Chapter 8: You Sneaky Little....

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Well that day was over and done with and didn't see the jerk named Hayden once. Thank gods, is all I can say. Well I didn't have much homework just a little essay for Film studies that was it which I can start later. So I decided to go pay Phoenix a visit since I haven't seen her for a while.

What room was it again? I kept asking myself as I was scanning the hallway. Room 15, 16, ah here it is room 17. I knocked lightly on the wooden door to come face to face with a girl with long brown hair which went down to her chest, she was wearing dark eyeliner and dark lipstick with a white crop top and a mini black skirt. "Hey, can I help you?" she asked politely I took a deep breath and said "Um yeah I was wondering is there a girl in there called Phoenix by any chance," she smiled and called "Hey Phoenix your friend's here to see ya," she turned back to me and said "Oh yeah I'm Alexia by the way," she held out her to hand for me to shake and I took it while replying "I'm Alana but call me Ally or Astrid," she smiled nodded and let me inside.

I went inside to find her leant up against the wall with headphones attached to her head. I laughed and sat next to her whacking them off her head and said "Hey stranger," she laughed "Hey haven't seen you in a while." "Exactly that's why I came, I was thinking that maybe we can hang out for a little while," she smiled sure just let me grab my things. She grabbed her patchy looking bag stuffing her headphones in along with her phone and said "Ready," I smiled and headed for the door.

We headed for the cafe down the road from the college. It was the cafe which most of the students went to, to be honest. Today it was quite peaceful within the area from the last time Kerri brought me down here the first day after classes. We landed at the counter; I ordered a cherry hot chocolate while Phoenix ordered a latte. We always like to watch the sun set and because we were right next to a beach we sat outside the cafe to watch the sun melt into the sea. It was the most beautiful thing I had ever seen.

"So how are you enjoying the new college?" I asked her, she sighed and said "Well it's not like our old one but yeah it's still good I guess. How about you?" she asked me. "Well in actual fact I actually quite like it here although I believe I may have a stalker on my case I believe it's really nice here," she spat her drink back into her cup and said "Stalker, what the hell Ally," I laughed.

"Well he's not really a stalker-," cut off by her "It's a he," she sounded surprised "Haha yes now pay attention I crashed into him in the hallway and then I saw him looking at me in the lunch hall, next thing I know he's in my bed in the morning," She smashed her cup onto the table lucky it didn't break but she goes "He was in your bed," I laughed but with the look on her face she was more concerned than finding it funny. "What I got him out straight away," she sighed and said "Well that's the main point."

"Ah would you like who it, little miss angry pants," the sun was shining on my but suddenly got blocked by the none other but Hayden Haddock himself. "Oh and isn't it the one who was in my bed this morning," he laughed. "Anyway what do you want?" I asked irritated with him. "Nothing, can't a normal guy just come with his mates to get a cup of coffee," if he was trying to me sarcastic it's not working. "Hmmm guess so," "Well see you around feisty pants," with that he and his friends left me and Phoenix in peace.

Me and Phoenix finished up our drinks and headed back for the college; she nudges my shoulder with hers and asks "Was that him?" "Was what him?" I asked back. "Is that your so called 'Stalker'" Ah right now I get her I just nod my head in return for my answer. "Well he's kind of cute," I look at her and said "Yeah I guess if you like that big bad boy behaviour type of guy then sure why not," we both chuckled and departed ways back to our dorms.

"Hey there you are wondered where you ran off to?" it was Kerri. "Oh yeah sorry forget to leave a note, just went to the cafe with my friend Phoenix," I told her. She smiled and asked "Is that the girl you've known since childhood," I nodded. I fell onto my bed and rested my eyes until I saw something out of my coat pocket. I take the piece of paper out my pocket and read what it says. "What's that?" Kerri comes and slops herself next to me and reads what's on the paper. "Wow," I sigh but with a little laugh included, "That sneaky little ass," I pushed myself off the bed at full force and stormed out the door with my hair flying behind me.

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