Broken Bones Are Awful

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I don't own Percy Jackson or Avengers
                           Cassie POV

I slowly come to, after what feels like years of nothingness. I register the light shining on me, and I appear to be in a bed. I open my eyes, to find myself in the infirmary. My wrist throbs, and it's in a cast. My other arm is bandaged all the way up. I vaguely remember cutting it wide open on a rock when I fell. My head hurts, too.

"What day is it?", I ask Will, who's stocking the cabinets at the far end of the infirmary. "Oh, great, you're up! You've been out for like, five days now! You had some really bad head trauma from the fall, plus we had to stitch up your entire right arm. It's currently Sunday.", he replies. "So, how are you feeling?", he asks, concern clouding his face. "Wrist hurts, plus the worst headache I've had in a while.", I say.

"Not much I can do about either, since any more ambrosia would probably kill you, but maybe mortal painkillers would help with the headache?". Will says, digging through a cabinet. "Aha! I knew they were in here somewhere!", he says, handing me some Advil and a glass of water.  "Thank you.", I say, swallowing the pill.  "Anything happen while I was out?", I ask.

"Not much, but we are preparing for Harley's birthday party. Don't worry, you'll be able to go, and you might even be out of the cast by then. We can probably take those bandages off right now, as well. Just don't move your arm too much, because of the stitches.", Will replies. "Hey, Lia!", Will yells. "What's up!", Lia says, jogging into the room with her crossbow. She lays it down onto the desk, much to Andrew's dismay. He's been sitting there the whole time, absentmindedly wrapping and unwrapping a bandage on his wrist.

"Mind unwrapping that bandage while I grab lunch for us?", he asks, bending down to tie his shoelace.  "Sure!  Make sure that there's no peanut butter in my jelly sandwich, I really don't want to have to use my epipen again!", Lia replies.  Lia is severely allergic to peanuts, by the way.  It doesn't hurt when she unwrapped the bandage on my arm, but I was shocked at the sight of it.

One long, neatly stitched cut runs down the length of my arm.  It must have cut a few arteries, that's for sure.  "It probably won't scar too much.", Lia says softly, as if she read my mind.  "That's good.  I was wondering how I was gonna explain this to Stark and the rest of the Avenger idiots!", I remark.  "Oh yeah, Rachel told me about that!  What's it like living with them!", she says, excited.  Hawkeye is practically worshipped among the Apollo cabin.  Apollo doesn't care, because he worships Hawkeye too. 

"Well, I got roped into a prank war with  Spider-Man and Scarlet Witch against Hawkeye and my dad, so that was interesting.  And my dad figured out I have powers and now he's recruited me into the Avengers.", I say.  I would have added a less-than-pure word in that sentence, but I do not wish to corrupt the smol innocent bean that is Lia.  I'll let someone else do that.

"Wow, you're joining the Avengers!  I'm jealous!  Now get me an autograph from Hawkeye so we can put it in the cabin shrine! And a picture! And maybe his toothbrush while you're at it! Well, not that last one, that would be extremely unhygienic.", she says. "Also, is there a way we could tour the Avengers base! That would be absolutely awesome!", Lia adds, smiling. "Probably not, but I'll ask when I go back in August.", I reply.

We sit in silence for a few minutes, before Will comes back with a basket. "Guys, I'm back!", Will says, putting the basket on the table. Andrew looks annoyed, but moves his book so there's room for it. Looking around, there's only one other injured person here. It's Kayla, with a busted lip and multiple stitched-up wounds from her fall. She's up and about though, and I'm not too sure about my ability to stand up yet.

We eat in silence, with me staring out the window at the beautiful day outside. What a shame to be locked in here. Tomorrow, I'll have to leave the safety of camp to go and get Harley a lego set. I brought some mortal money here, and I keep it on me in a pocket on my shorts. It's zippered, so my cabin mates can't pickpocket me. As much as I love my cabin mates, they're a pain in the ass sometimes.

It's usually very quiet in here, and that is good, but I have the attention span of a goldfish, so now I'm bored. Bored. Bored. BORED! I want to leave. But I can't, and I'm still tired, so I go back to sleep.

It's a weird dream. I'm sitting in my Avenger suit thing that Tony made me, hovering in midair while watching a battle play out, with the Avengers on one side and the Seven and our new Norse friends on the other.  A white mist fills the air, and the demigods slump over, as if dead. This can't be right. The Avengers never kill anyone that doesn't deserve it. I disappear in a burst of light before I can think, and find myself in a very familiar setting.

