Remember That Battle From My Dream A While Ago? It's Real.

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I don't own Percy Jackson or Avengers
Cassie POV

I get an early start to my day, pulling on a blue shirt and indigo shorts.  Pulling my hair back into a simple ponytail, I leave my room and venture into the kitchen.  Steve is making pancakes for Bucky, which I think is sweet.  I'm not in the mood for pancakes, I I climb the cabinets up to the ceiling to grab my secret stash of granola from the tile I hid it above, ignoring the bewildered faces of my coworkers.  I hide it there because Clint keeps stealing it.  My chocolate's up there too. 

I chill for a while with my granola.  I think I'll go swimming.  So, I hide my tasty granola back above the ceiling tile, and run to my room.  And since there is no such thing as modesty or bathing suit cover-ups in this Compound, I run to the gym in nothing but my bathing suit.  I jump into the pool, which is supposedly heated in the winter.  I do a couple laps like the pool's intended for, but then I just float on my giant flamingo raft that I left in the corner of the room. 

The pool is separate from the rest of the gym, partitioned off by a glass door.  Steve usually comes in there to use the treadmill, I wonder where he is?  Changing back into normal clothes, I venture into the main gym.  I don't want these guys to know I already know how to use a sword, since they would get suspicious, so  I've stayed away from the weapons entirely.  Natasha did teach me how to shoot a gun, though, but the firing range is separate from the gym. 

I'm terrible with strength exercises, but I excel at endurance.  I was on the school cross-country team, and we won first place once.  I have the trophy in my cabin back at camp.  I left a lot of stuff there that I should probably go back and get.  So, I get on Steve's favorite treadmill and start running.  I run for a while, maybe an hour or so.  I'm losing my edge.  I'll definitely be joining cross-country again next school year.  Jess does it with me, that's actually how we met in freshman year. 

We were at our first meet, and we were all running like idiots, but her and I hit it off.  And, while others dropped out of it after a while, we stayed in it.  Rachel and I knew each other way longer.  We met in elementary school, and we've been friends ever since.  Camila is by far the newest, because Jess only started dating her right before Christmas.  Olivia is second newest, we met her through Jess at the start of the school year.  

Lia and I go way back, we met when I was eleven and she was nine.  Same with Violet, except she was a year older.  Violet's birthday's coming up, so I'll stop by and say hello.  And she's been running out of paints, so I'll get her a new set.  I leave the gym after a while, and meet up with Peter. 

"You wanna go to the meme spot?", Peter asks.  The meme spot is a little hidden corner by the kitchen, and we've been chilling there for a week.  Sometimes we invite Wanda too, but it's usually me, him, and the funniest memes we can find.  Oh, and snacks.

We go to the meme spot, and we were just turning on our phones when Tony came in, looking a little embarrassed.  "Oh, hey Mr Stark!  Why are you in our meme spot?", Peter says.  Before my dad can reply, I say "Yeah, dad, go find another spot to chill. This one has been the meme corner for a solid week now!", I say. I've officially decided to call him Dad . He's earned it, and I was stupid for mistreating him earlier. His face lights up as he leaves.

Peter and I talk about things we want to do, before getting to the topic of Star Wars. I don't know much about it, but he wants a working lightsaber. I think that would be cool. We walk to the lab, eager to start notes. Sadly, we're stopped by Bruce, and Steve, who are apparently testing something else. Damn. We'll make the lightsabers later, I guess.

Tony walks in and explains everything, before turning the machine on. He looks around the world. How much danger is in Russia, for the god's sakes. And then I see Long Island. Kinda close yet kinda far from Camp Half-Blood. How did we miss whatever's going on there. I heard some talk of a new weapon being made by Leo, but I think that's not to be tested until next week. So what is this? Well, looks like we're finding out, since the Quinjet is out and prepared for battle.

My suit is on, and I mess around with CARA until it's time to go. I now know where the detaining cells are here, and where the vault where seized items from prisoners are taken is. I already know the vault code, from snooping in the lab. To be fair, I was looking for my pranks. CARA is useful.

We're in the air now, and I'm just messing around. Doing loops, diving and climbing, and generally goofing off. I also chant "MISSION! MISSION! MISSION!", at random intervals. As you can see, I am very excited for my first mission. We seem to be flying for only a few minutes, before we fly over camp. I wave down below, even though they probably can't see me. In the clearing, a giant megaballista stands. Like the one Leo was talking about. Oh, f*ck. I've just betrayed my own kind.

The people below haven't noticed us yet. Then, the thing fires, hitting my dad in the thruster. I cry out for him, but he falls, caught by Wanda. We fly down, everyone else thinking they've attacked. I know how oblivious these guys can be. They haven't attacked anyone. Tony, like an idiot, flew right into the line of fired at the exact wrong time. The battle starts, exactly like my dream. I do minimum effort, making sure all my blasts miss. I don't do many anyways, since they burn my hands. My canister of sleeping gas gets deliberately misfired.

The rest however, are fighting to detain. I guess it's because the Seven look young. Hazel could pass for 14, 13 if she really tried. Natasha knocks out Magnus, too slow to take out his sword. I guess the Norse guys came to watch. Bad choice. I can't do anything except watch, horrified. My two families, fighting. And if I join either side, I'm betraying someone. If I join the demigods, I'll be locked in the Raft along with them. If I join the Avengers, I'm betraying the people I've known and loved since I was eleven.

I almost cry at how unfair it really is. The Hulk has come out, Percy barely holding it back with water. Arion comes to Hazel's aid, and the two fly around the battlefield causing havoc. Nobody really wants to kill the Avengers. Except Annabeth and Blitzen the dwarf. They're definitely fighting to kill. Annabeth because she has more than one brain cell, and Blitzen because Hearthstone just got knocked out. Oof.

But both can't do much, their powers are only so strong. But Percy, he's doing some damage. A miniature hurricane forms around him, with water from a large stream that he's stepping in. Natasha is flung back, directly into Tony, slamming him to the ground once more. Most of everyone's sleeping gas has been misfired, thanks to a faulty delivery mechanism. Only Wanda and Peter have theirs left, and they seem reluctant to use it.

I do some damage here and there, to make it seem like I'm on the Avengers side. It hurts me so much to do it. I look at Hazel, who has dismounted Arion to fling gems at people. She's manipulated the Iron Man suit to do dances in the air, as Tony screams in horror. She's the first to fall to Captain America's shield, followed closely by Frank. His arrows did nothing, because all they have is Celestial Bronze. Their weapons can't do any damage.

Even Riptide can't do anything, not against Wanda's magic. A can of sleeping gas gets thrown into the air, shattered by her magic. We all take cover and hold our breaths, as demigod after demigod falls unconscious. I silently shed tears, tears for my friends being loaded into the Quinjet to be detained and later taken to the Raft. I must stop them. "Guys, I'll be back later. I gotta take some time to think.", I say. "Yeah, no problem. First mission is always the hardest.", Clint says.

I light travel to camp, after taking off my suit, to deliver the horrible news.

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