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Draco lounged on the couch, his face buried in a book. "Harry," he called idly, "How did you hide it?"
"Hide what?" Harry momentarily looked up, pausing in the middle of playing with Draco's soft golden curls, as he lay on his lap. Draco rolled his eyes, putting down his book. "Your knowledge, Potter- How the hell did you hide it from Granger and Weasley? Especially Granger- you could give her a good run for her money on knowledge and magic, you know?"

Harry laughed shortly. "Easy, Draco. Just play the fool- Hermione was too caught up in her own knowledge to notice, and Ron didn't care. It was easier to study at night, when neither of them were awake- and I couldn't sleep. Or I'd make "Quidditch practices", and I'd practice in the library."

Draco smiled, shaking his head. " A Slytherin through and through, I suppose. But why hide it?"
Harry fell silent for a while. Concerned, Draco looked up- "I'm sorry- too soon?"

He smiled sadly, his glasses slipping off the crook of his nose. "No, it's okay... In first year, I really thought I could trust them- but every time I talked about something or challenged Hermione, she looked at me nastily and always shut me down. In the end, I decided it'd be a better idea to shut up. And Ron... he just followed Hermione. If either of them knew how much I knew, they'd treat me more like a threat instead of a friend- especially Hermione- You saw what happened, didn't you?" He did. Watched as Granger publicly berated Harry as an idiot after they were revealed. He could still remember the bite and brunt of the mudblood's words after, and the fury in her eyes as she turned on Harry, with the Weasel not far behind. Harry was inconsolable for days after, and not even Draco had been able to coax him out of his slump, at least not until he got permission to bring him to the Malfoy Library- where they'd both spend hours devouring and discussing books. Harry sighed.

"Magic blocks helped too, I suppose." This time, Draco shot up, his grey eyes alert and furious. He looked better, healthier than he'd been before- the colour in his cheeks finally returned, and he wasn't as skeletal as he'd been before- Harry marvelled at the sight of him, of what time could and had done to him- to the both of them. "Magic what! Harry James Potter! You better explain yourself properly."

"Another sheepish look crossed Harry's face. "Magic Blocks, Malfoy. Dumbledore had magic blocks placed on me up until fourth year." Their first year together. Draco's face blanched with fury, and Harry couldn't help but flinch. "How many percent?"
"About 70%. It wasn't that bad-" Harry replied placatingly, before being rudely interrupted.

"70%! Harry James Potter! It was a miracle you didn't become a Squib- how the hell could you even do magic with that block? " Draco shouted in disbelief. "That old bat- he must have gone crazy! He's lucky he's dead now, or I'd put him through the torture chamber- and mind you, I've exquisite plans on how to torment him. "
Harry smiled weakly," Remind me never to get on your bad side. It wasn't all that bad- I didn't even realize I had a block until Fifth year, and broke it."

Slowly, Draco put the pieces together, understanding diffusing into his eyes. "Magical oppression causes physical stunts- that's why you shot up so quickly in fifth year- and why you easily overpowered Granger when she tried to kill you- and why your magic is...heavier now. Stronger, I suppose- I couldn't sense as much of your magic signature on spells last time, and now there's no way I can confuse it with anything else."

Harry smiled fondly, pulling Malfoy closer to his chest. Releasing some of his magic, he tried to soothe the agitated Malfoy. "Mm- calm down, Draco. No point getting worked up anymore. "

"But they hurt you! " Draco petulantly responded, "They endangered you- but if you were as powerful as a normal wizard on 30% of your magic, do you reckon you're more powerful than Merlin himself?"
Harry chuckled. Of course Draco would focus on that. "Probably not, Draco. But at least it means I don't have to worry about being a useless wizard."

Draco burrowed further into his chest, savouring his warmth. "Yeah, you're right. And I think we better get to sleep."
Harry nodded, snapping his fingers. The lights extinguished, and the both of them nodded off to sleep, wrapped in each other's embrace.

Two will come to find each other,
Both in cunning, one more so than most.
There will be a snake in lion's clothing,
And he will learn the most.
At first the two shall dwell apart,
In the dark shall there be a spark.
Once ignited, will always burn,
Even as the Dark returns.
It will outlast both Dark and Light,
To fight for their Freedom's right.
Once defeated, both be gone,
Let them rest, and find their warmth.
They will find love in ways unspoken, in the end there is no omen

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