The Giant War, on Half-Blood Hill. Fighting against cynocephali, with demigods sinking in the earth due to Gaia. At my side is Tessa, her scarlet hair covered in golden dust. They've gotten some lucky strikes in on both of us, with blood staining our clothes. Her silver ring flashes in the early morning sun. Her dagger tears through monsters left and right, my sword doing the same. Too weak to use any powers, I'm forced to watch as she falls to the ground, fatally wounded. In a fit of rage, I slice the offending centaur's head clean off, and fall to my knees.

Lia, only thirteen, runs to us with a med kit in her hands. I hold my girlfriend as she bleeds out. The three of us know that there's nothing any of us could do for an injury so severe. "Hey. Don't choose rebirth. One day we'll meet again in Elysium. I love you.", I say, voice shaky. "Wasn't planning on it, starshine. And when I get down there, I better not see you for at least a few more decades. Love you, too.", Tessa replies. And with that, she falls, limp. Lia and I hold back tears, before I stand up.

Bursting into light again, I go father back in time to the Titan War, to when I was only fourteen, facing down the drakon. The Ares cabin hadn't come yet, Silena Beauregard had ran off. Insignificant and small, surrounded by heroes far greater than me, I wanted this to be my legacy. To buy my fellow demigods time. Maybe Clarisse would change her mind, and we would be saved, if I held it off.

I could only hope I was right, as I charged it. I swung my sword at it's chest, to no avail. It's claws slashed through my chest, barely missing the vital organs. I'm flung backwards, caught by an older Aphrodite boy. He lays me on the ground, calling for anyone who knew how to heal. Will runs to us, and that is when I passed out from pain and blood loss.

Ugh, why do dreams have to be so sad. I'm graced with sleep and no more dreams for what feels like weeks, but I wake up and it's very early morning. I'm alone in here, since Kayla has left. I take a few minutes to compose myself. Minus the weird dream where the Avengers fought the Seven, those dreams are common ones I have. My stupidity about fighting that drakon still haunts me to this day. If I witness something, it stays in my head for years, rent free. Even if I don't want it there.

Reminding myself that others have it worse than me, I swallow the cup of nectar that I tsomeone left on my bedside table for me.  I oshudder thinking of the times I've heard Nico crying out in his sleep during the various times when we've been in the infirmary together.  The dude went through Tartarus alone, major respect.  I do stupid sh*t a lot, and sometimes I pay the price for it.  And then I end up bored out of my mind in the infirmary.

Speaking of paying the price, I gotta go buy a present for Harley today.  And wrap the fireproof gloves.  I managed to finish them before I got yeeted out of a chariot.  Me and mortal tech might not get along that well, but goddamit if I'm not going to exercise my gods-given Gen-Z right to look at memes!  I've fought my way through hordes of monsters to watch funny videos on Vine, and I'm proud of it.  But I'm not going to take Peter Parker's position of Avenger meme child, so I am now the team burnt-out failed genius.  And I like it. 

My peak was at twelve years old, when I corrected the b*tchy English teacher on her spelling.  I've been chasing that high ever since.  Slapping that math teacher in the face when he was talking to Olivia like you would to a two-year-old was a close second.  My proudest detention yet.  And then Olivia slapped me (not very hard) for not letting her slap the teacher herself.  And then she hugged me right after.  For the god's sake she just wanted to sit up front so she could read your goddamn lips, no need to make her the class laughingstock.  Also, all the times Rachel, Camila, me, and Olivia have ganged up on Flash to mess with him when he threatens Jess.  Nobody touches Jess.  Not if they want their hands intact.

Detention, when it is earned by sticking up for your fellow classmate via rule-breaking means, is a badge of honor.  Don't do things by the book, do things by your fist.  And when fist does not work, use your brain.  And then use your brain to make the decision to use your sword.   That is the way of the demigod/ antibully.  

The only thing that stopped me from doing anything too drastic to anyone is that my mom would be disappointed.  So I kick them until they're down, and then I leave.  Don't kick someone while they're down, because that is not a fair fight.  Just kidding, among demigods, there is no such thing as a fair fight.  No maiming or killing is the only thing that governs our games. 

Is it bullying if you bully the bully who bullies disabled people?  I once saw Flash trip the blind kid.  And then I tripped him.  Karma doesn't work fast or good enough, and the best revenge is not living well, but sticking a dead fish in their locker.  I have not tried that one yet, but if Flash messes with us again, I will.  

I chill in the solitude for a while.  My arm looks a lot better, and I no longer have a headache.  Someone took the stitches out while I was asleep, I guess.  My wrist no longer throbs, either.  It's still in a cast though.  And by the door opening, I am no longer alone.  My guest is Olivia, which is great because I've been appreciating her for these past hours and now I miss her. 

