6- Six

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Cat Noir watched as she ran, frowning. But he had seen a red something drop out of her hand, and he looked down.

Bending down, he picked up the kwami. She wasn't moving, but he could still feel that it was breathing.

Then his eyes went wide. He didn't had time to run over the fact that all these times, Marinette had been Ladybug. Instead he realized that Marinette had literally just ran away from him.

What is wrong with her? She does realize I'm Cat Noir right? Because, no one runs away from Cat Noir.

Hmm, this is a kwami. Plagg is a kwami. Maybe he can help tell me what is wrong with this ladybug kwami.

But should I go after Marinette first? I mean, I need to find out why she ran away...

Ah, what do I do?!


Finally she stopped.

Wait- Why did she even run away in the first place?

Marinette took a seat on the hard ground. She had ran away because Lila had warned her of Cat Noir. If Cat Noir hated Ladybug and spread rumors about her, then he must have hated her as Marinette as well.

It was then that she realized her hands were empty. She looked around, searching to see if she had dropped Tikki anywhere. How could she had been so careless?!

"Ugh! Cat Noir must have taken Tikki!" She finally decided. "He must have been able to find out that I'm Ladybug-well, at least was Ladybug.

"If he hates me so much, he might try to hurt Tikki. I need to save her. But how?"

Maybe Lila hadn't been completely wrong about what she had said. But that didn't mean Marinette was going to give up on making her a suspicious one.

"Marinette, there you are?!" Suddenly Lila appeared out of nowhere. She took Marinette's hand and glared at her. "How could you?!"

"What are you talking about?" Marinette seemed slightly confused.

"Hawk Moth wasn't so sure about you facing Cat Noir, which I can see he's right about," Lila rolled her eyes. "So he sent me to follow you."

If Hawk Moth sent Lila to follow me, then that means she saw everything that happened. Somehow this is not good.

"How could you just leave Tikki behind?! How could you run away from Cat Noir like that?!" Lila growled. "What are your plans? How are you going to defeat your enemies?!"

Marinette bit her lip. Lila was right. She wasn't doing so good, but that didn't mean she was going to give up.

"I have a plan!" She glared back at Lila. "Stop trying to act like the smart one here, Lila! I have a plan that is going to work."

I know Cat Noir is the way I can get my revenge. All I have to do-

"Well, then let's hope you're not going to fail this time!" Lila huffed, turned and started walking away.

"Lila," Marinette stopped her. Something didn't feel right.

"What?!" Lila turned back to her.

"Please stop following me!"


"Glad I managed to sneak in some cookies. Did you see how good I was, Plagg?" Adrien asked as he shut his bedroom door.

Plagg rolled his eyes. "You got cookies for Tikki, but I don't see any cheese for me. What is wrong with you?!"

Adrien sighed and walked over to his bed, where the poor kwami was being laid. "So her name is Tikki huh?"

"I'm surprised that you're not surprised that Marinette is your crush," Plagg laughed. "Turns out the one you like is the one you've been calling just a friend!"

"Plagg, shut up!" Adrien warned. "I am surprised. But I want to focus on Tikki here. I have some ideas. What if Marinette ran away to find a cure that would heal Tikki?"

"That makes sense, seeing that Tikki isn't moving around, nor is she eating," Plagg nodded. "Please Adrien, if Marinette wasn't able to do it, you have to."

"Aww, are you worrying about her, Plagg?" Adrien chuckled. "Seems like you really care about ladies."

"Okay, let's focus here! Besides, Tikki is my friend. Of course I care for her."

Adrien frowned. "Now who's doing the friend treatment?"

"Shut up!" Plagg huffed. "Try feeding Tikki again and see if she will wake up."

Adrien tried again, bringing the cookie to the kwami's lips, but Tikki made no movement.

Worries filled the room as Adrien and Plagg looked at each other.

"What do you think is wrong with her?" Plagg asked quietly, which shocked Adrien as Plagg was always loud. "Nothing like this has ever happened. What is going on?"

"Plagg, I assure you. We're going to fix Tikki," Adrien smiled. "But perhaps we should maybe find Marinette and see what is wrong with her?"

Plagg nodded. "Maybe she can fix Tikki, after all Tikki is her kwami."

Adrien nodded. He was about to stand up when a knock came on his door.

"Adrien, I've heard enough. Open up!"

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