9- Nine

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It's her again...

Cat Noir looked down from the building, staring at the figure that was walking around. He could tell it was her. A piece of her bluenette hair was showing.

Should I confront her? Should i just walk away? Maybe I should just stick to the plan...

But I want to know so bad...

His feet dragged him down from the building. I want to know so bad who made her this way and why.

He tapped on her shoulder and she quickly turned around, her hoodie falling off.

Marinette gasped. "Ugh! It's you! You... It was you who started all this. I'll make you pay!"

Cat Noir frowned. "What?"

"Give me back my kwami!" Marinette demanded. "I dropped her and I know you took her. What have you done to her?!"

It was then that Cat Noir could see. Even though all the hatred she suddenly had on them, she still cared. Well, for her kwami at least. But she cared.

Tikki was her weakness.

"No," He didn't know what he was doing, but he went along with it anyway. "I can't give you your kwami back."

Marinette stopped, turn she stomped her foot. "I knew it. She was right after all! You hate me so much. You steal my kwami and don't want to give her back to me!"

"I didn't steal your kwami," Cat Noir exclaimed, trying to make it sound so true, but with the way he wasn't giving Tikki back to her did look like stealing. "And I don't hate you!"

Marinette yelled. "Liar! You all are just liars! Just because I don't remember anything, you all want to take advantage of that. You want me to believe lies! Well I won't!"

"Marinette, I don't know what you're talking about." Cat Noir look scared with the way Marinette was acting all crazy. She'd never been like this before. "And besides, why would I steal your kwami when I've got mine."

Marinette froze, then a small grin tugged on her lips. "Of course you wouldn't."

She laughed. Cat Noir had just given her a plan. A whole new plan that was going to work. It was sure to work right?

She huffed and stayed walking away, but Cat Noir grabbed her wrist.

"Marinette, won't you sit and properly tell me what's going on?" He begged, not letting go of her wrist.

Marinette lost her grin, pretending to think, then she smiled. "You're right, I'm sorry. Let's take a seat and talk this over."

"Really?" Cat Noir couldn't believe it, but he nodded and walked with her to a bench.

"Well, I was returning home from something I was doing," Marinette began. "And turn suddenly someone kidnapped me."

Cat Noir gasped. "So you've been kidnapped all these times? But what's making you acting so weird. I want my princess back!"

Marinette frowned. Did he just call her his princess?!

"Well, anyway. I tried so hard to escape them, but they didn't. Instead they threatened me, and told me to pretend that I didn't know anything." She sighed. "They forced me to pretend I didn't even know my own name. They almost even got me to change me name, but I refused."

"Marinette, that's horrible. Who are these people? Let me deal with them!" Cat Noir growled, wanting to stand up but Marinette pulling him back down.

"Listen, I was forced to believe a lot of lies so that's why I've been acting weird. The people that kidnapped me threatened my family and friends, and I didn't want anyone to hurt them." She looked down. "Please tell everyone this. Tell them that they all mean so much to me and that I mean no harm."

"Marinette, if you show me these people, I'm sure I can deal with the," Cat Noir argued again, but Marinette shook her head.

"No, they're very dangerous. I don't want anything to happen to you. You mean very much to me."


"I'll be leaving now." She stood up, pulled up her hoodie and started walking away. When she looked back, she saw Cat Noir deep in thought.

Oh so he believed it. Well that was very easy. Guess he trusts his princess very much.

Well we'll see how much you'll trust me after you see what I've got in store for you all betrayers!

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