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          I am alone. My campfire cracks every so often. Demonic spirits chant the whole night through. My red cloak and blond hair attracts them. They love them. A man with long horns, long teeth and a crooked head walks up to me.

         "Little girl, come with me. I am lonely. I have no one to call friend or family. Come join me, and together we will never be alone!" The man with horns paced around me. I dare not look into his eyes, for then I would have to do what he asks.

         "Leave me foul beast. May you never return and bother me no more. Lest you face your master."

         "Why force me to leave, I have brought you no harm, all I ask is to have a friend. But, very well, I shall take my leave, and never return again." And with that, he cast himself into the fire before me. The fire blew up in front of me in many a color, bust soon died down to a simple blaze. After a while, a new beast came to me. His head was covered in a cloak, but the rest was not left up to imagination. A long slimy tail twitched around.

         "Little girl, let me sit by thine fire. I am but a cold monster who wishes for warmth. Pray I might sit near you?" He crept closer. Closer. And closer still. His tail swishing and swoshing all the while.

         "Begone, foul beast! May you never return and ask for warmth. Lest you face your master."

         "Why, may I ask, can I not enjoy a basic need? Very well, I shall leave you, and your fire." And with that he melted, leaving only  his cloak. Soon after, another man walked over. This man had no eyes, just sockets with a green liquid oozing out. Where his nose should have been, was an empty void, filled with despair.  His mouth, however, had long sharp teeth, yellow in color. His skin was specked in blue dots, barely noticed on the skin. He had long talons, covered in a similar green ooze.

         "Little girl, please let me stay, for my home is far away. It will be for only tonight." His talons went near my neck, had I not spoke out, I may not be here.

         "Go home then, foul beast. May you never return and seek home. Lest you face your master."

        "Very well then, little girl. I will take haste in returning home." And with that he dispersed into the air. The Moon began to set, and with that the Sun began to rise. Before that, though. A demon approached me. He had a long serpentine body, with tentacles like a Kraken rising out of his back. His head had three eyes, all yellow with slits like a cat's.

        "Little girl, allow me to wear you cloak, for I have none of my own. I will take good care of it." He slithered close to me and reached out. The dawn was cracking through the trees and I stood up.

       "Find a cloak of your own, foul beast! For the dawn breaks through!" I thew off my cloak and hurled it to the ground with a mighty thud. The man tried to cover his face in terror, to no avail.

       "You, little girl, you are broke!" He screeched as light shined through him cracking and boiling his skin. "Please, put your cloak back on!" I watched him. I watched until he was no more. By night I was a pretty young girl. But by day I was so hideous that it killed men. I was broke.

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