Chapter 58: If Someone Says Sorry, Can You Forgive Them For What They've Done

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My eyes wander open back to the real world. I can't feel much, I can't move much either. All I can hear is this bleeping noise sitting next to me, voices far away from me which sound like little murmurs. I notice around me a room, with bare walls in front and all around me, the bleeping noise coming out from the machine testing my heart rate and examining my blood levels.

I can hear my breath slightly, it sounding uneasy, wavers from confusion, scared perhaps about what's happening, what did happen? "Hey it's okay, your okay," I tilt my head next to me and see Hayden holding my hand lightly making sure he wasn't hurting me, and the look in his eyes also wavered with worry for me. "H-Hayden..." I whimpered. "Yea..yea I'm here," he climbed up on the bed beside me and held me close.

I grasped hold of him tightly and buried my head within him and finally let the tears falls from within me as I couldn't hold them back any longer than I was holding onto them for. I felt his hand caresses through my hair and I could hear him faintly whispering to me, telling me I was going to be fine, everything is fine, he was here for me. I was calming down a little bit, but I knew I was never going to be the same again.

"How long have I been here?" I asked warily. "A few days...they weren't sure if you were going to make it, they said that you had lost a considerable amount of blood and that you were very weak." I dropped my head and faced down at my crossed hands around his arms feeling guilty about myself. This is all happened because of me, I gave him a heart attack thinking I wasn't coming back.

"What happened?" I couldn't help but ask, "After Roxie stapped you, you collapsed and fell to the ground, me, Jack and the ambulance came running to you, they got you to the hospital as soon as possible, the police got hold of Roxie and Merida along with her mother and whoever else made it out of the place who was working for them." I did smile a bit after that, knowing that they failed their plan and were now locked away.

"How did you find us so fast?" he laughed at me "Actually it was all Jack, he came back to the college and he told us everything and said we had to leave immediately and of course I wasn't going to deny that now was I," I laughed at his remark but then thought about what he said, "Wait Jack told you?" He looked down at me confused in why I would even ask that "Yea, he did how come you ask?" I shook my head. "No reason."

"Right now you get some rest, you've been through a lot," he kissed my forehead and left the room to leave me to rest. I slowly closed my eyes and let darkness drift me off into sleep. Something I can at least enjoy for once in my life.

//few hours later//

It was getting dark outside now and all I had was disgusting hospital food on my plate. "I'm not eating that," I told Hayden, he couldn't stop laughing at my reaction, "Okay; okay I'll go get you something else," he said while laughing while walking out the room, I chucked the bread at him as he left which hit him right in the head hard "Hey that hurt!!" he poked his head round the corner of the door, still laughing but more hard this time and left.

"You alright in here?" I looked up and saw Jack at the door, "Yea...yea I'm alright," that was all I could do to reply. "Alana..I need to talk to you," I gestured him into the room, I felt slightly awkward and I know that he did as well. "I should have told you, I wanted to, I really did, they made me make that deal and they said they would keep you safe but they didn't and I can't help but blame myself for what has happened...I know you won't ever forgive-"

I made him stop talking by grabbing hold of him and hugging him tightly while he did the same back to me. "I forgive you Jack, I'll always forgive you," I let go and looked at him "Just don't ever leave me again," he laughed "I won't, I promise," we held onto each other tightly again and didn't let go.

I guess we have a lot of brother and sister bonding to catch up on. 

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