With You

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A/N: Suggested by happyqueenandgrumpydork on Tumblr :)

Think of it as a revamped version of the junior novel scene from the book 👍


"Wait, what?"

Poppy could hear the confusion in Branch's voice, as though his brother's words were unexpected, contrasting to what the blue Troll had believed the outcome of their journey would be.

When John Dory replied, it was terse, straight, and to the point. "What? The mission's the mission. You didn't think we'd all live together when this was over, did you? Singing songs, and roasting marshmallows..." The Troll then laughed, finding the scene he'd pictured flat-out ridiculous. Clearly, going separate ways was what he'd intended from the start. And, given that there was no pushback from the other two brothers, they agreed. There seemed to be amusement written on Clay and Bruce's faces, like they also found the idea too far-fetched.

But Branch wasn't amused. Poppy's brows furrowed in worry when an expression of hurt flashed across his face, before it switched to anger.

" Oh, I'm sorry, is that funny to you?" Branch snapped at John Dory. "That I might want us to actually be a family again?" Reaching into the inner pocket of his vest, he retrieved a piece of paper, sparing it a glance, and calling out to the front of the caterbus. "Tiny Diamond, pull over. Now ."

Rhonda lurched to a stop a few seconds later, the Trolls stumbling in an attempt to find their footing.

Bruce rolled his eyes in annoyance. "Don't be a baby, Branch."

Branch tensed, and whirled on him and Clay. "You're mad at him, " he started in, speaking of John Dory, "but you guys do the exact same thing to me . You all still treat me like the baby of the family. But guess what? I stopped being a baby the day you guys walked out on me! Cuz' I had to. Then Grandma got eaten and there was no one else to take care of me. This time, I'm walking out on you ." Without waiting for anybody to respond, he crumpled up the paper he was holding, tossed it on the floor, and stormed out of the bus without looking back.

Hesitantly, Poppy knelt down, unfolding the crinkled paper and smoothing it out so she could see. A child-like drawing met her eyes, with large, blocky letters, colorful stickers, and sparkly glitter. There was something awfully familiar about the design depicted. She'd seen this place before. "This is Branch's bunker," she said aloud. Suddenly, she realized something else. "He built it for you guys. "

Poppy's eyes were still fixed on the drawing, overcome with emotion at the deeper meaning unveiled, when John Dory spoke up again. This time, she could tell he was more subdued, a hint of guilt wavering in his tone. "I... didn't know..."

The Pop Queen solemnly glanced at him and the others, quietly replying. "I guess you never asked..." Then, she turned and exited the bus.

She had to find Branch.


Branch had already made some distance, and Poppy hurried herself to catch up with him. "Branch, wait!" she called. "Branch!" But the Troll continued to walk onward. "Where are you going?" she asked. Certainly he wasn't going to walk all the way back home , was he?

"To save Floyd. Alone, " he stated simply. "I didn't need them growing up, and I don't need them now."

Well, he may not need them , but he's sure as hair not getting rid of me.

Putting on a small burst of speed to cover the last few feet, she finally reached his side. But instead of the relief she'd anticipated seeing on his face, she was confused when he raised an eyebrow at her, puzzled. "What are you doing?"

"What do you mean? I'm coming with you."

Branch scoffed at that. "Why bother?" he spat bitterly. "Aren't you going to leave me eventually anyway? Everyone else does..."

Poppy stopped in her tracks, stunned beyond belief. Did I hear him correctly? She didn't think she did. He really, genuinely thought that she was going to leave him? That there were no other options in his fate aside from loneliness? That she was just there to have her fun while the getting was good and then hit the road? Branch had said plenty of things in the past that had been laced with pessimism and negativity. But this by far was one of the worst things she had heard. No, not one of them - it was the worst she had heard.

Stepping forward, she grabbed his hand firmly, finally bringing him to a halt. "I have been by your side from the moment we met, and you've been by mine," she reminded him, speaking slowly to give each word weight, "so let's give each other some credit here."

Just as slowly, Branch finally turned to face her, allowing her to see the shift in emotion on his face from something hard to something much softer. He let out a sigh. "Right. I'm sorry. Thank you." When he flashed her a little smile of gratitude she grinned right back.

"You're welcome." Poppy thought the thank you perhaps was a little unnecessary. Being there for him was just something that came along with them being together, and the love that they had for one another. But just to be absolutely certain he knew of her commitment, she spoke again, softly and sweetly, taking hold of his hand and gently running her thumb across the back of his knuckles in a sympathetic caress.

"And I'm not going anywhere. Unless it's with you . To save Floyd."

The Pop Queen felt her heart swell when her words finally seemed to get through to him. There was comfort in his features, in the way his blue eyes shone with gratitude and in the way his cheeks glowed with the smallest hint of a blush. She didn't deny him when he opened his arms out towards her, easily melting into the warmth of the much-needed embrace.

They broke apart only upon hearing the sound of a dinging bell. A tricycle was making its way down the path towards them, and Poppy beamed when she saw its rider.

"Tiny!" she cried, delighted. "You're coming, too?"

The small glittered Trolling shrugged his shoulders. "Eh, what can I say? I was moved by Branch's speech, and his sad, sad little drawing." He smirked and waved them over. "Now, let's roll!"

Giving Branch's hand one last affectionate squeeze, Poppy boarded the tricycle alongside him, the couple feeling a lot better about the rest of the journey, and pedaling towards the diamond-studded, glittering land of Mount Rageous.

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