15 - fifteen

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"Give me your miraculous and I'll tell you everything I know."

Chat Noir stood there, shocked at the deal she had come up with. Of course, she's after my miraculous because she isn't in her right mind anymore.

But what should I do? I really want to know what happened to her.

"I'm afraid I can't do that," He looked down after earning a glare from Marinette. "Because someone always told me that the miraculous was important, and I can't release my identity to you like this."

Marinette huffed then smirked. "I guess you aren't getting the answers you wished to get."

"Marinette, wait!" Chat Noir grabbed her arm. "If you tell me, I promise to be by your side no matter what I'll help you."

"Pfft, help me?!" Marinette slapped his hand away. "Says the one that made my life horrible, spreading rumours about me, hating on me!"

"W-what? When did I even do that?" Chat Noir frowned.

"Pretending not to remember?" Marinette started walking away. "I thought you would!"

Chat Noir frowned at her words, but he wasn't letting her get away so easily. He ran up to her and grabbed her arm again. "What's so hard about telling me what happened?" He urged. She didn't look too pleased as she slapped his hands aways again.

"Leave me alone! I'll do it! I'll defeat you all, all those who wronged me, all those who went against me!"

"No one ever went against you, Marinette," Chat Noir yelled. "They all loved you, admired you. Everyone wanted to be close to you and they took every chances they got. You were always surrounded by those who admired you and wanted to get close to you. Please listen to me, Marinette! Everyone used to love you, but you've changed so much that they're afriad of you. Your friends are working so hard to get you back. To get the real Marinette back. Don't make it so hard for them."

Marinette blinked at his words. Some part of her wanted to believe him, and she would have, until another voice came inside her head. That voice told her Chat was lying, and was only trying to get her on his side to break her twice. That voice told her that if she rook another step towards Chat, it would be over for her.

And with that voice in her head, she took off, running away from him, as far as possible. Chat Noir just stood there, watching her run, wondering if there was anyway to bring her back.


"You're back," Lila exclaimed as she stood up. "Finally."

"Lila, we're great friends, aren't we?" Marinette got closer to her, and Lila nodded. "Then tell me the truth! Is it true that my friends really abandoned me? Is it true that Chat Noir went behind my back?!"

Lila looked down, then back up at Marinette. "Marinette, listen. I'll tell you everything from how I remebered it. Come sit and let me explain."

Marinette nodded and sat beside her. Lila took in a huge breath, as if the story was hard to get out. She then faced Marinette. "Listen, what I'm about to tell you is 100% true, so you have to believe me." Marinette nodded again.

Lila started. "When I saw you, you were getting beat up. I watched from a corner. People spat at you, called you names and whatnot. I felt really bad because I was dealing witht e same thing. I was aboutnto walk over to you, but then Chatr showed up. I felt really hopeful, because I  thought he was going to stand up for you, seeing as you two were partners, but no. He did absolutely the opposite of that."

Lila could see Marinette clenching her fists, boiling with anger, so she continued. "Once I found you lying on the ground, all alone. As people walked by, they either stepped on you or laughed at you. When no one was looking, I took you away from them. I dragged you here so that you could be away from those horrible people."

"But on the way to here, you got into a car crash. I would have gotten hit, but you decided to save me, to push me away and get hit instead. You told me that was what a superhero should do; save others, no matter how bad they are. I was davastated. I cried to the others for help, but no one would help me. I had to carry you all the way to the hospital myself, but it was worth it."

"I was really glad you made it alive, but one problem occured; you lots your memories. I though, maybe that was good for you, so you wouldn't have to remember all the horrible things people did to you. When you wer patched up, I took you here, and this is where we've been staying. I met Hawk Moth a while after I brought you in. He said he would help us get revenge, so I accepted his offer, and that's what we're trying to do now."

"Marinette, you have to defeat Chat, and get his miraculous. With your miraculos and his, we can be able to rule Paris. We can be able to punish those who betrayed us. So, are you in?"

Marinette looked down at Lila's hand, which was offering her to join her. Finally she nodded and placed her hand on Lila's.

What they didn't notice, was the boy, who was hiding behind a bush, listening and recording all their conversations.

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