Chapter 33: What Letter Ally?

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"What letter Ally?" I asked her. She wouldn't let her gaze reach my eyes. I bent down next to her and asked calmly again. "Ally what letter, it's alright you can tell me, you can tell us?" I grabbed her hands and let them cross through mine and her gaze finally met mine. I made my eyes go big to show I was pleading with worry. I needed to know. "It's nothing I made it up to scare her," she muttered.

I stood up and said angry "Well it didn't seem like it Ally you seemed pretty convincing to us and your face said it all so where is the letter," she scoffed at me and glared saying "I MADE IT UP HAYDEN!" I turned around in rage. "It was that paper that fell out your diary wasn't it, the paper you grabbed so fast not wanting me to see wasn't?" Kerri questioned. "No," Ally quickly replied. "Now that was obvious you're lying, you spoke to fast," I laughed at her.

Kerri wandered over to search Ally's things, Ally jumped off the bed once Kerri picked up the diary, I raced and grabbed her and pulled her back just like I did in the lunch hall. "Don't you dare," I ordered her. Again she started kicking me and screaming "PUT ME DOWN HAYDEN RIGHT NOW, YOU GUYS HAVE NO RIGHT LOOKING AT THAT!" she didn't stop and I just went with the kicking and screaming which didn't bother me one bit.

Kerri was scrolling through the book trying to find that letter. "Here it is," she exclaimed. She scanned through the letter reading every word for word. Eyes widening at the sight in what she was reading. Ally kept trying to get out my grasp but wasn't doing well at succeeding. "Um Hayden you might wanna read this...." Kerri trailed off.

I dropped Ally while Kerri chucked me the letter and made sure Ally wouldn't be able to get it even though she tried too. I read aloud:

Well looks like you live Ally Winters once again....Don't worry I will get you if it's the last thing I'll ever do. You take everything away from me.....Now I'm going to do the same to you. I guess there's a new name for you now 'The Lucky One' but not for long......Next time Ally Winters I will get you.....

Goodbye for now

I finished reading my eyes glared at Ally as she gave up and sat against the wall and hugged her knees in close and buried her head in them. "WHAT THE HELL ALLY? WHY WOULD YOU KEEP THIS FROM US?" I screamed at her. She looked up at me with this death glare and shouted back "OH MAYBE BECAUSE I KNEW THIS WAS HOW YOU WERE GONNA REACT!" I ran my finger through my hair and turned the other way.

"I should have told you, I wanted to, I really did...." she muttered. I turned back around at her "But you didn't..." I answered her back. "I'm sorry," she cried. She buried her head back into her knees and I could hear the tears come from her eyes. I went sat next to her and pulled her into me and wrapped my arms around as she let herself fall against me. I stroked my hand through her soft honey hair untangling the knots as I go.

"Ally you can't figure this out by yourself, someone is out to get you, you're in danger and you can't do this by yourself, understand..." I heard her sobs slow down as did her shaking. I felt her nod against my chest and I heard Kerri heave a sigh of relief. "Now come on we better get you cleaned up," I said to her as I lifted her off the bed and took her to the bathroom.

Once the blood was taken off her hands and I let her get changed into something else. I carried her back into bed and put the covers over her and go in on the other side. She pushed her weight up against my chest and I kissed her forehead and whispered "Goodnight Ally."

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