"What's up!  Have you seen Will or Lia so they can free me from my prison here?", I say, once she's actually in lip-reading range.  Sign language on my part is impossible here because both my hands are in various stages of inoperable.  "I've been told that you're still stuck in here.  That my friend, is unfortunate.  I have no idea where Lia and Will are.", Olivia replies.

"Yep, rather unfortunate.  So, what do you think of camp?", I ask.  "I've been avoiding the climbing wall at all costs, but the rest of the place is great.  The Hecate cabin has a nice view of the lake.", she says.  Yeah, a severe burn would render sign language impossible.  Plus, we can't give ambrosia or nectar to mortals.  And if there's one thing that Olivia cannot stand in the slightest, it is not being able to communicate.  She was born not being able to hear.  That's what she told me, at least.  As for not talking, nobody knows.   With her, she could say "What's up!" out of the blue and I wouldn't be shocked. 

I am no doctor, I'm not even that smart when it come to human anatomy.  Do not take my advice.  On anything.  Like, ever.  I am usually a clueless idiot unless we are talking about random geology facts that nobody asked for.  Maybe she just never learned how to talk because she's never heard a human voice?  I ask her this. 

"Probably.  Nobody gave enough f*cks about me to ever teach me, and then it was too late.  I could probably learn, but not while I still live with my mother.  She doesn't tolerate a waste of time like that.  Waste of money, waste of life, failed kid.  I was wanted until dear old mom and her first husband found out I was defective.  Then they divorced because she cheated.  I speak with you today because I found out the weird movements that people did with their lips was something I could interpret."  That was her response.

What the actual- you know what, I'm not gonna continue.  I've said enough swear words that this would be rated R if it was a movie and not my actual life.  That is, if the violence from my dreams didn't do me in first.  She could legit walk up to someone and give them the verbal equivalent of the middle finger if given the training.   Someone please teach her, it would scare Flash so much.  His brain is too small to comprehend silent girl now talk.  I wonder what her voice would sound like?  Not to mention that her mom does not give enough fricks about her that she won't take the time out of her day to do something life-changing for her own daughter!  Olivia, you need a hug.   All the hugs. 

We hang out for a while, before she leaves to go to breakfast.  Not having anything better to do in here, I follow her.  I'm a bit unsteady from not walking for like six days, but it's okay.   I smell the pancakes from here.  "Hey, I'm back!", I yell.  "She has returned!", Alice yells back.  "Why'd you leave!", Will yells from the Apollo table.  "I was bored and there was breakfast!  You got a problem with that!", I yell back.  

He does not respond.  I continue eating my pancakes like a normal person.  If it weren't for this stupid cast on my wrist, today would be great.  "Hey, can this stupid thing finally come off?!", I yell to Will, pointing at my cast.  "Probably!  Stop by the infirmary on your way back from breakfast so I can take a look at it!", he yells back.

I don't know why, but breakfast is usually over so quickly. After I get this stupid cast off, I'll have to take a ride into the nearest town for some shopping. I'll take my dagger and shove it into my purse. I love wearing high heels out in public, but they're just not practical for fighting. I brought a couple skirts and sundresses here with me, because I like wearing them. I'm like, half tomboy, half girly. I do like wearing makeup sometimes, but it's not something I do every day.

I once found a dress that has pockets, and now I wear it a lot. Not in camp, because I don't want it to get ruined, but sometimes. I also like the camp shirts, they're comfy and they look kinda nice. I stop by my cabin to put on some mortal clothes. Just overalls and a lilac shirt. I don't wear camp shirts in the mortal world. I would look pretty if I cared enough about my appearance, but I don't. I like wearing nice clothes because it makes me feel nice. I usually have to be careful with makeup because some brands make my face break out more than usual.

After getting ready, I stop at the infirmary. Will's in there, which is great because this cast is itchy. "Okay, it should be healed enough now, with all the ambrosia and stuff, so we can probably take it off.", Will says, pulling out a saw blade. It looks like a saw, but it doesn't cut you. I know this from when I broke my leg last year. After a few minutes of cutting through it, the cast is finally off. I know, I've only been awake with it on for maybe a day.

"Well, thank you. I've gotta go buy a toy for Harley's birthday tomorrow.", I say. "Get something I can give to him, too! I completely forgot to get him something!", he adds. I leave, flagging down Argus to give me a ride to the nearest town. The camp van is pretty cool, if a little on the slow side. I'm at a town in twenty minutes. I don't know the town name, but I see a Walmart, and that will be perfect.

I walk in, get two Lego sets, a couple snacks, and leave. I don't make a big fuss out of shopping. I understand that some people like to shop, but I am not one of them. The ride back is uneventful, but we did pass some hellhounds. They followed us for a bit before we passed through the border. I head back to my cabin before wrapping both my present to him, and Will's.

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