Chapter 37: After Everything......Why?

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My birthday was the best night of my entire life. I didn't know Hayden was capable of such a thing. But there we go I guess everyone if full of surprises. I was with Kerri and we were making our way towards our lesson when my view suddenly went dark and a voice whispered "Guess who," I laughed and turned around and fell into their grasp. "The one and only Hayden Haddock of course," he chuckled at my remark. "Where you heading angel?" he asked. I raised my eyebrow at him and answered "Where do you think?"

He pouted at me. "Why you giving me that look for?" I placed my hands on my hips while looking confused. "I wanna show you something...." I shook my head at him and laughed "Maybe later Hiccup or I'm gonna be late.....well me and Kerri will be," he nodded at my answer and I began walking away. I got pulled back and looked deep into those green eyes of his that I never got bored of. "Okay meet me at my dorm at 4:00 please," he pouted at me again. "Stop doing that it's not a good look on you......and yes I will be there," I laughed at him. I gave him a quick peck on the lips then me and Kerri made our way towards our lesson.

<after the lesson>

Well that was nothing new again. Waste of a lesson but then again will always be helpful in the future and for my exams. I was pretty warn out and I think Kerri was so I said "Wanna grab a coffee since we have nothing else to do?" she sighed in exhaustion and nodded and replied "Come on lets go," so we made our way down to the cafe by the beach. I ordered my usual cherry hot chocolate while Kerri ordered a latte and we sat in the pier looking out to the ocean watching the wave's crash against the shore border line.

"So how was that night with Hayden for your birthday?" Kerri started conversation with me. I put down my cup and replied "Kerri it was amazing you wouldn't believe what he did for me," she laughed "I could take a wild guess since I had to keep you away from him at all costs and from answering your questions," I shrugged my shoulders "Yeah true, but seriously it was the best night of my life. I forgot about everything and all my worries and just thought about him and me and all the good things," I smiled and took a sip out my drink.

"Well at least you've had a good day which I hope get damaged sooner than later," I and Kerri looked up to see Elsa, Roxy and Merida standing in our light. "Don't you guys ever give up, just leave us alone you stuck up bitches," I said confidently at them. "Looks like someone has found their voice," Elsa glared at me. "For your information I've had my voice towards you guys since the beginning so don't go pulling that card on me," They scoffed at me. "Well anyhow not staying long just saying enjoy your last chance of happiness while you still have it because we're not done," that was the last thing she said before turning away. So I mumbled "Yeah didn't think so...." Then we made our way back towards the college.

I got ready to go and meet Hiccup at his dorm like he wanted me to and show me whatever he wanted to show me. I bid farewell to Kerri and made my way towards the door. I suddenly got blocked by James. "Oh hey James how's it going?" he looked at me shocked and dumb-founded not knowing what to say. "Hey James you there?" I said while waving my hand in his face. "Um yeah, yeah I'm here your here to see Hayden right," he was stammering towards me and I nodded.

"Well you can't see him right now" He stumbled upon his words. "You'd better choose these next words wisely James, why can't I see him?" I challenged him. He was defeated you could see it in his eyes but also by the way he couldn't give an answer towards me. I barged past him and opened the door. As I entered the room I saw something I never wish I did ever see.

Hayden was kissing Merida......on the lips......passionately 

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