Aderthad (Reunion)

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Recap -
'Grandpa here I come...'

I continued the journey through The Shire to Bilbo Baggin's house it was long, and this was a maze-like town.

Finally reaching the little home around dusk, she knocked on the door not seeing the bell.

Gwaeneth was not prepared for what was inside at all...


* apostrophe in 'italics are thoughts'
- Example: 'I had no idea where to go now...'

* Bold asterisk symbol * symbols are a translation in Elvish.*
- Example: "Mae Govannen." *Well Met.*

* Italics without apostrophes give more emphasis it the word(s)
- Example: Run. Run!

* Dreams will be within Bold dash and asterisk symbols
- Example: -* She drempt of the night it happened. *-

* Memories will be italic and within bold colons ::
- Example: :: Gwaeneth remembered the day her father made her a sword. ::

* Time travel will be within Bold Tilde the wording will be italic ~
- Example: ~ she saw them. ~


The door opened, to reveal a small Hobbit with red curly hair, dressed in his robe. He looked quite stunned to see a being around the size of a Dwarf, but she wasn't a Dwarf.

"Good evening, you must be Bilbo Baggins, correct?"
"Y-Yes. I am. Please come in." Bilbo gestured towards the sitting room.
"I'm Gwaeneth." I spoke with a smile.
"Pleasure to meet you, Gwaeneth."
"If you don't mind me asking... What race are you?"
"Ah, I'm part Istari and Half Elf."
His eyes widened.
"Where can I set my things down? This ruck sack is getting rather heavy..."
"Right over there, by the cloak and Axe. "
I looked at the Axe, it was of Dwarven make.
"Thank you, Mr. Baggins."

I continued into the hobbit hole and heard eating, following the noise I saw a familiar face, one that I haven't seen since I was a child.
I smiled at the said Dwarf. "Hello, Dwalin."
The balding Dwarf looked up at me "Gwaeneth?" He asked, staring.
I couldn't help but smile. "That's me."
"You're a woman now." He spoke, shocked.
"Yes, people do tend to grow..."
"Why are we both here, may I ask?"
"You don't know yet you came?"
"Of course I did, my grandpa wanted my help."
Dwalin held that secret smile. He knew something.
"Soon, you will find out." He answered with a smirk.
I followed him into the sitting room.
Dwalin was best friends with Thorin, so it was only natural that I met him a few times, along with his brother.

A ring was heard. 'Bilbo has a doorbell?'
'I wonder who it is this time?'
"Balin, at your service." I heard.
"Good evening." Bilbo said, stunned that there was yet another person at his door.
"Yes. Yes, it is. Though I believe it might rain later." The voice spoke.
"Hm?" Bilbo answered.
"Am I late?"
"Late for what...?" Bilbo asked - I wondered the same thing.
Dwalin was holding a cookie jar upside down, trying to get at least one out of it.
The Dwarf at the door heard the noise.
"Oh! Ha, ha! Evening, brother." He greeted, walking into the room.
I stood off to the side, silently.
Dwalin chuckled and sat the jar down. "By my beard...You're shorter and wider than last we met."
I held in a chuckle.
"Wider, not shorter." He replied.
"Still sharp enough for the both of us." The Dwarf winked...before they grasped each other's shoulders and hit their heads together.
'Are you sure about that?' I silently wondered.

"Hello again, Balin." I said stepping out of 'hiding'.
His head turned around.
"Gwaeneth! What are you doing here?"
"Grandpa wanted my help, why I have no clue." I answered.
"It's nice to see you again after so many years."
"You too, lass. You too. I hope they've been kind to you - the Elves of Lothlórien."
"They were very kind, Balin. The Lady Galadriel helped with my powers, as did grandpa." I assured him.

"Uh, excuse me? Sorry, I hate to interrupt. But the thing is, I'm not entirely sure you're in the right house." Bilbo spoke, attempting to get their attention.

They then moved into the pantry 'oh no, here we go...'
"Have you eaten?" Dwalin asked us.
"No, not really. I was too busy escaping bandits, and hurrying to get here."
"It's not like I don't like visitors. I-I like visitors as much as the next Hobbit. But I do like to know them before they come, visiting." Bilbo once again attempted to talk to them.
Balin and Dwalin were raiding his pantry, I stood watching amused.
"What is this?" They asked each other looking at some cheese.
"I don't know."
"I think it's cheese. Gone blue." Balin spoke.
"It's riddled with mold." Dwalin, his brother said disgusted.
"Ugh." Was Balin's response.
I laughed. "It's blue cheese. I ate plenty of it in Lothlórien."
Dwalin tossed it over his shoulder.
"The thing is, I don't know any of you. Not in the slightest. I don't mean to be blunt, but I had to speak my mind. - I'm sorry."

"Ah..." Bilbo replied, before realising what Balin had said.
"Now, fill it up, brother, don't stint." Balin insisted.
"Do you want some, Gwaeneth?"
"Nah, not yet. The night is still young. Thank you Dwalin."

And the door bell rang... Again.

I followed Bilbo, curious on who else could possibly be coming?

I hid around the corner, careful not to be seen.

Bilbo whimpered.
My eyebrows furrowed.
'How many at the door?' I wondered.

"-And Kili."
"At your service." They spoke together.
My eyes widened, and my heart started to pound.
'Why is my heart pounding?'
I put my hood up. 'Maybe this will delay in them discovering who I am.' I thought with a smile. We loved playing tricks on each other. Why not another attempt?

"You must be Mr. Boggins!" Kili spoke, happily.
"Nope, you can't come in! You've come to the wrong house." Bilbo tried to shut the door on them.
Kili stopped him by putting a boot in the doorway.
I snickered and stepped out from where I was, "It's Baggins, actually."
He looked at me, curious. Clearly studying my face.
Fili helped push open the door further, and together they figured out who I was in no time.
Kili continued to look at my eyes.
"Gwen?" He asked, with a smile. Hurriedly pushing past Bilbo to hug me.
I lowered my hood.
"Hello Kili, I see that you've grown."
"As have you. You're a lady now."
I laughed. "So you've noticed."
Fili soon joined us, patting me on the shoulder. "It's nice to see you again Gwen. It's been hard without you. Too quiet."

Dwalin rounded the corner, "Fili, Kili give us a hand."
"Ah, Mr. Dwalin." Kili responded, clapping the dwarf on the shoulder.
"Come on, Gwen." He grabbed my hand and we followed them into the hallway.
We began to put together tables when another Ring was heard...

Bilbo was really fed-up. He was ranting about it "being some kind of clot-heads idea of a joke..." And wrenched open the door, to only have several dwarves fall on one another. I heard them complaining and Bilbo whisper "Gandalf..." like he should've known.

From then on, things got way out of hand....

So, I promised a friend I'd update tonight, January 29th at 1:47am. And here we are!
This chapter, actually deleted several paragraphs on me. (The ending.) Which, is what kept me from updating - days ago. 🙄
Edited: January 29th, 2020

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