ministry of education with taehyung," i answered simply.

"what for? and why did the principal called you in anyways?"

"so one time i went to the toilet and when i was passing by the car park, i saw taehyung spraying paint can on the principal's car. i walked towards him and we started talking. so the principal saw the cctv of the two of us and she's going to expel us in 4 days. that bitch." i gritted my teeth. "but taehyung wanted to prove me innocent because i did nothing, so we wrote a letter to the minister of education and he will coming tomorrow."

hyun mi's expression turned puzzled. "wow, so much happened when i was gone?"

"yeah," i bobbed my head as i stifled a yawn.

"i can see that taehyung really cares for you," she said.

"what? i just bribed him though."

she smiled. a smile that wasn't real, a smile that was not sincere.

"hey, can i tell you something?"

i nodded my head. "you can tell me anything."

"i..." she took a deep breath.

"i like taehyung."


i hoped the ministry of education part isn't boring af oMG

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