Chapter 47: The Full Image

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The first half of the dream was fully clear to me now, the rest it wasn't. The little girl who was obviously me, I watched being tickled and tackled to the floor again, a smile was spread across my face. I loved watching seeing how I was playing and having a laugh to what I could see clearly now was a boy. His eyes were cold blue, oceanic a little like mine and his smile was sweet and reassuring. I felt connected to him in some way in which I just couldn't figure. His slight shaggy hair that was slight white but with little honey-blonde streaks making its way through. It made him look so unique.

"Hehehehe stop it tickles," my little, delicate voice echoed through the dream, enveloping it's presence around in my brain. My smile curved brighter as the boy stopped and acted said. I couldn't help and laugh at his pout "________ I'm sorry I didn't mean to – Ahhh!!" the boy tackled the me to the ground so he was looking down on me like an angel that fell from the heavens and I was staring up at him and wasn't afraid but loving. Although something new happened during that moment. I said a name. That was never there before so why now.

"Alana come here," when we were both sat up and I crawled over to him and he held onto me tight and close while my head rested against him and I held onto his arms. "When are they coming back __________?" what was the boys name. All I could get was a faint muster of the name but I didn't help me one bit. "I don't know but we'll see them again," he said. I sighed and the dream blurred into the next one which was still blurred slightly, so all I did was sit and watch the disaster which I could hear and see a little.

I woke up suddenly again and like always sweating immensely. I shook my head and headed towards the bathroom. I locked the door and took a shower to wash away the sweat. I got out and found a new set of clothes and climbed back into bed. I hugged my knees tightly. I wanted to know so badly who that boy was, but I just couldn't figure it out. Neither could I with the relation I had with him. What was he to me? Close friend or something?

The weird part in all this in what I figured was that neither Elizabeth nor Annabelle was in the dream, it was always me and this boy nor in the blurry part of the dream their voices were never there, it was other peoples. I shook it off and went back to sleep and this time it was just completely dark.

<later that day>

"Look Hayden I get it, it was a dream but something is telling me that there is more to this than I'm letting on, little fragments are still missing," Me and Hayden were walking in the park because we both had a free period. "Ally, I'm not saying that, I just mean maybe you should give it a rest, you've been wondering about this ever since you had that first one, just let it go for once please."

I looked up at him and cried "I can't, not until I figure out what it means," he sighed in defeat. "So you talked to Jack I heard."

"Yeah I did."

"How was it?"

"Not sure really, what he was saying didn't make much sense so I kinda ignored half of it," I punched him in the shoulder lightly and he laughed "Hey what was that for?"

"He went to talk to his best friend and you ignored him, that's why." I shook my head and laughed. "Okay maybe I shouldn't have ignored him but trust me, it was really weird what he was saying, I don't it made any sense."

"Then maybe, knuckle head you should figure it out." I laughed at him. "What you up to tonight anyway?" he asked me. "I'm not sure I think me and Kerri are heading out to watch a movie or something it depends, until she gets a call back from her sister about her mom we might be staying in for the night."

"How is her mom?" I sighed "She isn't doing so great, they said they don't know if she can hold on much longer, cancer is such a pain." Hayden wrapped his arm around me as we were walking. "I know, I just wish Kerri didn't have to go through this, she doesn't deserve it and neither does her mother."

"Your right she doesn't. Come on lets head back." We headed back to my car and I drove back to the college. I kissed Hayden goodbye as we headed our separate ways. I opened the door to see Kerri curled up on her bed. "K-Kerri?" she looked up at me with teary eyes and shook her head "S-she didn't make it," and she burst into a flood load of tears. I ran at rapid speed over towards her bed.

I grabbed her gently and pulled her against me and held onto her close. "Kerri I am so, so sorry," he cries echoed through my shirt and held on tightly. I ran my hands through her hair soothingly. "She didn't deserve what happened to her, she shouldn't have gone yet," she muffled through my shirt. "I know, I know," I knock came from the door and standing in the middle was Jack. "I can come back later," I nodded.

But instead he came in and sat on the edge of the bed. "What happened?" he mouthed at me. "Her mom just died of cancer," I mouthed back. His head lowered and he placed his hand gently onto her back and rubbed gently. "Kerri I'm really sorry," he cried. My eyes widened in shock and I looked at him. "She's in a better place now, she's not hurting anymore, you'll see her again someday," my whole body froze.

I looked at him "What did you just say?" he looked at me confused "You'll see her again someday," I looked away and looked down at Kerri, that's what the boy said....

Hey guy sorry for updating in a while, I've been busy but I hope that you liked this chapter

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