Chapter 52: Why Did We Get That Funny Feeling?

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We let Ally and Kerri go to the movies in the end even though I still felt like it was a bad idea to be going. With all the events that have happened I just don't think it's best that they should be going the dark....even if it is just to watch a stupid movie at the cinema. Maybe I should have just gone with them to be on the safe side. Then again she'd say I was being stupid and overreacting about nothing.

I and James both wandered back our dorm and let the matter drop. I strolled over to my bed and just fell face first against it. "You gotta spend some time away from her mate, you do know that right?" James laughed at me. I turned my head to look at him and scoffed "I do know that James, I'm not dumb," then I let my face fall back into the pillow. "Why did you feel like something is going to happen tonight anyway?" He seemed curious.

I decided to sit and lean against the wall to talk properly with him. "Well...I'm not entirely sure if you want the truth, I mean you know sometimes you get that funny feeling in your stomach when you shouldn't be doing something or let someone else do something or even...well just anything....I have that feeling tonight and I mean with everything that's happened I just don't think that it is a good idea."

He sat there staring at me like a dumbass. "You know what James...don't worry about," I sighed. "I'm messing with ya mate, I do understand what you're on about, I just don't think it makes any sense to be perfectly honest..." he sighed also. "Neither do I mate." I slid slowly down the wall until my head landed my onto the pillow, but this time it wasn't face first. I heard James get out his laptop and say "Since their watching something, wanna watch something also." I nodded "Sure," I jumped off the bed and sat next to him and leant against the wall.

<later that night>

Now if you'd ask me, that was the most complete and utter boring movie I have ever watched in my entire life. Never watching that ever again. Geez what is James's taste nowadays. I think his head has been turned by Kerri. "Well that was interesting..." I lied and headed back to my bed. "You think so?" James commented shocked, "James, no offense but that was the worst movie I have ever watched in my entire life...worse choice you've ever made mate."

Luckily he wasn't paying attention to me instead he was on the phone to someone. "Oh hey Kerri...- Why are you calling me your dad?" after he said that I shot up straight from my bed and was interested in what was happening. "Oh um okay..." he started to make hand gestures towards me which I didn't understand until he mouthed 'Ally' and 'Phone'. I immediately started searching for my phone.

I couldn't find it anywhere, where the hell could it be? I started to hear a vibrate come from inside my pocket of my jeans and I rapidly pulled it out and spoke "What's wrong?!" on the other end of the phone you could tell that Ally was worried and that she was panicking "I think people are following us and I don't know who they are?"

Suddenly I started panicking "Okay hold on calm down, what do you mean people are following you?!" after I said that she explained what was happening "Ally where are you? Me and James are coming to get you!" before she could answer my question I could hear people in the background coming after them and I heard them start running "ALLY WHAT'S GOING ON?" and that was it, I couldn't hear anyone because the connection was lost.

I looked at James worried as hell. There was one person over the line I recognised....and that one person was going to pay!

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