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A/N: Taking place after TBT :)


While it was seven Trolls who sang, and seven Trolls who danced in synchronization upon the stage, it was the entire audience - Trolls, Islanders, and Bergens alike - who'd joined in the grand celebration. Vacay Island's sky was filled with song and fireworks, bursting in colorful showers of light that danced above their heads. Cheering and laughter erupted from everyone's mouths, and smiles graced their faces. By the end of their number, the newly rebanded - and expanded - BroZone was feeling a whole lot better than ever!

Poppy whooped, turning to her boyfriend with a grin from ear to ear. "I love you, Branch!"

"And I love you, Poppy," Branch told her right back.

Poppy giggled and, tugging him by the vest the way she'd done in Mount Rageous not too long ago, she let her eyes slip close and her lips press against his. It was another incredible kiss that made the pair feel like fireworks were bursting inside of them with how much happiness filled their hearts!

Needless to say, they weren't the only ones who were happy.

Floyd was reduced to tears once more at the sight of his fully-grown brother sharing such a special bond with the Pop Queen. John Dory clapped his hands, hollering support at Branch, while Bruce looked on at their youngest brother with approval.

Viva in the meantime was making her rounds with each of the brothers, absolutely filled with energy (even without the aid of a strawberry milkshake in her system!) giving them high-fives and enthusiastic pats on the back.

"We did a great job out there tonight, huh, fellow bandmate?" Viva teased, giggling and nudging Clay's side with her elbow when she got to him.

"Definitely," he agreed, beaming at her. He was glad to see Viva in much better spirits than she had been when he'd last seen her. That look on her face, one of broken trust and betrayal as he'd opened the gates of Putt Putt Village and escaped against her will, had been etched into the back of his mind for the remainder of their mission to rescue Floyd. It would be much better to simply not mention anything about it now, as it appeared that she'd moved on from it. But, Clay knew that the mature and responsible thing to do was to own up to what he'd done and aim to make up for it.

Clearing his throat, he said, "Hey, um, Veevs, I want you to know that I'm real, real sorry about, um... you know, what happened back in Putt Putt Village..." He winced, hoping she wouldn't react too badly.

"Oh, you mean when you totally backstabbed me, disobeying my direct orders, destroying my trust and possibly soiling the friendship we have forever?" She crossed her arms, her face serious, and raised an eyebrow as if daring him to deny.

Clay sighed, slowly lifting a hand up and hanging his head. "Guilty."

Viva humphed, raising a fist and almost making a move that looked as though she were going to give him a good sock to the jaw. He braced himself, shutting his eyes, but then was surprised to feel only a light, playful punch to the shoulder. When he reopened his eyes, confused, he saw her smirking.

"Clay, it's totally forgiven! Come on, you had to go save your brother. And, if it wasn't for what you did... I might've still been back in Putt Putt Village, hiding, instead of being here with my sister and you guys now!" Suddenly, she batted an eyelash and lowered her voice. "But, if you still feel like you wanna talk about it, we could do it over a milkshake... with two straws."

Clay paused, considering this. Wait a sec. But the only time you share a drink is when... "Hold on, you mean like a date?" he blurted, not believing his ears, and in need of the clarification.

"Well, I suppose you could call it an informal business meeting..." Viva shrugged, her smirk widening.

Clay put a hand up quickly. "Oh, no, no, I'm cool with calling it a date if you're cool with it."

Viva smiled. "Great!" Leaving him with a great big hug, she bounded off the stage, heading off to catch up some more with her father, King Peppy.

Clay blushed as he watched her go. He was so distracted gazing at the Putt Putt Queen that he startled when Bruce slung an arm around his shoulder.

"Nice going on that 'informal business meeting,'" he chuckled. "Now, I know you're gonna let me help you get yourself lookin' fresh for your girl, right?"

Clay smirked, liking the sound of Viva being called 'his girl,' and fist-bumped his bro. "I wouldn't ask anybody else!"

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