Morning Songs and Surprises

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A/N: An idea for how part 4 might start :3


Whenever there were Trolls, and a good mood in the air, there was always bound to be a song.

And, sure enough, there was.

Having just arrived from her home in Putt Putt Village, Viva prancing excitedly throughout Pop Village, appreciating the fresh, fun-filled atmosphere that her hometown provided that morning. Clay - her right-hand man and best friend - was right by her side, just as excited as she was, and joined in with the song she was singing.

"I got a feeling,

That tonight's gonna be a good night,

That tonight's gonna be a good night,

That tonight's gonna be a good, good night,

I got a feeling!"

It wasn't long before they saw the long, distinctive purple hair of Clay's older brother, Bruce. The Troll grooved his way into their path and also offered a tune.

"Oh, oh, sometimes I get a good feeling, yeah

I get a feeling that I never never never never had before, no no

I get a good feeling, yeah!"

He beamed when he saw his younger bro. "Yo, Clay!"

"Yo, Bruce!"

The brothers greeted each other with a series of fistbumps and claps that they so loved to do. "How've you been, man?" Clay asked.

"Oh, you know," Bruce said. "It's an islander's life for me! Wife and kids are good, looking forward to seeing their Uncle Clay again," he chuckled. Then, in a lower voice, he asked, "Any progress between the two of you?" He gestured to Viva behind his lime-green-haired brother.

"Bruce! I told you not to mention that!" he hissed urgently.

"Progress with what?" Viva asked curiously.

Clay blushed. "Nothing! Oh, hey, look, there's John Dory!"

He was right. John Dory was impossible to miss. Not only did he drive around in an enormous, friendly caterbus named Rhonda, but he himself had a very boisterous personality.

"Wake me up before you go-go

'Cause I'm not planning on going solo," he sang, "Wake me up before you go-go, ah, Take me dancing tonight, I wanna hit that high, yeah, yeah!!"

In his typical, physical manner, he swept his bros in for hugs, noogying their purple and lime-green heads.

"Hey, man, go easy on the hair!" Clay groaned after he was released.

John Dory glanced at the mop of messy locks and huffed. "Hmph! It's not like it'll matter anyway."

Viva was ecstatic. "We're almost all here!" she said, after doing a brief headcount to herself. "I think we're missing - "

"Floyd!" the bros suddenly cried, seeing the serene, magenta-haired Troll gracefully glide over to them, his voice sweet and soothing when he sang.

"My youth, my youth is yours

A truth so loud you can't ignore

My youth, my youth, my youth

My youth is yours...."

"Yay!" Viva shouted, giving him his greeting hug. "Now, that just leaves Branch and Poppy! Have you seen them, Floyd?"

"Actually, no," Floyd admitted.

"No? Bro, I thought you were roomies!" John Dory said, remembering how Floyd had shacked up with Branch in his bunker after the entire ordeal in Mount Rageous was over.

The Troll shrugged. "I guess he must have left before I woke up."

"Oh," Viva said, wondering what to do from here. She grinned when she saw a certain sparkly baby bounce by, rapping a song.

"Every time you see me

That Tiny's just so hype

I'm dope on the floor

And I'm magic on the mic

Now, why would I ever

Stop doing this?

With others making records

That just don't hit!"

"Tiny Diamond!" the Putt Putt Queen gushed. "Have you seen my sis and their bro?"

"Oh, you mean Uncle Branch and Auntie Poppy?" he asked, nodding his head. "I sure as heck did! I think they went off, um, this way! Come on!" He waved his glittery hand for her and the bros to follow. They scurried along behind him, and came across some bushes.

"I think it was just behind here!" he said, parting the leaves and calling out. "Hey, Uncle Branch! Aunt Poppy! Your siblings are here to see youEEEWWWWWW!" Tiny Diamond cut himself off, grossed out. "Cover your eyes, people! Cover your EYES!!"

Viva, Clay, Bruce, John Dory, and Clay all saw the reason why Tiny had reacted so, because what he had unveiled was indeed Poppy and Branch - and they were kissing!

"Oh!" Floyd blushed, and looked away to give them some space.

"WhoaHO!" John Dory exclaimed, grinning broadly.

"WOW!" Viva squealed, delighted to see her sister and her boyfriend so in love.

"Nice," Bruce and Clay said at the same time, fistbumping again.

"What's wrong with y'all? This is gross!" Tiny grumbled, and then to Poppy and Branch said, "Get a room!"

"Oh, hi guys!" Poppy greeted, her cheeks notably pinker than the rest of her.

Branch was not so cheerful as his girlfriend at having his romantic makeout session interrupted.

"Come on, guys... haven't you ever heard of privacy?!"


A/N: Songs used are "I Got a Feeling" by the Black Eyed Peas, "Good Feeling" by FloRida, "Wake Me Up Before You Go-Go" by Wham!, "YOUTH" by Troye Sivan, and "Can't Touch This" by MC Hammer :)

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