The Halloween Party

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Lucy's POV

I hum when Natsu scrubs the shampoo into my wet hair. I  ruffle his wet hair then squirt some shampoo into my hands then rub it in his hair. I giggle when he scrunches his nose when a bubble pops on his nose. Then Natsu grabs a bunch of bubbles from my hair then gives me a bubble beard. I take some bubbles and give him a bubble mustache. Then giggle when he sneezes, bubbles going everywhere. "That was too adorable~" I tease. He pouts. "It was your fault." I squeak when he pulls me into the water. I spit out some water and pout. "Jerk." He cackles evilly then yelps when I drag him under the water with, we both laugh. Then Natsu pouts. "The phone is ringing. Hold on." Natsu takes us to the corner of the shower and then makes his phone appear out of nowhere. Then he grabs it and pushes the speaker button after turning the shower off. "Yes hello?" He answers. "Hello~" I look at the phone weirdly. "Mira? What's up?" He asks. "Nothing much! I've come baring news!" She squeals. We both wince. "Is Lucy there with you?! She has to hear this!" "I-I'm here Mira." I stutter. "Good! Now get this! Lisanna is pregnant and I'm going to have another baby!" I look up at Natsu, he looks at the phone. "That's great! We're happy for you! Now we gotta get ready for the party so we'll have to let you go. Bye!" Natsu hangs up. I bite my lip. "Natsu I-" Natsu hugs me. "Its fine. I'm the one stopping us. One day, I promise." I nod. "Kay" Natsu then puts some leftover bubbles on my nose. I sneeze and he chuckles. "Come on. Lets get ready. I wanna see that 'sexy' outfit you've kept secret from me" I blush. "R-Right. But I'll need your help with some of it." 

I hum as Natsu zips up my dress. "It does look good on you. But I can't wait to see what else is with it." I blush after he walks out of the bathroom. I hum as I put on my make up. I do all the basics then I do red eyeshadow. I put some gold glitter on. I use body paint to put random spots on my body, putting gold glitter over the drawn on scales. I stand up and then I look at my nails. Good, still sharp. "Natsu? I could use your help!" I call for him. The door opens. "Yea-" He stops when he sees me. Then he gets a look in his eye, one that I recognize all too well. I lick my lipstick covered lips. "Whatcha need help with?" He asks, voice low. I lick my lips again. "Can you use that illusion magic?" "What for?" "T-To give me wings, a tail, and horns." "What for?" He asks. "I'm going to be a dragon demon, to match." "If ya say so. Come here" Natsu grabs my hand then pulls me close. "Stay still." He puts his hands on my shoulder blades. He blows a bit of fire then it swirls and becomes red dragon wings, like Natsu's but smaller and more... feminine. Then Natsu grabs my ass with both hands. I whimper then Natsu forms a dragon tail. I pull back slightly then Natsu puts two fingers on my forehead then it gives me two horns. Natsu kisses my head, then I put my crown on my head then place Natsu's on his head. "Sexy. Is there anything else you need help with?" "No" "Now get those heels of yours on." 

I hum and watch people walk around town. "Ya know Lucy, demons, ghouls, and spirits do actually walk around the world on Halloween right?" Natsu says. I look up at him. "Really?" "Really. However, they are forbidden to see people they were associated with in the past. Ghouls like to play pranks on people, ghosts like to roam around, see what's changed from when they were alive. Demons like to ya know. Destroy stuff and try to make contracts with humans. Some demons like to kill and possess people. You know, the usual demon stuff." He mutters the rest. I grip his hand harder. "Not all demons are bad." I say. "Yeah. Not all of them but most." I frown at his statement. "What the other demon's decisions aren't your choice. If a demon such as you can change, they all can." I say. Natsu kisses the top of my head. "Its not as simple as that. I'm a special case." "Special case?" I ask. "That's all I can say Lucy, sorry" "I-uh its alright." 

We stop in front of the big building. Fairy Tail was a pretty big company. It owned one of the countries best and biggest bars, the biggest and the best orphanage, it was one of the best and most popular schools, also the biggest fighting classes. From Tai Kuong  Do to Boxing, you name it. They had party houses all over the country and this was just one of them. Natsu wraps his arm around my waist as we walk in. There was music and dancing and of course, drinking. There was a few kids running around. "Yo flame brain, Lucy! Your both late!" Gray says. "What was that Ice princess?!" Natsu jogs over to Gray. I giggle and walk over to Mira, who was sitting at a table with her daughter and Laxus. "Hey Lucy! Glad to see you could make it!" Mira waves, their toddler giggling. "Yup! Now where do I sign up for the costume contest?" I ask. "I have the sheet right here. Just sign here and some other stuff." She passes the paper and I fill it out, then I pass it back to her. "Thank you!" Mira says. I turn around then someone grabs my wrist. "Wait chick. I need ta talk to ya." I glance back. "Sure." He stands up then leads me outside. 

