Chapter 16: 'I KISSED YOU'

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It's been days, okay no months since I had that fight with Elsa and told Hayden to give it a chance with Merida and I feel like crap. I mean seriously I don't know what's wrong with me. Every time I go anywhere I see them having the time of their lives and for some reason it hurts. I know I made the right decision for both of them but it still kills me and I don't know why.

I was taking a stroll down the beach borderline and once I found a nice spot to relax to slumped myself down put on my goofy glasses and read my book. It was peaceful, hearing the waves crash against the soft golden sand what moved between my toes, the sun beaming down creating the warmth my body needs. "Oww.....HEY!" I got hit in the head by what looked like a ball, well actually a volleyball which was hard, really hard. I glared up at the person who thrown it, it was Merida. "Watch what you're doing red-head," I threatened her.

"Well I guess that's what you get for kissing my boyfriend at that party," I stood up and stared deep into her eyes since she didn't scare me "Listen here sister I didn't kiss him, he kissed me and it meant nothing because I feel nothing for him you got that," she rolled her eyes at me "Oh yeah then why did he tell me YOU kissed him," I was taken aback. Why, why would he say that?

"Excuse me, he said what?" I sounded agitated. "Oh yeah take that sister," she mocked me and walked away. Soon Hayden ran over to her to see if she was okay then his eyes diverted to me. I stared at him teary eyed and walked away without another glance. "ALLY, ALLY!" He called out my name. I didn't bother turning round until he pulled on my arm. "I kissed you huh, that's what you said, I kissed you," I argued at him.

His body moved slightly showing he was uncomfortable. "Look Ally-," I cut him off since I was so angry "No save it. Is this your way of starting over, you can forget it, I don't need you sympathy, I don't need you to be my friend, I don't need you!" I stormed off without another word leaving him there speechless without words.

<at back the dorm>

My head was buried in my pillow; tears were raining out of my eyes and wouldn't stop. I don't know why exactly I was crying, I guess it was just the fact that what he did hurt. I kissed him, how dare he say that! I took the picture of me and my parents out from my drawer and hugged it to my chest while leaning against the back of my bed. I hugged it close and watched tears fall onto my parents faces when I gazed at it.

"What's wrong with me? Why is it I always feel pain? Why is it I lose everyone?" I muttered to myself. Once I said that Phoenix and Kerri entered the room. I quickly rubbed away the tears and placed the image down on the bed and put on a fake smile "Hey guys what's up?" I started conversation but hearing the sadness still in my voice. "Ally what's wrong?" They both said in unison and came sat next to me on the bed which was now covered in tears.

Phoenix pulled me into her chest so I was lying against her while Kerri held my hands while I let the tears fall from my eyes again. "Hayden told Merida and the others that it was ME who kissed him at the beach party," Phoenix's and Kerri's eyes widened in shock "YOU DID WHAT!" They screamed at me, that was only when I remembered I never told them about the kiss we shared.

"Hayden kissed me to get at Merida, I never expected it but I enveloped in with it. But I then told him that he should give it a go with her and he nodded but then said that I kissed him instead of him kissing me," I buried my head in Phoenix's chest harder and screamed. "Why didn't you tell us, and that stupid bastard," Kerri responded. I lifted my head back up and replied "I didn't think it was important at the time," she rolled her eyes. "I am gonna kill that dude," she muttered "I'll join you!" Phoenix joined in. I stifled a laugh. "Thanks guys at least I know I will always have you."

We shared a hug while Kerri said "Always and Forever," I managed a smile curve on my lips. "Okay spill how was it?" Kerri jumped out of her skin. "Um excuse me?" I stuttered confused. "The kiss how was it? Did you enjoy it?" Phoenix chimed in and sat next to her. Great so now I was being interrogated. "Why does it matter it's not as if I love him and it will never happen again, so what's the point?" I questioned them back.

Kerri sighed and replied "That's not the point, okay so you don't like/love him that doesn't matter but how did you feel when he kissed you?" My shoulders started to curve and turn into a shrug until I cried "It felt amazing!"

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