"Don't get the wrong idea chick. Your like a cousin to me. Its about Mira and the other girls." Laxus says, crossing his arms. I blink. "Ah. Its fine." "No its not. They're completely insensitive. I know that the topic of having kids is a touchy one and they don't even realize it." "Its not your fault. I'm the one holding us back." I squeak when Natsu's voice appears. "Its not your fault Natsu." I mutter. "Its neither of your fault. Besides, I think she could handle it Natsu. Just make sure she has stuff extra healthy for her and the baby and she should live." Laxus says. Me and Natsu look at each other than to Laxus. "I'll tell the girls to be a little more sensitive. Oh and by the way, gramps and Porlyusica has been looking into a demon having kids with a human. So go ask them." Laxus says, then walks back into the building. Natsu grabs my hand. "Now lets go dance." He says, grinning. 

After about an hour of two of goofing off and dancing, we finally head over to the snacks and drinks. I roll my eyes when Natsu practically grabs everything from the snack bar. I blink then smile when Natsu hands me a piece of strawberry cheesecake. I grab the small plate and fork then slowly start nibbling on it. "What do you want to drink?" Natsu asks, mouth full and crumbs flying everywhere. "I'll have something fruity. I'll drink tonight." I say. "Aye! But you'll only get a small glass until after the costume party" He says. I nod. "Ok." I take another bite of the cheesecake as Natsu goes and gets our drinks. He arrives within five minutes with a strawberry martini and a big glass of Natsu's favorite fire whiskey, set on fire. Natsu sets my drink in front of me. I pick it up and take sips of it. "Your so lucky Natsu, not able to get drunk easily." I mutter. "Is it effecting you already?" He chuckles. I lightly slap his arm. "Shut up." I finish my drink and cheesecake. "May the contestants of the couple's costume contest please come up to the stage?" I hear Mira say into the microphone. Natsu grabs my plate and sets it on the bar then grabs my hands. "Come on Lucy!" I giggle. "Kay~" 

It was our turn to show off our costumes. "Now, its time for Natsu and Lucy Dragneel!" Mira says into the microphone. Me and Natsu walk out from behind the curtains. "They are the dragon demons from Magnolia. Now beware, or these sexy demons will eat you." Mira says, making me blush a bit. Natsu fakes an evil laugh as he swipes the microphone then pulls me closer. "You may have my mercy but lay a hand on my queen then I wont hesitate to hurt you." Natsu says, dead serious, making everyone freeze. Then he sticks his tongue out. "Just kidding! Besides I know that you all would never touch my queen. But get a load of this!" Natsu taps my side twice then I grin and talk into the microphone. "Naturally the same goes for my king. But I couldn't harm you all. But I can do this." Me and Natsu look at each other and grin, we look above the crowd and both shoot out fire from our mouths. 

Me and Natsu laugh then clink drinks. "Nice acting Lucy!" Natsu chuckles. I sip on my drink. "You were the one doing all the work! I just opened my mouth and you were the one who made it look like I was shooting fire!" I say as Natsu downs his drink. He slams his mug down. "Ooh that's good! Besides it was fun. It would be cool if you could breathe fire too." He says. I hum. "It would be cool. But that's not my thing. That's yours. Now go get us some more." I say. Natsu pouts. "So demanding." I roll my eyes. "Dork." He stands up to go get us more drinks. I hum and look at the party. I think the drinks are getting to me. I see something in the corner of the room. It was like... a weird dark aura. I see someone in the cloud of darkness. No, it was more like something... with glowing red eyes. I bite my lip. How can Natsu... not spot it or see it. Natsu sets our drinks down. "...Lucy?" The figure was staring at me. I open my mouth then close it. "You...can't see that?" I whisper. "Huh?" Natsu looks at where I'm looking. "There's nothing there but streamers and balloons. Are you drinking too much?" He asks. I shake my head. "I'm not drunk. But there's definitely something there. Its... watching us. Observing. Its..." Natsu puts a hand on my shoulder then his eyes turn demon, the red color with the black part where the white used to be. "I'm not sensing anything there. If I can't see or sense it then it must be your imagination." Natsu says. I don't buy it. Then, the eyes flash pink then everything goes black. The last thing I can remember, is Natsu shouting my name while catching me.  

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